[blogging-still-in-progress: due to unavoidable eventualities, yer'll just have ter blog-it-yer-bloody-selves]
afghanistan, iraq, libya: "jim crow" joe biden has voted for every war except the gulf-war - and he later confessed his regret at not backing that gratuitous neo-con invasion too.
joe "bomb-'em" biden - the somnolent cia-pentagon-puppet - intends to leave combat-troops in the wider middle-east, including afghanistan, and on the pretext of punishing a - white-helmet-staged - false-flag chemical attack against islamist syrian rebels - which is sure to be conveniently blamed upon the syrian government - will, within months of his pyrrhic white house inauguration as pentagon-poodle-in-chief, directly attack president assad's syrian régime - thus disastrously re-igniting perpetual conflagration in the middle-east and, through the purely tactical overthrow of moscow's allies, risking real war with russia.
despite his insincere attempts to suggest otherwise, as vice-president in the obama-administration, joe "bin laden" supported the arming of al qaeda jihadists in the syrian & libyan civil wars - a clinton-designed policy which consciously led to the creation of the islamic state. indeed, the fact that the former vice-president condoned the arming of al qaeda is self-evident since, as a washington-establishment-politician, he clearly never considered resigning over this policy-issue-from-hell, and actually remained in-post with the cynical aim of enriching both himself and his family.
on the contrary, donald trump - the 'fascist' who forgot to invade a foreign nation - intends to withdraw american combat-troops from the entire middle-eastern arena, including afghanistan, where - in defiance of cia-backed terror-efforts by the islamic state to dissolve the current ceasefire - he is now suing for peace. in the face of fierce democrat and establishment criticism, trump nevertheless appears determined to effect this watershed-troop-withdrawal - primarily in order to concentrate all his efforts upon waging war against washington-corruption & the domestic enemies of american democracy, such as the cia-pentagon-corrupted rumps of the democrat and republican parties.
moreover, whereas donald trump has always been generally anti-war, joe biden - in holocaustic harmony with hillary clinton - was a full-time establishment-cheerleader for operation iraqi-genocide...
and note how in 2007, whilst talking about injured american veterans, trump still spares a thought for the many dead citizens of the country which the united states and britain illegally invaded:
"i mean there are thousands, maybe hundreds-of-thousands - and the iraqis that have just been maimed and killed..."
do we really want to slip back into an endlessly looped programme of neo-imperialist war?
do we really now want to overthrow syria too?
well, believe me, the cia and pentagon certainly does desire these outrageous outcomes...
and tragically dopey death-domino biden, alongside cia-mind-drilled dominoes johnson and starmer in the uk, will all just fall over in accordance with their washington-warlords' insane and immoral orders...
thankfully, however, at least us army veterans rate president trump's policy of military de-escalation and troop-withdrawal.
in fact, donald trump is the first american president in thirty years to reverse washington's ultra-aggressive neo-conservative military policy, and should trump achieve peace in afghanistan, we'll all soon be smoking 'naomi c', man - if you grasp my descriptively analogous drift...
give trump a chance
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biden-involvement in blood-mineral-trade & neo-imperialist oil-wars
to be frank, this presidential election ain't about trump, who, as i will labour to re-iterate, is withdrawing troops from the middle-east, and who - in sharply disgracing contrast to his three neo-imperialist predecessors - has even deployed the magnitsky act in order to slap sanctions upon blood-mineral-traders, war-criminals, and corrupt government-officials operating in the democratic republic of congo - as well as upon individuals who have committed serious human rights violations in sudan and libya...
no, this election is being bitterly contested on issues concerning endemic cia-corruption-and-criminality - listed below:
- the deliberate debilitation and dissolution of democracy by deep-state-democrats
- the systematic snuffing of free-speech by deep-state-democrats
- the institutional corruption of media & government by the cia
- the atrocious ability of the clintons, bidens, and their corporate mining-friends, to literally make a killing from blood-mineral-genocide in congo
- clinton biden and co's covert orchestration of blood-mineral-conflict in africa
- the inevitable cia-slaughter - under a biden-administration - of maybe another 10 million africans in congo
- clinton biden and co's corrupt collusion with notorious neo-imperialist blood-mineral-company lundin mining
- the perpetuation - under a biden-administration - of the never-ending neo-imperialist oil-war in the middle east
- the incitement - under a biden-administration - of war between african muslim and african christian - such as that precipitated in somalia - under the obama-administration - by the horrendous hillary clinton
- the arming - under a biden-administration - of one muslim against another
- the re-instigation - under a biden-administration - of a proxy-war against syria - or indeed, the launch by us-forces of a direct attack against the assad-régime
- the perpetuation - under a biden-administration - of the deadly and divisive drone-war in afghanistan - which has already slaughtered many thousands of innocent civilians
- the re-incitement - under a biden-administration - of aggression against russia
- the resumed illegal bombardment - under a biden-administration - of sovereign african, arab, and asian nations
- the resumed illegal overthrow - under a biden-administration - of sovereign african, arab and asian nations
- clinton biden and co's pre-meditated perpetration of a criminal health-scare-hoax in order to wreak economic destruction, and by this anti-democratic means, ultimately undermine a duly elected president of the united states - completely regardless of the countless lives lost, and livelihoods left in ruins, due to the ensuing politically motivated, yet clinically pointless, lockdown.
