from the date of his somewhat inauspicious inauguration as president of the disunited state of america, it took less than one year for donald j thump to nail israeli blood-diamond billionaire dan gertler with an all-ensnaring series of international sanctions, which target corruption and human rights violations...
...excommunication of the foremost financial facilitator of genocide, rape and plunder in africa, being, it appears, an authentic afro-centric feat which the obama administration failed miserably to accomplish in all eight-long-years of that great, fanfared, and afro-fluffy presidency.
the guardian:
paradise papers: us puts sanctions on billionaire over dealings in drc
all news pipeline:
boom just lowered on clinton crime family and obama regime?
big surprise in wording of new executive order
investment watch blog:
president trump’s executive order list includes dan gertler – connected to clinton’s pardon of marc rich – clintons going down
before it's news:
wow! trump hits at the heart of the global zionist funding source – blood diamonds – dan gertler connected to clintons, bushes, isle of mann and more
trump order blocks major human rights abusers tied to clinton
ass speaks:
developing: clinton foundation in trump's sites for confescationyoutube:
trumps new executive order/part 2/big take down
now, perhaps, the african-american president's ominous official oversight was due in part to mr gertler's mentor-in-blood-mineral-mercantilism being none-other-than mr maurice tempelsman, a belgian-american businessman and blood-diamond-merchant, who, in 1960s zaire, rancorously profited from the cia's extra-judicial execution of pan-african independence-leader patrice lumumba, and who, in his capacity as a top-campaign-funder of a certain mr barack obama and ms hillary clinton, later evolved to become a major political donor to the united states democratic party...?
or there again, perhaps, mr obama's oppressive sin of omission was, in some slight measure, due to mr dan gertler's intimate commercial association with federally indicted oil-profiteer mr marc rich, whose wife denise gave more than $1 million to the democratic party during president bill clinton's term of office - including more than $100000 to the senatorial campaign of hillary rodham clinton, and $450000 to the clinton library foundation...?
and so, if you fashionable fair-trade liberals and lefties really claim to give-a-shit about the three-hundred-year holocaust in africa...
and wish to learn the true root of current 'ethnic conflict' in eastern congo...
please enlighten yourselves by digesting the afro-critical reading-matter listed below...
or else...
if you can't be arsed to educate yourselves...
just fuck off and support the rapers, the plunderers, and the enslavers of mother africa...
such as ultra-war-criminals and genocide-profiteers bill and hillary clinton.
foreign policy journal:
what remains hidden in rwanda: the role of tutsi civilians in killing hutus
kat's africa:
the second war in the congo: the lendu and the hema
ituri conflict
kivu conflict
allied democratic forces
allied democratic forces insurgency
global research:
merchants of death: exposing corporate financed holocaust in africa
conscious being:
western-backed terrorism in the congo: where is general laurent nkunda?
dissident voice:
gertler’s bling bang torah gang
the guardian:
the inside story of glencore's hidden dealings in drc
larouche pac:
george soros, diamond cartels, and the push for africa's destruction
constantine report:
the cia, maurice tempelsman, african blood diamonds, gilead, barrick and mobutu, etc
diamond in the rough
british brothers take on israeli lawyer in multi-million dollar dispute over african diamonds
global research:
congo: a neocolonial project managed by the un security council
black agenda report:
neocolonial kleptocracy and clinton connections
'gertler' retweets
the guardian:
president 'ordered murder' of congo leader
black panther’s wakanda has historical roots in nuclear-age congo
that, in davos - whilst desperately seeking to show some shabby semblance of respect for africa and its people - trump was obliged to shake hands with africa's chief orchestrator-of-genocide, rwandan president paul kagame, who, albeit as the due consequence of an election held last july, had, almost as-if-by-magic, assumed chairmanship of the african union just a few weeks previously...
and then how strange...
that - within a fortnight of president kagame having being 'honoured' and blessed by an afro-ignorant don trump - congolese president joseph kabila directed his armed forces, in careful co-ordination with rwandan-backed 'rebels', to resume a covert ethnic cleansing operation in the north-east province of ituri, which, during the past year, has forced hundreds-of-thousands of local congolese villagers to flee-for-their-lives across lake albert into uganda...?
and lo the sour fruits of western corruption are now ready for harvest.
the 'kat's africa' article entitled the second war in the congo: the lendu and the hema is extremely instructive, and painstakingly illustrates how the 'inter-ethnic' conflict - blamed by the western press for displacing millions in eastern congo - actually derives from pre-existing ethnic discrimination and disempowerment, which, in more recent times, has been cynically reinforced and exacerbated by systematic government-backed oppression.
indeed, the article goes on to reveal how, in congo's ituri province, oppressed ethnic groups, such as the lendu, are simultaneously suffering slaughter at the hands of their own president's ugandan and rwandan military allies, whose 'rebel' forces have been covertly co-ordinated to mount ruthless regional insurgencies in the pursuit of endless mineral plunder.
in tanganyika province, a similar picture emerges regarding the violence between the twa pygmies - who are hunter-gatherers - and the luba people - who are ethnic bantu; the twa pygmies are considered second-class humans by bantus and have been duly dispossessed of their traditional hunting grounds by deforestation, mining and the expansion of bantu farmlands.
furthermore, the economically exploited twa, having long been denied access to basic services and land, are illegally taxed by the bantus for harvesting caterpillars - which represent a staple food for pygmies - however, it seems that the "lion’s share" of abuses, concerning extortion and other forms of illegal taxation, are in fact carried out by congolese government forces at road blocks.
