Friday, 24 January 2020

clipped words:

right-of-passage for europeans flipside of sea-green graveyard for africans

ignorantly deleted by neo-colonial euro-centric cunts in february 2019 - but now finally re-presented for your eternal eclectic edification - here-below is another of my comments upon the hackney citizen article entitled ‘corbyn before country’: council slammed for people’s vote ‘fudge’ as it prepares to ‘firmly reject’ no-deal brexit:

"it's now abominably evident that the neo-colonial european empire has considerably less regard for the lives of refugees than does mexican-wall-mad president trump.
i also understand that, in the event of a 'no-deal'-brexit, the european empire will insist on the ideological establishment of a hard-eu-border between the republic of ireland and northern ireland.
when, in accordance with its stated core-principle of freedom-of-movement, will the european empire place the preservation of - non-white - human-life above its own ultra-racist-and-protectionist ideology?"

through their obsessive thirst for blood-minerals - and for the wrongly derived white-hot-wealth which drips delinquently down from those 'civilization'-subsidizing rocks - eu-supporting neo-colonialists, who, since the post-world-war fall-of-empire, have been worming themselves voraciously into the comfy core-value-accommodation of western establishment-positions, are, without doubt, morally responsible for the genocide of many millions in africa, and a further multitude in the middle-east.

billed by franklin "four freedoms" roosevelt as the social democratic sticking-plaster for a dangerously war-prone-europe - the conflicted character of which he himself had personally and perversely fostered - the european union is actually the spiritual home of white racism - and i sincerely doubt whether black people are even allowed to clean the bloody bogs in its brussels-hq.

the eu's sole political purpose is to ensure the economic exploitation of africa and the middle-east, via textbook neo-colonial oppression; fulfilling the rôle of american accessory- or client-empire, the european union exists as an ideological cia-construct - a para-militarized parasitic oil-rig, sucking africa dry not only of minerals, but also of human resources, and black-blood, spilt in dirt-cheap, and unholy, white-sacrifice.

the eu is the bastard-progeny of the british empire and guilty of the same crimes-against-humanity; following in the slaughterous slave-trading footsteps of the royal africa company, the eu exists to licence the unchecked participation of europe's merchant-élite in the blood-mineral-trade, and in any inevitably associated genocide required to facilitate such crimson-edged commerce.

the eu-customs-union is nothing but a neo-colonial weapon of expedient economic oppression against africa and the middle-east - no wonder therefore that the customs-union has been so cynically supported by the fascist deniers-'n-destroyers of democracy in the sold-out british labour party, and by fashionable 'left'-wingers in the pseudo-socialist establishment, all of whom, in desperation to protect their own unethical middle-class interests, have been deep-harbouring a distasteful desire to arrogantly abrogate due democratic process, and in so doing, deny common british people their historic right to reject institutional immorality-and-corruption-euro-style.

only nasty nest-feathering neo-imperialists and bent bourgeois businessmen backed the feverish fascistic fantasy of staging a second eu-membership-referendum before having bothered to action the result of the first - anti-democratically wishing thereby to fraudulently force british people to remain sickly sequestered within the neo-colonial eu-empire of economic extortion and ethnic extermination.

without even the notional voice of democracy, what political insurance would black people, minority groups, and the socially disenfranchized members of our demeaned minimum-wage-workforce really possess in the effectively unregulated eu-exploitation-colony of groundhog-britain?


the guardian:

the parliament magazine:



the unz review: an alternative media selection:

e-international relations:


spooky soros-snow-job said...

data sourced from the george soros funded european network against racism is quoted in several of the linked articles on this blog-post, yet why has it taken over 20 years for this so-called non-governmental organization to notice that brussels and the eu are 'so white'?

moreover, aside from networking extensively with the muslim brotherhood for over 20 years, what has this ineffectual cia-associated non-entity actually been up to?

tommy gobbyscum said...

"the eu-customs-union is nothing but a neo-colonial weapon of expedient economic oppression against africa and the middle-east - no wonder therefore that the customs-union has been so cynically supported by the fascist deniers-'n-destroyers of democracy in the sold-out british labour party, and by fashionable 'left'-wingers in the pseudo-socialist establishment, all of whom, in desperation to protect their own unethical middle-class interests, have been deep-harbouring a distasteful desire to arrogantly abrogate due democratic process, and in so doing, deny common british people their historic right to reject institutional immorality-and-corruption-euro-style."

that's right:

you see, under tony blair, 'the left' became the british establishment, and then, in its unholy lust for super-centralized power and insidious social-control, moved even further to the right than even the conservative party or ukip.

of course, at last year's general election, the british electorate finally realized that 'the left' had grown more right-wing than the right, but that, whilst grafted corruptly onto the big fat establishment, like a long lagging political leech, 'the left' would never be capable of acknowledging its own fascism - and this is why traditional labour voters were reluctantly forced to support the more socially democratic conservative party.

after all, who'd want to back a party, like labour, which'd let the cia write its ultra-anti-democratic manifesto?

long lagging liberal leech said...