- the biden-harris-ticket to continued neo-imperialist genocide of arabs and asians - which, as always, will be covertly orchestrated by the cia on behalf of clinton biden and co's deep state
- the biden-harris-ticket to perpetuated neo-imperialist genocide, neo-colonization, economic oppression, and enslavement of african people - which, as always, will be covertly orchestrated by the cia and the clintons
- the vice-presidential condonance, by joe "bin laden", of the secret obama-administration-policy to arm al qaeda jihadists in syria & libya
- the probable biden re-boot of operation timber sycamore - in order to re-arm al qaeda - and the inevitable subsequent re-creation thereby of hillary clinton's islamic state?
wanna "look the other way" like susan rice, president obama, the so-called democrats, the european union, or the pseudo-socialists in the british labour party - and thus condemn africans to perpetual genocide, neo-colonization, economic oppression, and enslavement...?
or for the sake of humanity, can you be bothered to just look up the fucking facts?
well, simply check out the links below:
abc10:chasing elephants - lundin mining corporation & conflict minerals
keith harmon snow and david barouski:wikipedia:
...or else be no better than the murdering neo-imperialist bastards you ignorantly support.
yes, subsequent to laurent-désiré kabila's assumption of his country's presidency at the conclusion of the first congo war, and having in 1997 already fostered 'pre-coup-contact' with clinton-backed fardc-rebels loyal to laurent-désiré kabila, the lundin group paid the congolese president's cia-armed rebels a cool $50 million deposit on a succulent slice of the tenke fungurume copper-and-cobalt-mine - and therefore when this notorious neo-imperialist blood-mineral-conglomerate, the lundin group, later slipped $100 million to the clinton foundation, the donation undeniably represented, a gross sum of barely disguised, blood-money...
and no, your eyes do not deceive you, for as a favour to bill clinton - who is a long-time neo-imperialist accomplice of the lundin group - the prodigal hustler hunter biden - with his father joe biden's full knowledge and consent - has, over recent years, helpfully conspired to dump lundin's stake in the congolese copper-mine at tenke fungurume - thereby conveniently distancing the lundin-name from the congolese blood-mineral-trade and concomitant commission of genocide.
of course, this cynically calculated and evasive rearguard action suddenly being taken by the lundin group, in congo, is in no respect a voluntary exercize, but one forced by a toxic war-crimes-trial, in the swedish prosecutor's pipeline, of top lundin-executives ian lundin, the company's chairman, and alex schneiter, its ceo - both of whom are currently under formal investigation concerning crimes against humanity committed within sudan's block 5a oil-concession.
so does joe biden have the white stuff?
well, his children certainly do...
and in socio-racial contrast to black and hispanic guys - discriminatively prosecuted under joe biden's 1994 violent crime control and law enforcement act - they were, incongruously, never incarcerated for narcotics-offences.
anyhow, given that hunter biden's chinese-backed private equity-fund, bhr partners, bought congo-blood-mineral-shares from bill clinton's neo-imperialist associates at the notorious lundin group - which also happened to donate a cool $100 million in blood-money to the clinton-foundation, and whose top executives are currently being prosecuted by the swedish government for war-crimes committed within sudan's block 5a oil-concession - then there's clearly no fucking way that hunter biden's father - former american vice-president joe biden - wasn't intimately involved in this dirty and lucrative deal - one which effectively off-loaded the tenke fungurume copper-cobalt-mine to chinese state-owned corporation china molybdenum, and in-so-doing conveniently distanced lundin mining from its deep, and well-documented, collusion in congo's apocalyptic blood-mineral-conflict.
oh dear, clinton biden & co clearly can't kick the habit of a lifetime...
and i repeat:
in view of the drug-addiction-problems allegedly suffered by joe biden's children - who, if poor and black, would have been promptly banged-up under biden's 1994 crime-bill - one really has to question whether the former american vice-president is himself made of the white stuff?
should, therefore, african-americans honestly be encouraged - by white middle-class liberals - to vote for this old-school racist, jim crow joe...?
should african-americans honestly be encouraged - by white middle-class liberals - to vote a nasty corrupt neo-imperialist perv into the white house...?
or rather in a democracy, should african-americans be told the truth about genocide joe?