(continued in part two below)
(continued from part one above)
evidently, this state-stoked 'ethnic' violence provides the congolese army - together with its allies in the rwandan and ugandan-backed 'rebel' militias - with an official pretext for controlling and ethnically cleansing areas which contain valuable mineral resources.
however, should 'ethnic' conflict not constitute an immediate local issue, congolese government forces are apparently utilizing the hostile 'rebel'-actions of the allied democratic forces as a convenient operational excuse for the summary enforcement of security clampdowns in north kivu province, where, despite the strongly suspected complicity of congolese government forces themselves in orchestrating adf attacks, this militant islamist faction - which originated in uganda - has been painted as the sole perpetrator of massacres in beni, and even a fatal assault on united nations peacekeepers based near the river semuliki.
times live:
drc lurches into crisis
humanitarian emergency: half a million flee ethnic violence
u.n. warns of extraordinary humanitarian disaster in southeast congo
bantus, pygmies sign peace deal in drc
enews channel africa:
congo pygmy/bantu clash over caterpillars leaves 20 dead
south china morning post:
rampaging pygmies kill 15 and torch dozens of homes in congo ethnic clashes, local sources say
at least two dozen dead in ethnic clashes in southeastern congo
the observers:
dozens massacred, bodies mutilated in dr congo ethnic clashes
trt world:
ethnic clashes in dr congo claim at least 15 lives
@the congo cover-story
it's also a pity president donald chump does not realize that the 'nerve-gas' attack on douma, east ghouta, syria, is obviously a complete cia-hoax perpetrated by the mi6-funded islamist 'white-helmets' and other cia-controlled medical agencies...
and that he is being lethally played by hillary clinton's psychotic cia-spooks, who intend to assist al qaeda and islamic state rebels in the ultra-violent ideological overthrow of russia's flailing ailing ally, president bashar al-assad, as an all-too-appetizing, exotic prelude to precipitating the grandstand global genocide and final great world-wasting war for which the queer queen of holocaust has always so dearly longed.
@under her thumb, chum
yes precisely...
not only has hillary clinton been back-seat driving the american presidency for almost a decade, but ten full years since he was forced to resign from office, in ignomy, over the illegal iraq war, we now have the sorry, shameful and sordid spectacle of former neo-conservative prime minister tony blair still calling the wild-west war-head shots in great britain.
and off we go to war again, tra-la-lah-la-lah...
this time around, however, there will be:
no dodgy 'intelligence' dossier conjuring an mi6-mirage of mass distraction buried in the desert scud-bunkers of a target oil-rich arab state.
no credible chemical weapons inspection or due attack-site investigation by the united nations...
and not even a democratically rigged vote in the british parliament on whether to take illegal military action against a ragged, repressive régime no less genocidal than our own.
no, this time, on the whiff-and-whim of a white-helmet wunder-show, our alt-white-supremacist parliamentarians will be cheering the wog-bombing adventures of an american president, whom, only a few months previously, they were - to-a-conceited-cia-cock-sucking-cunt - denouncing as a disgusting, deplorable islamophobe.
did we criticize the wanton slaughter of arab civilians by american and british allied forces during the process of 'liberating' raqqa and mosul?
are we likely to condemn the slaughter of a few more thousand arab civilans 'justifiably' sacrificed during the 'humanitarian' western overthrow of a russian-backed 'monster' in downtown damascus?
trump wants out of syria, and prefers to avoid mutually assured destruction in a bonaparte-style battle-to-the-death with moscow...
but, having been totally out-manœuvred by russia during the course of a syrian civilian war - which was provocatively precipitated by ambitious western intelligence services - a manically masturbating american military now wants its rude rednecked revenge, and will bump assad from his privileged presidential palace-perch, at any human cost, just to salvage a speck of severely wounded pride.
so apart from being constantly plagued by cia-disinformation, is trump under any real pressure to take out assad?
yeah, too fucking right he is...
his family home has been fire-bombed by cia-arsonists and his attoney's office raided by flunkies in the fbi.
checkmate charlie
@governments always side with the oppressor
yes, in fact governments create and nurture oppressors by setting our youngsters an atrocious example of unadulterated neo-conservative war-criminality, in a shameless display of violent extremist military actions abroad, and officially obnoxious bullying behaviour at home.
governments also manufacture oppressors by conducting non-stop neo-conservative brain-washing of state-school-students, who are compulsorily confined within the racially indoctrinating education-system.
for when our governments employ deep-fabrication and false-flag attacks as a flimsy pretext for military invasion of a sovereign state, and then proceed to massacre hundreds of thousands of that state's citizens in order to rip off its valuable mineral resources, is it no wonder that our own youngsters, back here 'safe and sound' in the united kingdom, presume this extreme form of immoral behaviour to be acceptable...?
and is it perhaps no wonder that, without so much as a fond fleeting thought for the disenfranchised south african people, or a revealing sympathetic reference to the dismal impoverishment and state repression which they still suffer to this day, afua hirsch, a member of britain's blair-washed younger generation, deems it absolutely acceptable to write a guardian newspaper-article which promotes violent revolution as an end in itself, and which perversely reverse-justifies the celebration of white war-criminals, as an ethically toxic by-product of attempting to validate the author's own euro-sanctioned licence to get a kinky kick out of celebrating black terrorists?
in her opinion-piece entitled winnie mandela was a hero - if she’d been white, there would be no debate, hirsch naïvely declares violent 'revolution' - in this case the struggle for south african 'liberation' - to be legitimized by the achievement of its just aims...
yet the hideously white elephant in afua hirsch's argument, which she vainly struggles to conceal, is the utterly incontrovertible fact that the 'revolution' against apartheid south africa was actually a self-serving sham, if not scam, which has achieved nothing for the vast majority of black south africans - in exactly the same way as 'independence' throughout the african continent has delivered no beneficial change, anywhere, for all those locked securely outside the corrupt and conniving western political élite.
therefore, let us not deceive ourselves: oxford-educated afua hirsch is not in the slightest concerned for those trapped outside the brain-dead bourgeois establishment-bubble, because she herself is a congenitally confirmed member of that powerful and corrupt political élite, which so gluttonously feeds off the middle-class manipulated misery of the world's unheard and unpublished poor.
(continued in part two below)
(continued from part one above)
violent revolution can only breed violent government and a violent society - and so it has certainly proved in south africa.
indeed, the complete failure of today's african national congress to liberate black south africans from repression and poverty should come as no great historical surprise, given that, back in 1961, most early members of its paramilitary wing, umkhonto we sizwe, were white communist thugs, the deep cia-infiltration of whose underground operation led directly to nelson mandela himself being arrested, and essentially remaining a useful hostage of the oppressive white south african establishment right up until the day he died.
the sorry truth is that african 'independence' and 'liberation' are simply matters of devolved repression - that is to say, colonial repression devolved by whites to the 'educated' black aristocracy and middle-class...
and oh dearie me...
is it not the prim, precious little priscillas from our greedy, power-obsessed privileged classes, those like pretentious and unattractively ambitious afua hirsh, who are always just so damnably keen for the poor 'ignorant' plebs to go 'over-the-top' for them in pursuit of a violent and pointless boardroom revolution - staged against the very same viciously oppressive british establishment at whose exclusively extreme expense they, the anti-socially chosen few, have themselves been raised, pre-programmed and 'educated'?
