Monday 6 December 2010

government plans to evict brian haw from parliament square are simply bad-manners

out of respect for the millions of middle-eastern civilian dead, i daresay that brian haw (the stubborn peace-protester who has been encamped opposite the houses of parliament since the nato invasion of afghanistan in 2001) would probably not regard his stance of non-movement as a 'success', yet his actions have undoubtedly helped break-the-back of public opinion with regard to our government's futile and pernicious wars of occupation-cum-exploitation in iraq, afghanistan and pakistan...

...and as any decent snooker player should never interrupt an opponent (by conceding the game) whilst he is compiling a winning 'break''s not considered good etiquette...and certainly not commensurate with the conduct of a gentleman...

...but david cameron, boris johnson, and nick clegg are not gentlemen...and home secretary, theresa may, is no lady...because they and their gang fully intend to steam-roller new laws through parliament with the sole aim of booting mr haw and his tiny band of co-campers from their pitch before signalling the inevitable withdrawal of beleaguered british troops from the war-zone.

our politicians are not only (war) criminals...but also uncouth yobs - they have no respect for the moral determination of the citizens who form our democracy...they dishonour the memory of all those service-men and -women whom they have sent to their untimely deaths...and they defecate upon the souls of those innocent foreign families whom they have had slaughtered in the name of cheap...crude...oil.

1 comment:

jimmy sleight (justice of the ps 'n qs) said...

yeah...down in sarf london we 'ave special local bye-laws to 'regulate' that sorta transgression...cunts like cameron should listen-up...put it this involves a cue-stick, a black-ball, a 'back-pocket'' a 'ighly embarrassin' visit to the local nhs accident 'n emergency department...

...followin' thru' with the cue is also customary in some manors...