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e-mail revealing a false claim made by the joe biden campaign in relation to bhr partners' blood-mineral-share-transfer-agreement with china molybdenum company
false claim by joe biden campaign in relation to bhr partners' share-transfer-agreement with china molybdenum: for the very urgent attention of bruce golding & anyone who gives a fuck about africans, genocide in congo, or biden-clinton-involvement in the blood-mineral-trade
in bruce golding's article hunter biden’s deals ‘served’ china and chinese military, new film claims, joe biden's campaign is quoted as claiming that - in respect of the tenke fungurume mine sale:
"bhr later offered to sell its share to china molybdenum at a “modest” loss, but the deal fell through"
furthermore, according to paragraph 3.2 (2) of china molybdenum's third quarterly financial report - which is made available on china molybdenum's company-website - the acquisition of the 24% minority equity interest in tenke fungurume mine, from bhr newwood investment management limited, was completed on 27th september 2019.
finally, it is of great electoral significance that hunter biden's bhr newwood purchased the 24% stake in the tenke fungurume mine from none-other-than the notorious neo-imperialist lundin group:
- which in 1997, paid rebels $50 million up-front to fund bill clinton's cia-orchestrated overthrow of the mobutu régime
- which has donated $100 million to the clinton foundation
- whose top executives sweden is currently prosecuting for war-crimes committed in sudan
accordingly, i would summarize the situation thus:
"after buying congolese blood-mineral-shares from the lundin group - whose executives sweden is prosecuting for war-crimes - a subsidiary of hunter biden's chinese-backed private equity-fund - bhr newwood - was sold on to china molybdenum for $470 million"
1) how much of bhr's $470 million equity-transfer-settlement passed to hunter biden?2) by off-loading its stake in congo's blood-mineral-trade & donating $100 million to the clinton foundation, is the lundin group seeking to distance itself from collusion in the genocide of africans?3) in an attempt to conceal the manner in which his partner-in-neo-imperialist-crime profited from his 1997 cia-orchestrated overthrow of zaire's mobutu régime, has bill clinton induced hunter biden to off-load the lundin group's congolese blood-mineral-shares onto china molybdenum?4) is it possible to believe that such a politically sensitive deal could have been struck - between bill clinton's neo-imperialist business-partners & biden junior - without biden senior's explicit approval or active facilitation?
abc10:washington examiner:washington free beacon:unpaid debt:wikipedia:
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joe biden's rôle in implementing operation timber sycamore - the covert obama-administration-policy designed to arm al qaeda and in-so-doing consciously create the islamic state
as vice-president in the obama-administration, joe "bin laden" condoned the arming of al qaeda jihadists in syria & libya - a policy which consequently created the clinton-conceived islamic state.
will biden re-boot operation timber sycamore in order to re-arm al qaeda - and thereby re-create clinton's islamic state?
well, since the destruction of assad's syrian régime has always registered top of the cia's bomb-it-list, and since neo-con joe's foreign policy priority will be determined by his war-bent pentagon-puppet-masters, i'm afraid it's gonna be a sure-fire certainty that al qaeda rebels will be covertly re-armed and the islamic state rudely revitalized:
greatgameindia:wikipedia:new york times:the intercept:
the deplorable truth about joe "bin laden" is that - by arming al qaeda jihadist rebels in syria and libya - his neo-imperialist firm, clinton biden & co, consciously created the islamic state.
genocide is painless for clinton biden & co:
counterpunch:levant report:insurge intelligence:levant report:global research:open democracy:
yes, if you read through their articles carefully, it's evident that even the cia's own deep-state-mouthpieces, the guardian and open democracy, quietly concede that the west armed the islamic state...
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collusion of biden-family with the chinese state
hunter's chinese addiction is the black-hole in a biden-presidency which will sink the american ship:
coke-hole-charlie compromised national security after china corruptly lubricated the black-hole of the biden-family with a private equity investment of $1.5 billion.