(continued in part three below)
(continued from part two above)
nevertheless, her hierarchic hypocrisy notwithstanding, where afua hirsch truly exhibits her overwhelming oxford-educated ignorance is in her preposterous and fundamentally totalitarian class-based belief that an ideology, such as apartheid, can be defeated by sheer brute-force.
clearly, as any south african schoolchild would politely inform ms hirsh, an ideology is constructed from metaphysical matter, and can only be destroyed by a superior grade of metaphysical matter - which, in the case of apartheid's demise, manifested itself in the scintillating non-violent, but rather civilly disobedient, guise of steve biko's rapier race-ridiculing intellect.
now, it transpired that members of the white south african establishment became mighty pissed about steve biko's shatteringly superior intellect, and duly bashed him to bloody death with a heavy-duty volume of his own hardbacked boer-baiting handbook, having decided, as luck would have it, that, when one far-off day the little-white-line would finally be washed clean away, it might be jolly preferable all round, if a convicted top-shelf terrorist were to run the multi-coloured rainbow-show for them...
however, please bear in mind, of course, that this 'equal' opportunity was only created because bad-boy biko had already buggered all the bloody black-lynching bastards with subliminal social science and surreptitiously sown the sour psychological seeds of south african segregation's ultimate disintegration.
finally, by way of conclusion, may i venture to submit that, were she not a party-politically-paid-off cia-protected prize-winning guardian-journalist, and instead an uncouth uppity oik like the rest of us, afua hirsch would probably by now have been well-nicked and sent swiftly to the shitty sunless stockade on a charge of pre-meditated incitement to commit an act of racially aggravated terrorism.
it's a funny old world...
i give you the unapologetically affluent afua hirsch of white-minster: palace-appointed purveyor of dirty cia-disinformation-and-distraction in its cheapest and most queerly contorted configuration.
this evening, i enjoyed yet another entertaining offering of establishment agit prop angst-management from channel boer news.
the line-up for tonight's headline bullshitting bout turned out to be a two-man tag-team - consisting of a crafty white racist cunt and a conceited black racist cunt - unfairly pitted against the aggrieved soul of an animated afro-caribbean anger artist...
and accordingly, television-viewers were maltreated to a cia-stage-managed spectacle featuring, in order of appearance, the following not particularly convincing combatants:
mary ann siegheil - white-washing racism for britain
mc fur-knicks - token vocalizer from 'the street'
and the right honourable quasi warthog - the conservative party's unguided answer to diane abbott.
first into the ring was cia-stage-director siegheil, who claimed the root-cause of the whirling 'windrush scandal' to be one which could never in a million-billion-trillion years be identified as institutional racism, since the generic deportation of illegal immigrants is completely colour-blind in its execution - a fact undeniably underscored by a home office removal process, which, demographically, never results in all deportees being darkies or demi-darkies...just the overwhelming fucking majority of them.
next came mc fur-knicks, who had a ruddy good stab at refuting fräulein siegheil's assertion, but, because his lame-hearted lefty comrades had failed to brief him adequately, was not equipped with the proper tools for finishing the job, and in the final analysis, could only bear pithy personal witness to the widespread racism still inherent within british society.
then last, and definitely least, entered the right honourable queasy warthog mp, an ethnic ghanaian, who, with a stark straight face, via satellite-link from the great palace of white-minster, assured the british public that there was absolutely no institutional racism whatsoever within any government department, and hinted he frankly didn't give a hooray-henry's hoot about members of the 'windrush generation' anyway, because they were only bloody jamaicans.
reasonably, at this jeopardous juncture, grimezy gave a fair impression of wanting to rip the honourable warthog's 'ead right off through the internal studio-screen, although i'm sure this was all purely for show...
(continued in part two below)
(continued from part one above)
nevertheless, despite mc fur-knicks' agitated antics, i truly believe that his impassioned allegations against the uk government, of gross racial discrimination, would have been amply and aptly proven, live-on-air, had only he highlighted, to his racial antagonists in the channel boer television-studio, the indecent incongruity between...
on one hand, the recently scheduled offer, to immigrants from white european union countries, of a fast-track application procedure for 'settled' british status - one which will apparently 'only take minutes', and wherein the default position will be a "presumption in favour" of granting applications, within two weeks, at a cost of merely £72.50...
and between, on the other hand, the interminably tortuous, often impossible, and insanely high-cost application process which is required of afro-caribbeans from the 'windrush generation', simply in order to reaffirm their existing right, as british citizens, to remain and reside in great britain - and thereby essentially avoid the default position of being deported.
naturally, this highly embarrassing exposure of britain's racist deportation policy - construed above - is certainly not one which either the cia or its media-slaves at channel boer news ever had planned for general public consumption, and therefore, in her unchecked zeal to racially cleanse black people from this persistently prejudiced country, the prime minister may now continue, illegally and unpardonably, to deport many, many more black british citizens.
so at the end-of-the-day, i'm sorry to say: mc fur-knicks was set up, by the cia.
@and yet more cia-sponsored tv from channel boer news
oh dear, the natives seem to be becoming rather restless...
it strikes one somehow that now would the optimum time for you to take over the commonwealth job, charlie...
@queen sauerkraut the second
good gracious, d'you think they'll throw spears at me, mummy?
@prinz bratwurst
yes, most probably...
one's sincere advice to you, in your most inestimable regal capacity as prinz von wurst, is to:
keep a stiff upper lip...
pick all the long pointy-things up...
and then hang them on the wall as if they're royal gifts...
well, at least, that's what your ma-ma has always done, son...
@queen sauerkraut the second
now let mi stop you right there...
them royal gifts, madam...
h'is actually h'illegally sourced an' h'imported h'artefacts of h'original h'african 'eritage...
an' mi cousins want 'em all back, see...
jus' like mi wants mi self-respeck h'as a proud british citizen back...
ya know...
bein' classed h'as h'ill-e-gal bri-tish h'im-mi-grant...
