ignorantly deleted by neo-colonial euro-centric cunts in february 2019 - but now finally re-presented for your eternal eclectic edification - here-below is my reply to jamesmcn's stimulating comment upon the hackney citizen article ‘we’ve gone back decades’: unions urge politicians to tackle alleged culture of bullying at hackney council:
"obama, if i recall correctly, was credited with being the 'first' african-american president of the united states, and just over midway through his first term in office, also acquired the darkly dubious accolade of being the first american president to engage in full-scale, overt war against an african country - that country of course being libya.
naturally, i was disgusted with obama's power-mad prosecution of the libyan war - which his wacky secretary of state, hillary "rob 'em" clinton, precipitated by covertly arming al qaeda rebels, à la arab-spring, against the oil-rich dictator colonel gadaffi - however, nowadays, with the strong and wizening passage of time having eroded the rather ruder edges of my ragged criticism, i readily confess that my visceral view of the first african-american muppet in the white house has mellowed to such a considerable degree that i now simply regard him as his former sick sanctuary of hate's democratically disposable wet-wipe.
now, some may coyly conjecture that the slinky slime-balls from the cia-recruited barry gobama whilst a lowly onanizer in betty fiddler's new york bath-house, whilst others suppose that he was ghosted off on a snowflake-flaccid-trip to mushroom-manic-moscow during a memory-gap-year at colombia university, but the deadly dull-and-dreary truth remains that it was a certain mister frank "marsupial" davis - knick-named after his priapically prolific bed-hopping marathon across white-picket-fence america, and variously rumoured to be lobomba's bio-brown-sugar-daddy and a red-hot luvva under ze racially pure-white bed-sheets - who was the real mandingo from uncle responsible for radicalizing young barry white-ass with wonky black 'performance' poetry, and who, despite being placed under the dour drudge of continual domestic surveillance by the federal biro of indignation, was, ultimately, the real whizz-kid wize-ass charged, by local law-enforcement officers, with ingeniously crafting the bunnin'-nu 'black-man' identity which - unbeknown to "sperm-tank"-frank, a bad-ass soul-mate of commie d-man reichard mf pricker - would carry barry all the way to the privileged presidential pique of the new world's political pecking-order.
yes, it's a sad indication of the level of subconscious cia-indoctrination within the british political left that the vast majority of labour party activists are now morally lobotomized cia-brainwashed bourgeois snobs who blindly support the cia's pet neo-colonial project - otherwise known as the great afro-suppressive european empire - and see absolument bugger-all amiss with watching, for a leering spot of limpid light-early-evening entertainment, on their ultra-high-definition widescreen organic-led four-k smart-thinking plasma-drinking tellies, the pathetic flailing wailing figures of arabs, africans and asians doggy-paddling for their dear bloody unwhite lives across the deep mean-blue med - the murderous modern marine reincarnation of the iron-caste-curtain - in victim-class flight from unwhite countries bled bone-fucking-dry of their super-valuable mineral resources, by the raging rockethead-ravages of eu-backed neo-conservative wars of crass criminal exploitation, and top-rank racial repression.
indeed, given that the grand-central pinko-prank of 'liberal' and left-wing ideology comprises the creativity chillin' concept of social-control, the involuntary strait-racket-religion of state-imposed communism therefore creates a pretty much pitch-perfect breeding ground for creepy crypto-cia-totalitarianism - in contrast, naturally, to the true free-will faith of personal communism, adopted as an uncoerced co-operative lifestyle-choice.
cue social nationalization; cue emotionally crushing queues of down-trodden travellers at tawdry ticket-offices, sourly served by the miserable old-man-face of union-controlled gangsterism.
if the silly cia-sell-out-slappers in the british establishment bloc brexit...
if civilly subversive cia-sell-out-snobs-and-slags in the british establishment, insensitively secure in their anti-democratic enclaves of socially superior complacency, decide to derisively disregard the common electorate, as if it does not even exist....
there will be 'trouble'...
much more 'trouble' than could ever possibly be caused by the hypothetical problem of maintaining the, in any case, mutually desired, frictionless land-border between the irish republic and the uk on the island of ireland, which can easily and sensibly be negotiated.
moreover the 'trouble' will spread from the disenfranchized districts of the dangerously dumped-upon north, right through to the duplicitously degraded working-class domains in the remainder of repressed england, including the seemingly safe, pro-eu, areas of london-town, such as here, in socially cleansed hackney, where, regardless of the local result in the 2016 eu-referendum, there exists the identical underlying reason for growing general hostility towards the uncaring, self-serving british establishment and its multi-homed middle-class metropolitan élite - namely that the 'many' put-upon impoverished plebs have been crudely shut out of the lawfully laid-down democratic process by the arrogant university-educated wealthy 'few'...
and, much as i abhor mindlessly mounted class-war-campaigns of mob-violence, i fear that the socially blasé bijou bistros will burn, the bourgeois cocktail-bars will be busted, and the hip lifestyle-outlets will be lustily looted, leaving the socially dispossessed to nosh heartily on an eclectic range of exquisite euro-delicacies, the like of which they would never normally be able to afford in the cash-strapped course a long lousy lifetime...
however, unfortunately, as an old unvalued unemployed onlooker, i will be utterly powerless to prevent this politically incorrect, gratuitously unethical, nay environmentally unfriendly, 'carnival against elitism', which will inevitably erupt city-wide, and will probably shake down the houses of parliament, whitehall, the biased cia-broadcasting-corporation, together with cia-flannel-four too.
of course, in the hysterically happy event of a democratically satisfying 'no-deal' brexit, the irony of events will undoubtedly emerge along the european empire's imaginary irish land-border, where, rather than leave its buckstopped backdoor flip-flapping wide-open, it will not be the british, or the irish, but in fact the big ideologically obsessed bourgeois bastards in the lying eu-leadership who will, at the end of the undemocratic day, demand their ironclad ideological curtain be solidly stretched between the uk-administrated north, and the eu-colonized south...
and therein lies the rather ridiculous rub, my friend...
so would it not be just inherently more sensible for the seriously stuck-up cia-establishment to play by the democratically agreed rule-book, for a change...?"
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