@tommy gobbyscum

god i hate those fucking blood-sucking left-wing labour-bastards...

tommy gobbyscum said...

"the eu-customs-union is nothing but a neo-colonial weapon of expedient economic oppression against africa and the middle-east - no wonder therefore that the customs-union has been so cynically supported by the fascist deniers-'n-destroyers of democracy in the sold-out british labour party, and by fashionable 'left'-wingers in the pseudo-socialist establishment, all of whom, in desperation to protect their own unethical middle-class interests, have been deep-harbouring a distasteful desire to arrogantly abrogate due democratic process, and in so doing, deny common british people their historic right to reject institutional immorality-and-corruption-euro-style."

what get's me is that there are so many pseudo-socialist black members of this anti-democratic euro-centric establishment...

i mean, take for example the snobby middle-class ones who come over here from africa:

they think that, in order to ingratiate themselves with the neo-liberal british establishment, it's just so damned clever to sell out common-as-shit brits by supporting the european union - but in actuality, by supporting the neo-imperialist european union, it's their own poor african people whom they're ruthlessly selling into eternal neo-colonial exploitation and oppression, and it's their own african people to whom they will ultimately have to answer, come the day of revolutionary judgment...

an' i wouldn't wanna be in their shoes on that day, i tell you, pal...

tommy gobbyscum said...

"the eu-customs-union is nothing but a neo-colonial weapon of expedient economic oppression against africa and the middle-east - no wonder therefore that the customs-union has been so cynically supported by the fascist deniers-'n-destroyers of democracy in the sold-out british labour party, and by fashionable 'left'-wingers in the pseudo-socialist establishment, all of whom, in desperation to protect their own unethical middle-class interests, have been deep-harbouring a distasteful desire to arrogantly abrogate due democratic process, and in so doing, deny common british people their historic right to reject institutional immorality-and-corruption-euro-style."

d'you wanna know what's really really fuckin' wrong with this country...?

well, basically it's this:

there's jus' too many muslim-extremists bein' allowed into the stupid stuck-up british fuckin' establishment...

'an in my opinion, the main trouble with all this politicurly correct diversification is as follows:

you see, yeah...

all our 'ome-grown christian-fuckin'-extremists - who should, by rights, be runnin' the genocidal british fuckin' establishment - are now bein' systematically groomed, re-radicalized, an' converted into muslim-fuckin'-extremists.

god, it makes me really fuckin' pissed...

an' if all that weren't fuckin' bad enough...

i now hear that, due to institutional religious discrimination, our 'ome-grown christian paedos ain't gettin' their equal fuckin' opportunities, neither...

i mean, you know...

what kinda fucked-up country is britain becoming, man...?

fact: most recent terror-attacks in the west have been either cia-instigated or fully staged false-flags said...

@tommy gobbyscum

so guess what...?

when illegitimately utilized by the neo-colonial british establishment, does christianity not also serve as a violent political ideology?

are our religions not all equally subverted for violent political ends?

was islam not hijacked, and its followers covertly radicalized by the cia, mi5 and mi6 in order to deliberately create al qaeda and the islamic state - and in order, furthermore, to cynically smear the official religion of middle-eastern states which our own government had already planned to invade, oppress, and to illegally divest of their immense mineral wealth?

are terror-attacks in the west not simply orchestrated in order to smear and subjugate minority muslim populations?

in order to punish harold wilson's government for its refusal to participate in the vietnam war, was the irish republican army also not hijacked, and its followers covertly radicalized by the cia?

in order to subvert the british state, did cia-controlled elements of the british intelligence services also not assist in the infiltration, radicalization, and manipulation of the ira?

was the ira therefore not in fact a tool of state-subversion - and manipulation - employed by the cia against successive british governments?

would the ira have targeted british civilians were it not comprehensively infiltrated, and radicalized, by the cia - and by cia-controlled elements of the british intelligence services?