'as gotten mi so r'aaassclaart low...
that mi h'even got ter smokin' weed...
i never done any before...
but soon as mi british reparations-check comes sailin' thru' the royal postal service...
mi 'ighly h'anticipate on doin' a good-deal-more, man...
@i fancy a new shade of fascism, darling
i don't know who told black south africans that 'the long walk to freedom' would be 'over' the moment mandela had left robben island prison and become president?
these destitute black people can't just expect miracles to be worked overnight, you know...
if they really want freedom, they'll just have to walk a few more character-building miles for it.
if i want freedom, of course, i just get it delivered to the front doorstep...
by a black man, as a rule.
freedom has to be earned...
and i obviously earned it at eton.
@i fancy a new shade of fascism, darling - part two
oh yep, isn't it the rich establishment celebs and toffs, who, out of an acute sense of class-guilt, are always just so desperate to double-prove their hip social 'street'-cred, by affiliating with all manner of violent ideological extremists and fashionably 'conscious' red revolutionaries...?
whereas, ironically, those whom these wealthy class-war-wannabes are vainly attempting to impress, the people-without-power, are, in general, rather cautious about using violence as a means-to-a-political-end, due to shitloads of bitterly gained experience that, when trouble actually pops, it's the poor defenceless pawns who always get-it-in-the-neck?
oh, and talking of toffs...
another fucking statue's been erected to one of them, in parliament square...
@bob barleywhine
@queen sauerkraut the second
hey, what about my tribe...?
in the name of racial equality...
may we have our spears back too, please?
@radical left-wing extremism: a fancy form of fascism
where mi dynamite...?
@i fancy a new shade of fascism, darling
the commemoration of winnie mandela's passing is none of my business, and should affect no-one outside her fan-club, and thus i've no objection to black people celebrating her life - so long, of course, as i'm neither expected nor pressured to join in.
however, it evidently sets a most disturbing precedent when black political commentators, like afua hirsch, feel professionally obliged to beg the white establishment's permission simply in order to express their emotions.
unfortunately, by honouring violent black political leaders, such as the mandelas, at the expense of non-violent black intellectuals, such as steve biko, afua hirsch is effectively promoting the white establishment's deep-rooted agenda of stereotyping black people as brainless bellicose barbarians...
...and i can only therefore conclude that, on account of her ultra-elitist oxford-education, afua hirsch is emotionally enchained by a lifelong student-debt to the extremist white establishment.
"black consciousness directs itself to the black man and to his situation, and the black man is subjected to two forces in this country. he is first of all oppressed by an external world through institutionalised machinery and through laws that restrict him from doing certain things, through heavy work conditions, through poor pay, through difficult living conditions, through poor education, these are all external to him. secondly, and this we regard as the most important, the black man in himself has developed a certain state of alienation, he rejects himself precisely because he attaches the meaning white to all that is good, in other words he equates good with white. this arises out of his living and it arises out of his development from childhood."
"it becomes more necessary to see the truth as it is if you realise that the only vehicle for change are these people who have lost their personality. the first step therefore is to make the black man come to himself; to pump back life into his empty shell; to infuse him with pride and dignity, to remind him of his complicity in the crime of allowing himself to be mis-used and therefore letting evil reign supreme in the land of his birth. that is what we mean by an inward-looking process. this is the definition of black consciousness."
"the black man has become a shell, a shadow of man ... bearing the yoke of oppression with sheepish timidity"
"the most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed"
in a shock news-release which has rocked the white american establishment to its spiritual core, free-slate journalist frank chalk has revealed that iconic african intellectual and anti-apartheid activist bantu steve biko has been accidentally re-incarnated as red-neck rapper kanya invest.
complaining as usual about his really crap living conditions, mr biko is understood to blame recent difficulties in self-expression, together with the sudden loss of his former philosophical eloquence, upon the rather racially oppressive behaviour of his multi-millionaire white missus, kim thong kardcashmachine, who, he placidly protests, "is driving him up the mother-fucking chinese wall"...
yet, despite severe marital restrictions imposed upon his freedom of speech, it has reassuringly been reported that big-mouth biko has nonetheless retained his remarkable innate ability to get right up the noses of both wanky white liberals and his own brainwashed black brothers, at one and the same bloody stroke...
and has done so with such unparalleled aplomb, in fact, that president doughnut j bilge-pump himself is currently believed to be considering the former boil-on-botha's-butt for the highly coveted white house position of grand-shit-stirrer of state.
@black is bought-in-full
hey, if that bat-shit-barmy bitch sets his black people free...
i'll be pissing-well put out to pasture...
with billy j c.
@black is bought-in-full
what a tragedy that willy-i-am, johnny nobend and jamie cocks are all trashing the fundamental spirit of black civil rights empowerment from which they themselves have so richly profited...
and further proof - if needed after the nigger-bombing obama presidency - that the entire black political establishment has now sold out seamlessly to its white masters in washington.
no wonder that poor old steve biko has been roused from his sanctified place of rest to sort out these ignorant, cia-sympathizing black celebs, who, under orders from white democrats, gang up greedily to silence their free-thinking black brothers and sisters.
when kanny invest sincerely expresses his personal political opinions, he risks losing his whole neo-liberally misled flock, yet when willy-i-am, johnny nobend and jamie cocks cynically persecute him, they do so purely in pursuit of pathetic self-promotion within the white-man's enslaving establishment.
@the congo cover-story
it's difficult to know whether kagame is playing trump, or whether trump is in fact wise to the fearful web of bullet-backed control which rwanda's repressive president has so wickedly woven throughout congo and the central african region...
for trump's quite an accomplished play-actor himself, you know...
@and yet more cia-sponsored tv from channel boer news
what truly astonished me about the windrush-scandal was the way in which, at that fateful prime minister's question-time, theresa disarray appeared so ineffably chuffed to be seen as incompetent as the notoriously arse-headed brown government.
allegedly, gordon brown's ministers had authorized the destruction in principle of an invaluable windrush-generation landing-card-archive, which mrs dismay's home office had subsequently trashed in practice - thus rendering almost impossible the task of proving the historic british residency of certain unfortunate ill-documented afro-caribbeans.
naturally, the doughty mrs disarray's defence amounted to the harrowingly inept excuse:"i woz only following orders...
