Friday, 24 January 2020

clipped words: national cannon-fodder says "no-deal" to neo-colonialism

ignorantly deleted by neo-colonial euro-centric cunts in february 2019 - but now finally re-presented for your eternal eclectic edification - here-below is one of my comments upon the hackney citizen article entitled ‘corbyn before country’: council slammed for people’s vote ‘fudge’ as it prepares to ‘firmly reject’ no-deal brexit:

"surrendering the uk's 'no-deal'-brexit-option is highly dangerous, because such a rash move could lead to the uk remaining trapped within the european empire, against the democratically expressed will of the british people.
there are, in the uk, thousands of battle-hardened afghanistan and iraq war-veterans, many of whom fervently desire to excise themselves from a terminally corrupt european empire which has vampirically disenfranchized, and impoverished, both their families and their communities. therefore, should the democratic will of these british war-veterans not be honoured, but instead derided, and their country's democracy left undermined - or effectively dismantled - then naturally, we cannot expect such ex-servicemen to shy from confronting the british state and its police-force - in much the same way as incensed british miners, threatened by the enforcement of state-nationalized redundancy, did not shrink from taking on margaret thatcher's conquistadorial conservative government in the 1980s.
now, without wishing to sound affectedly over-dramatic, i reckon these british war-veterans find themselves in a similar situation to that of the mau mau rebels in british colonial kenya, who, after close-of-play against the japanese army, in burma, 1945, returned home, bloodied and battered in the great-and-glorious name of the british empire, to find their families not only evicted from traditional tribal farmlands, but being forced, by the oppressive colonial authorities, to work, on minimum-wages, for the selfsame immigrant european settlers to whom their own previously expropriated lands had been corruptly transferred.
unsurprisingly, there ensued in 1950s kenya a gruesome guerilla-struggle - fought by mainly kikuyu tribespeople - which, cruelly countered by systematic british colonial genocide, released a reverberating revolutionary shock-wave throughout the african continent - and now even euro-centric history demonstrates that the pan-african ripple-effect of the mau mau rebellion consequently inspired kenyans, alongside the citizens of many other colonized african countries, to freely fashion their - ostensible - political independence from the decadently disintegrating hulk of the british empire.
of course, just as today we must first establish, metaphysically, whether the european empire really exists outside the vacant liberty-stalking-and-shrinking heads of murky merkel, big-macwrong-un, tusk-tusk, va-va-vodka, and dear old pollyanna spew-briquette - before we can determine whether we actually need to leave das dumme metaphorische ding - it's also evident that - before we can make sense of the struggle for african independence, and determine whether it truly succeeded - we have first to decide whether the british empire ever actually existed, at all - or whether, indeed, in the malevolent manner of some malignant metaphor for common murder, it was merely the power-projection of some perennial political hoax, cruelly perpetrated by a abominably behaved bunch of colonial-era skin-scam-artists.
clearly - in order to peddle the contiguous, yet rather paltry and patronizing, political mirage of african independence - the inceptual heads of 'independent' african nations must, at that time, have invested emotionally in the grand old myth of the preceding british empire. on the contrary, today in the uk, my own suspicion is that millions of uppity bruppity brits do not even believe in the existence of the grand old joke of the european empire, and probably never did in the bleedin' first place...
...but then why should we, ze pesky britische plebejer, ingratiatingly indulge in the balmy bourgeois luxury of supporting central tenets of european unison, such as the high-flown-'n-fancy 'freedom of movement', when, in reality, we do not have enough pissin' spondoolicks in our poor little ole pockets-o to indulge in even simple short-haul european travel...?
mumumumumumung...and thus, i suppose, it becomes increasingly irrelevant - unless we acknowledge offizielle receipt on mainland-middle-english-soil of 'ne europäische-union-existenz-affirmin' vergeltungswaffe-2 - whether the deep-fried european onion-ring has officially decreed us to have quit the ploppity-plot, or not - for, in truth, its lächerliche loony-'liberal' leadership seems already to have got the general minging message, laut und klar.
therefore, do not, i repeat, do not underestimate the will and determination of british war-veterans who voted, in the largest democratic exercize in british history, to leave the repressive, corrupt, and anti-democratic european empire."

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