discourteously cold-shouldered and side-lined by eco-edgy-torial extinguishers of the truth - but now re-presented for your extra-sensory environmental emancipation - here-below is my comment upon stuart basden's medium-article entitled extinction rebellion isn’t about the climate:
"interestingly, this article reveals a great degree of consciousness, but sadly, stuart, you fail to recognize that the extinction-rebellion-movement is simply a shibbolethic showcase of cia-manipulated hysteria - cynically designed to distract attention from current epidemics of western neo-colonial genocide, and associated resource-rape, in non-white countries such as afghanistan, somalia, congo, syria, iraq and libya.
tellingly, it is those eu-imperialists prone to peddling co2-driven-climate-change-propaganda - such as perennial paid-off perpetrators of the anthropogenic-global-warming-hoax the clintons, the blairs, and other malicious meddlers in the neo-liberal establishment - who, at the same evil stroke, wage - or covertly collude in the prosecution of - perpetual race-war against inhabitants of non-white continents - and avariciously commit this afro-and-arabo-atrophic atrocity purely in order to profit from ruthless regional robbery of valuable mineral resources.
moreover, whilst acting as a politically correct diversion from cia-orchestrated neo-colonial resource-rape and genocide, the extinction-rebellion-movement simultaneously serves as a devious dumbed-down distraction from authentic climate-science - which, contrarily, grants true empirical weight to the natural influences upon our terrestrial environment, both of space-weather and the variable solar activity which regulates local space-weather.
for further information regarding the terrestrial effects of space-weather and solar activity upon our climate, please read the following two articles:
new climate model:
of additional interest:
biblioteca pleyades:
national aeronautics and space administration - goddard institute for space studies:
national center for biotechnology information:
beyond landscheidt:
climate audit:
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