...from a new labour government".
you reckon i should celebrate the success of the commonwealth games?
fuck that...
although i must, i suppose, express my deepest gratitude to the dear old australian nation for hosting this great athletic festival, which, i was wont to observe, fittingly culminated in the huge hot and sweaty climax of a frenzied lesbo-erotic scrum on the netball pitch...
and naturally, i should like to take this opportunity to congratulate all those descendants of the windrush generation who took part in the event.
following intense speculation by the british tabloid press, bonkingham palace has officially announced that the duchess of sucksex, her royal highness margarine markup, is not a mixed-race african-american after all, but in fact an afro-irish-essex-girl-kraut, whose euro-cavemen forefathers originated from the small alsatian village of ober-arschloch, which, as fortune would have it, lies not a rock's throw from the tiny two-turnip town of kuntstadt, ancestral seat of distant cousin don and the great presidential dumpf dynasty.
tragically, the criminal clerical short-comings of the trans-atlantic slave-trade dictate that a similar such forensic analysis of duchess markup's african ancestry may never be teased from the misty and murky annals of history...
nevertheless, on a brighter note, it is understood that a special conference of highly respected nigerian elders, scholars and afro-eccentric mystics has recently succeeded in positively identifying pretty-much the precise yofiba tribal homestead wherein are said to be found the monarchic maternal roots of mega-mama dora's royal ragtime family...
and by happy coincidence, the lagos tourist board has simultaneously confirmed that all-inclusive coach-tours to the blessed birthplace*, favourite regal watering-holes* and hostelries* of her majesty mega markup's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-granny, queen spamilola, will now be available to ethnically conscious african-american tourists at the once-only offer-price of just $1000-a-trip from a reputable travel-agent near you.
(* genuine german doppeldunkelbosch lager, supplied exclusively by ma'am markup's great-aunty angela sixty-nine times removed, not included)
our wedding night at last...
how about you wear the luminous-green-latex jackboots, honey...?
oh go on...
be a princess
@a right royal newsflush
@prinz hairy hornymoon
i had a dream...
but i swear-to-fuck it wasn't anything like this.
@a right royal newsflush
ah, congratulations to the newly-weds...
a perfect match, i'd say, given that the windsor-castle-crew is in possession of probably the dodgiest royal lineage in british history.
indeed, you would imagine that his slavery-enhanced heritage might cause flash prinz harry a certain amount of personal awkwardness...
his acute aristocratic embarrassment hardly ameliorated by the fact that he boasts:
a dad and uncle whom the finest gordonstoun-schooling and a first-rate cambridge-college-education failed to redeem academically...
a dirty old arms-trading uncle, whom the finest gordonstoun-schooling also failed to redeem academically, yet nonetheless successfully instilled in the obnoxious oppression-aiding oaf a prevailing penchant for cross-dressing and precariously young fillies...
and a mum who majored in o-level woodwork.
@a right royal newsflush
yes, the marvellous magic of love and a vatful of vintage wine has ensured that, despite their official status as a mixed-race couple, the happy honeymooners seem quite relaxed about their incongruous induction into the ancient royal institution of ethnic enslavement...
and in totally unrelated news, i can report that, having successfully infiltrated the gangster-cream of montreal high-society, a rookie cia-agent - code-name: "zebra" - has graduated to become a life-member of a prominent berkshire-based crime-family, where she will now be in a prime position to handle her valuable american-owned-assets, code-named "kate" and "camilla".
hey honey, let's go shoot one of those black-and-white horsey things...
@sir nick bitchall
@sir nick bitchall - on safari
as a fully viable foetus, i was violently ripped from my murdered mama's womb...
by the brown-brown-charged fury of chortling cia-tooled militia-men...
whose american-aided ambition was to extract the precious jewels and mousseux metallic minerals from the rich red belly of mother africa...
upon whom my fatally inconvenient family had inappropriately chosen to build its humble home...
and now...
wandering the world in futile footloose limbo...
i wonder...
when i see the white-hot-wealth of windsor-family-weddings...
just how bloody much of its right royal booty this cruel and cuntish family has covertly invested in the innately and indelicately profitable genocide of africans already impoverished by design?
@prinz hairy on huntingmoon
hey, i got the horsey-beast, honey...
now just let me hack orff the head with this machete...
then i'll chuck it in a carrier-bag to take home for gran and grandpops as a nice little souvenir...
boy, they're gonna just love it...
@i fancy a new shade of fascism, darling - 29 april 2018 at 18:32
nelson "mad dog" mandela:
the communist-nationalist-revolutionary...
who emerged as the archetypal ideological mongrel of african politics...
and who, out of principle, sanctioned the bombing of rich white people, simply because they were rich and white...
but who, contrary to an unverified report in the guardian, was most unlikely ever to have undergone training in ethiopia by the israeli intelligence agency, mossad.
now, if you're interested in the subject of mandela's time in ethiopia, and also in basic media integrity, please compare the well-researched and balanced article on +972 blog, referenced below, to this generically shit piece of cia-subsidized guardian journalism, mentioned above, which completely fails to include a refutation, by the nelson mandela foundation, of haaretz's original, unsubstantiated claim concerning the former south african president's receipt of mossad-weapons-training.
+972 blog:
did mandela actually receive training from the mossad?"
the guardian:
nelson mandela 'received weapons training from mossad agents in 1962'
@the balance of bullshit
it's presently considered profoundly politically incorrect to criticize the careers of messieurs mandela and obama, and i believe the prevalence of such state-dictated self-censorship necessarily indicates the existence of a most dangerous and damaging dysfunctionality within the hitherto unbowdlerized bowels of british society, especially given the seriously sobering circumstance that both these professedly progressive leaders were in fact possessed of an inherently unhealthy appetite for indiscriminately massacring civilians.
following a jumbo bbc-propaganda-bombardment by channel-cia, thousands of eu-supporting sell-out snobs yesterday swarmed in central london to service the great euro-cock of american imperialism.
"if you can't be arsed to educate yourselves...
just fuck off and support the rapers, the plunderers, and the enslavers of mother africa..."
well, i think i might just do that...
and while i'm at it, i'll exercize my ridiculous racialist right to recycle deeply disturbing nazi-propaganda in the good name of free-speech...
same way as jeremy combin once defended smear-one's sharply symbolic schtick on the grounds of freedom of expression.
you know, people are saying that smear-one's satirical street-mural, freedom for humanity, represents the white global élite getting filthy rich off the backs of oppressed blacks...
but whenever i look at that wally wall-cartoon, all i bloody-well see is...
at my work-desk...
and i must say, this really pisses me off...
to such an extreme degree, indeed, that it is dipso facto an absolutely anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-semitic disgrace that smear-one's degenerate art should even be allowed lebensraum upon the world-wide-web.
oi...'unny...can you pass me me sledge'ammer...
seems loik that bastard turntable-drawer on me integrated scamstrad 'i-fi-system's got fuckin' stuck again...
@sir alan sour-grapes
no, sorry dear...
don't yer remember...?
you left yer favourite sledgehammer down at labour-hq...
now, if memory serves me right...dintyer forget it after breakin' into their offices ter plant juicy anti-semitic nuggets amongst the membership-files?
really darling...
i just don't know why yer wasting all yer hard-earned dosh on all this vintage 1980s-gear.
personally, i reckon e-vasion-bay should be shittin' well ashamed of themselves...
for selling such a grotty old pile of out-dated retro-junk to unsuspecting customers...
@sir alan sour-grapes
sir alan recently quipped that the senegalese world-cup-football-team reminded him of resourceful beach-vendors in marbella.
now that's really funny...
coz i thought the polish team resembled those rather enterprising guys who used to inform on jews during the nazi-occupation, in order to expropriate jewish homes and businesses the moment their owners had been herded off to auschwitz...
@sir alan sour-grapes
sick paintin', man.
raaaaaass, that bro' on-the-lef' look jus' like mi neighbour up stamford 'ill...
cunt don't never buy me a drink down the pub.
@bob barleywhine
you lyin' old schlock, bob...
i never bin in the pub.
you jus' come 'round mi yard bumming beer money everyday an' i 'ave to pay you to fuck off, you cunt.
now piss off please: i'm on a demo with mi palestinian brethren, an' i got a bunch of israeli flags to blaze.
got a draw...?
today, in honour of our fondly shared german heritage, one has ordered a fuck-orff giant black-forest gâteau to be flown in specially from the motherland, by my grandson, prinz hairy...
so let's just hope he hasn't already had a naughty nosh at it en route - as he's quite partial to a dark juicy dessert, i understand...
ach so...diese ungeheuere kirschtorte appears to have been cut into two grossly unequal portions - at a regally regulated ratio of 99:1...
and therefore, according to the dictates of rigid royal etiquette, one is now duly obliged to scorff this mega-magisterial piece, here...
because one is queen...
whilst you, mr president, are granted the humble honour orv nibbling on this teeny-weeny diet-size slice, here - which has had all the chockie-cream-and-cherries scraped orff the torp of it...
because you're a big fat american bastard.
errr...prinz flippit, would you be so kind as to greet the president's wife, please...?
@the mad-krauts' tea-party
ah melonia...
such a huge pleasure to meet you, my dear.
are those delightful accessories both real?
Please check Click Here this article for more information about US Universities.
(continued from part one above)
yeah, y'know...
we cia-rent-boys luv takin' the fookin' piss...
an' that's why...
after eight years' keepin' our well-greased gobs shut about bush-'n-blair's war-on-terror, we finally joined the anti-war protest in parliament square...
but only in 2010, when noo labour 'ad jus' got itself kicked outta government...
an' only with the cia's explicit approval, of course...
an' that's also why...
after eight years' keepin' profitably schtum about "obama-'n-clinton-war", we finally turned up in parliament square ter take a shit-shallow stand against "trump-war"...
but only in 2017...
an' only unner strict cia-instructions, of course.
we say "no to trump war"...
but "yes to democrat war"...
the kinda "democrat war"...
which causes the kinda mass-migration...
which triggers the kinda anti-immigrant-feelins...
which make good-ole brits want out of the european empire.
we say "no to brexit"...
but "yes to the causes of brexit".
we ain't 'ere to protest about the 'ooge number of civilian muslim deaths resultin' from mr thump's air-strikes...
coz obviously, as democrats, we're cool with all those nasty neo-conservative war-crimes;
no, we're 'ere to kick up a massive fookin' stink about don thump's politically incorrect tweets...
'is untenable 'n illiberal policies...
an' 'is deeply dodgy ideologies...
but above all...
we're 'ere to crush the pathetic presidential dream of global "peace" 'n "de-nooclearization", which this heretical half-wit-visionary shares with 'is grass-roots anti-war support-base, back in bad-ole blue-collar america.
stoopid fuckin' ole 'ippy
related reading matter:
libyan civil war - mercenaries
libyan islamic fighting group
timber sycamore
business insider:
the us is openly sending heavy weapons from libya to syrian rebels
secret turkish nerve center leads aid to syria rebels
the telegraph:
cia 'running arms smuggling team in benghazi when consulate was attacked'
@the rebel-rabbi
zionists like to paint the anti-zionist jews of the neturei karta sect as vile extremists, but in all the years i lived in fountayne road, stoke newington, i never knew these orthodox guys to be guilty of much more than minding their own business, and maybe displaying a certain degree of eccentricity; in fact, the hasidic jewish area of stamford hill is a very pleasant area in which to live - one where the palestinian and jewish community-centres on cazenove road co-exist happily, side-by-side.
die-hard rebels to the last man, and woman, stamford hill jews have always obstinately resisted the repressive socialist scheiss-stream of hackney-politics by persistently electing conservative councillors.
now, i'm not exactly sure why the stamford hill jews choose to vote conservative...
...however, in view of recent party-political purges of the british hard-left, i strongly suspect that these anti-socialist sentiments, latent in the local hasidic jewish community, may well have been precipitated by the historic ideological expulsion of neturei karta members from the labour party - on grounds of recalcitrant anti-semitism.
read about the rebel-rabbis, their protests against the israeli government, and their persecution by zionist jews:
ultra-orthodox anti-zionist neturei karta rabbi in downing st protest against the israeli siege of gaza
ultra-orthodox anti-zionist jews held an israeli flag burning protest in north london yesterday
innovative minds:
suspicious fire guts us anti-zionist synagogue
neturei karta international - jews united against zionism:
london synagogue vandalized">
neturei karta international - jews united against zionism:
planned flag burning in london march 18, 2003 stopped by zionists
the times of israel:
london lag b’omer bonfire erupts into fireball; said to injure 30
rebel rabbis: anti-zionist jews against israel
uk: london orthodox jews burn israeli flag on purim
boris johnson thinks burqa-wearers all look like letterboxes.
now it's funny he should say that...
coz boris looks like a big fat hairy cunt...
but obviously runs no danger of having something stuck in him.
@the royal veil
despite boris jobsgone's desperate attempts to court refuge in the last-chance constituency of islamophobia...
thesadays, the real threat of fascism does not radiate from the openly prejudiced right, but rather from the clubby closet bigots of the so-called socialist left.
in fact, just last weekend, whilst enjoying a rare evening's release in the fashionably socialist protectorate of shoreditch, i chanced upon one of these brain-chained 'left-wing'-establishment-boys, in a wine-bar-bog...
and because, during our conveniently casual conversation, i'd dared estimate "arms-dump" trump to be lesser a threat to humanity tham the queen of neo-con conflict-creation, "clifftop" clinton...
and because i'd also judged a nominal exit from the cia-controlled european empire to constitute one-small-step towards the ultimate defeat of genocidal neo-colonialism in africa and the middle-east...
this cia-rented yuppie-snob effectively proceeded to inform me that...
as a mindless, uneducated, unemployed pleb...
i should not be allowed to vote.
yep, i reckon the fascist jackboot's now firmly fitted on the other foot.
oh thank you clinton...
thank you blair...
thank you brown...
thank you obama...
thank you miliband...
thank you hollande...
thank you macron...
thank you ma clinton...
for irredeemably rebranding the politics of the left.
following a carthartic late-night encounter with a sawn-off-shotgun, i today wish to make it absolutely clear, both to the firearm's notorious glasgow-gangland-owner, and to the great british electorate in general, that under no circumstances do i consider bank-robbers to resemble, even in the most transient of manners, a bunch of muslim women...
and indeed, i would like to take this opportunity to offer my profound and eternal gratitude to the afore-mentioned masked gentleman, for the way in which yesterday he so kindly and conscientiously gave up two-full-hours of his valuable drinking-time, solely in order to advance my social re-education.
@big burqa
t'was a privilege pal...
there's no many who get ter enrol on tha 'george getaway' crash-course tar accelerated enlightenment.
what a blast, eh...?
@sir alan sour-grapes
the crypto-conservative wing of the labour party is way too obsessed with the criticism - and anal aesthetic analysis - of anti-capitalist street-art to bother denouncing the socially and racially repressive policies of our morally corrupt conservative government.
these crypto-conservative cuntheads are far too busy deep-purging the british labour party of genuinely left-wing jews, the left-wing children of holocaust-survivors, black left-wing jews, and lifelong anti-racism activists to even fucking consider campaigning for the socialist values which, as paid-up labour party members, they spuriously claim to espouse.
black jewish socialist jackie walker has been expelled from the labour party - because she complained that hyper-establishment-commemoration of the jewish holocaust disrespectfully blots out memorialization, and solemn retrospection, of the apocalyptic atlantic slave-trade.
why on god's good earth has walker been excoriated simply for referencing jewish commercial involvement in the atlantic slave-trade?
are labour party members now being coerced into systematically whitewashing all discomforting details of our nation's slave-trading history?
lifelong anti-racism activist and socialist marc wadsworth has been summarily expelled from the labour party - because he committed the perceived crime of mounting an emotional defence of labour party leader, and fellow socialist, jeremy corbyn.
are left-wing members of the labour party no longer permitted to defend each other from politically motivated attacks by crypto-conservative comrades?
lifelong jewish socialists tony greenstein and cyril chilson have been expelled from the labour party - because they have been found guilty of 'anti-semitism'.
i cannot describe better than tony greenstein and cyril chilson the way in which loopy lunatic new labour fascists have, in the name political correctness, illegitimately taken over the - once left-wing - labour asylum.
please take the time to read tony and cyril's chilling stories of labour party persecution, and their, sometimes darkly humorous, examination of structural labour party corruption:
tony greenstein's blog:
naomi wolf and anti-semitism’s mystification
anti-semitism in the eye of the beholder: using 'anti-semitism' to silence cartoonists
tony greenstein's blog:
as zionism's vultures circle, lansman and momentum fall silent: it’s time to fightback, not apologise for fake 'anti-semitism'
message to corbyn: don’t appease apartheid - the zionists will only be satisfied when you are gone
tony greenstein's blog:
an open letter to john mcdonnell: you need weep no more over 'anti-semitism'
the chutzpah of adam langleben & the jewish labour movement
tony greenstein's blog:
born black, politically white: why class negates race in the identity stakes
chuka ummuna prefers to fight 'anti-semitism' - the new anti-communism - rather than the windrush scandal
tony greenstein:
emina ibrahim - vice-chair of momentum - a collaborator in this racist outrage
beastrabban's weblog:
cyril chilson - israeli peace activist expelled from labour for 'anti-semitism'
(continued in part two below)
(continued from part one above)
beastrabban's weblog:
maggie cousins - the racist defender of labour's racist nec
alternatively, if you prefer to ignore the western establishment's neo-colonial genocide of africans, arabs and asians...
if you prefer to ignore complicity in the blood-mineral-trade of western governments, the european union, the cia, and the international banking sector...
and if you also therefore stubbornly prefer to ignore the predominantly anti-racist anti-slavery, and pro-black, message of mear one's freedom for humanity mural - which depicts a variety of powerful white men playing monopoly upon the, mainly brown-coloured, backs of enslaved humanity - then please read the following neo-liberally nuanced views of the cia-cock-sucking mainstream-media:
the guardian:
if you can’t see antisemitism, it's time to open your eyes
@the high-altar-irony of jew-on-jew anti-semitism - or how to use clean-easy anaglypta-correctitude to paper over the socio-fascist-faultline which is ripping apart the modern labour party (part one)
now, i know it's no longer considered appropriate to express such views, but in my honest opinion, the trouble with the labour party is nig-nogs.
you see, they're like marmite:
half the labour party loves 'em, yet half the labour party hates 'em. the nig-nog-loving half comprises the anti-war anti-nuke socialist side of the party - which supports anti-racist jeremy corbyn and opposes the nasty old neo-colonial establishment - whilst the nig-nog-not-loving half comprises the pro-war pro-nuke crypto-neo-con side of the party - which, being deeply cia-subsidized, blindly supports the never-ending neo-imperialist ambition of the war-mongering washington establishment, and, like an ignorantly obedient bloodhound, is always just itching to vote for the west's humanitarian campaigns of socially enlightened nigger-bombing, or, in the name of diversity, for one of those democratically justified wog-wasting extravaganzas.
so basically, it's because of nig-nogs, and those left-wing labour-members who promote nig-noggery, that we've been landed with corbyn as leader, and moreover, it's as a direct result of comrade-chairman corbyn's awkward ideological ascent to petty parochial power that the party is now terminally engaged in bloody civil war, which is manifested, on-the-one-hand, in a pathetic political pantomime of self-centred self-annihilation - precipitated primarily by cia-labour's career-centric angst at corbyn's consistent capacity to campaign against pre-meditated pentagon-genocide - and on-the-other-hand, in an absurdist existential farce - inauthentically amplified by cia-labour's consequent determination to countenance absolutely any devious gesture in order to undermine comrade corbyn's committed anti-war leadership.
indeed, when counting the naughty and nefarious ways in which the nasty neo-colonial nexus has nobbled corbyn, one must include its demonic aspiration - by blocking brexit - to demolish both british democracy and therewith labour's electoral viability, as well as the insidious instruction of its slushed-up-cia-slags, in parliament, to make patently false accusations of anti-semitism against the life-long anti-racist corbyn - regardless of the inconvenient fact that his father's forenames clearly indicate a jewish family-heritage.
(continued in part two below)
(continued from part two above)
of course, in reality, immigration - and also, ironically, equal opportunities - legislation is oddly analogous to one of those customary pub-stickers which sternly declares the "use of illegal drugs" to be "strictly prohibited on [those] premises", in the sense that, upon observing such a notice, one perversely assumes that the aforesaid proscribed activity must almost certainly be endemic to the given location, and, in the case of a pre-millennium boozer, that a drowsily decadent afternoon of pints, pool, puff and subtle artistic performers - all pleasantly permeated by the pulsating cultural riffs of rainbow, whitesnake and ub40 - would definitely be on the cards - ah, them were the days...
similarly, immigration legislation is not introduced in order to prevent illegal immigration, but rather to permit it for those desperate enough to operate, under extortionate conditions, outside the protection of the law.
anyhow, by way of recapitulation, the conclusion must clearly be drawn that the nig-nogs have a lot to answer for:
first-and-foremost, by sheer virtue of being black, they've silently catalyzed labour's internal confrontation of its own racism, and are therefore responsible for sowing irreparable political division within the party...
secondly, they're obviously guilty of delivering an otherwise unachievable uk-referendum-result in favour of quitting the cia's evil euro-centric empire of corruption and neo-colonialism - this damning verdict remaining upheld even when taking into consideration the intense degree of domestic political opposition, which, thanks to the wild western establishment, had, at that time, been generated towards eu-freedom-of-movement-policy, by the massive influx of refugees from neo-liberally incited oil-wars in afghanistan, iraq, somalia, libya and syria...
and finally, if the nig-nogs weren't causing enough fucking trouble, they've only gone an' introduced nig-nog-music to a non-nig-nog-nation...
i rest my case.
@not a nig-nog - part one
yeah well, you know, guys...
if there's anything i've learnt during my interminably profitable political career, it's the vital importance of social unification, and the perilous danger of entrenched ideological division...
and although you may say this isn't really space-rocket-science, i feel it my profound duty, as the de facto daddy of british neo-social-conservatism, to express, to the more progressive elements within our electorate, my most sincere and serious belief that, at this crucial crossroads in european and global history, we, as hard-working common britons, have no realistic choice save to bring together, as a matter of urgency, both the labour party and our nation, into one-big-happy-family, so-to-speak...
and well, i know that i may not necessarily win any popularity contests with this particular team-building strategy...
but how about a nice little war in the middle-east?
@st tony the baptist
ooh, goody...
can we do libya again...
pretty please?
heil hillary
@emily bomb-belly
oh how cool...
as an anglo-asian grand-daughter of the great british establishment, i would consider it an unimaginable honour to again sanction the arming of al qaeda, in libya, in order to instigate a false-flag-revolution, which, in turn, might serve as a handy neo-colonial pretext to bomb the fuck outta pan-african trouble-makers - who would most likely oppose said cia-backed al qaeda-insurgency, and then possess the bloody nerve to charge white people full-whack for their country's oil...
heil hillary
@nigga-bomba nandy
ooh, can we use our nukes, loik?
bagsy i get to bosh the red-button...
heil hillary
@ms juicy biceps
"ah, push it
ah, push it
oooh, baby, baby
baby, baby
oooh, baby, baby
baby, baby
launch one off this
ow, baby
hair and juicy's here
[now wait a minute, y'all
this button ain't for everybody
only the psycho-social people
so all you fly-by-wire mothers, get on out there and explode
explode, i said!]
hair and juicy's here, and we're in effect
want you to push it, babe
cruisin' by day then at night blowing up a threat
c'mon girls, let's go show the torys that we know
how to become number one in a hot party show
now push it
ah, push it, push it good
ah, push it, push it real good
ah, push it, push it good
ah, push it, p-push it real good
hey, ow
push it good
oooh, baby, baby
baby, baby
oooh, baby, baby
baby, baby
push it good
push it real good
ah, push it
ah, push it
yo, yo, yo, yo, baby-pop
yeah, you come here, gimme a polaris
better make it fast or else i'm gonna get pissed
can't you hear the missile's pumpin' hard like i wish you would?
now push it
push it good
push it real good
push it good
p-push it real good
ah, push it
launch one off this
boy, you really got me going
you got me so i don't know what i'm doing
ah, push it"
gee-wizz, i'm the only socialist in the asylum...
and who better to make a mushroom-cloud bloom over the former soviet union...?
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