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why - in comparison to establishment-democrat joe biden - donald trump is no neo-imperialist
at least 10 million congolese have died as a result of the blood-mineral-wars which were ignited by bill clinton's cia-coordinated coup against mobutu.
by arming one african tribe against another, today's blood-mineral-traders are producing the same genocide as the slave-traders.
following president bill clinton's cia-orchestrated overthrow of mobutu, lundin mining bought the tenke fungurume copper-cobalt-mine in congo.
lundin actually paid the rebels $50 million up-front to fund the ensuing second congo war.
years later, lundin donated $100 million to the clinton foundation.
now that lundin-executives are being prosecuted for war-crimes committed in sudan, the lundin group is hiring hunter biden's bhr partners to off-load its stake in tenke fungurume mine to china molybdenum, & thus distance itself from collusion in african blood-mineral-conflicts.
only an apologist for neo-colonial genocide could possibly believe that such a politically sensitive deal would have been struck, between bill clinton's neo-imperialist business-partners & hunter biden, without joe biden's explicit approval or active facilitation...
come-on, man.
in contrast to his three neo-imperialist predecessors, donald trump - by deployment of the magnitsky act - has in fact imposed sanctions on the major blood-mineral-traders in congo, & has ensured that joseph kabila step down as president in accordance with the office's two-term-limit.
mr trump harbours no neo-imperialist ambitions in africa, & unlike biden, intends to withdraw american troops from the entire middle-eastern arena in order to concentrate his efforts upon waging the war against washington-corruption & the domestic enemies of american democracy.
i don't beat the "anyone-but-trump" drum, because, rather than petty parochial politics, my concern is for the innocent non-white non-american civilians which, starting in syria, joe biden's neo-imperialist forces will slaughter throughout the middle-east & africa.
instead of craving power over the plebs & pretending to protect ethnic minorities, neo-liberals should grow some principles & curb the genocidal tendencies to which they give free-range - and full-throttle - in any region of the world populated by black or brown varieties of humanity.
genocide is painless for clinton biden & co.
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african-american exodus from democrat party & subsequent evolution of african-american support for donald trump
what a turn-about:
back in 2016, a group of young black lives matter protesters was rightly embarrassing the likes of hillary clinton and joe biden - due to the disgusting record, which these dysfunctional dinosaurial politicians possess, of implementing racially oppressive policies...
but now in 2020, the fully-fledged black lives matter movement has been bought-out - by establishment-foundations - and infiltrated - by violent white left-wing extremists - to such a deluded degree that it has clearly become a deep-state-tool of mainstream white neo-liberalism.
judging from the manner in which former natural-born democrats - such as black panther parented bryson gray and kanye west - have migrated - via their anti-establishment-support for bernie sanders - to their eventual endorsement of full-blown trumpism, it's now evident that the sinister political corruption of the black lives matter movement - by privileged white neo-liberalism - and the consequent deep-state-discreditation of the entire black civil rights movement - ideologically atrophied by the worthless war-mongering obama-administration's never-ending neo-imperialist abominations - has left many black people feeling utterly betrayed, and alienated, by the unprincipled power-obsessed politics of liberal and left-wing parties.
yeah, why have a race-war when you can have a proper, good-old-fashioned ideological war..?
and no, these african-american conservatives obviously ain't shittin' where it concerns their freedom from a molasses-mired culture-swamp of democrat-dictated political enslavement.
indeed, it's interesting to note that even iconic civil rights activist martin luther king was probably a floating voter.
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the long-and-short of it
you see, because lundin energy is currently being prosecuted, by the swedish authorities, for collusion in actual war-crimes committed within sudan's block 5a oil-concession, the lundin group is obviously desperate, for cynically cosmetic reasons, to disguise lundin mining's historic complicity in financing the congo-blood-mineral-wars, which just-so-happened to produce a socially embarrassing multi-million-nigger genocide...
and low-and-behold, in a bid to progress lundin group's desired commercial distancing from inconveniently, and ungratefully, dead africans, it transpires that, as if by black market bloody magic, a certain infamous fixer-for-neo-con-fuckers, by the name of hunter "bonanza" biden, has contrived to craftily off-load lundin mining's crimson-edged share in congo's tenke fungurume cobalt-copper mine onto the chinese state-owned china molybdenum company...
this dirty little deal almost definitely being struck with the democratic blessing of black lives matter dud joe biden, on behalf of black deaths matter daddy bill clinton, who, as united states president, notoriously orchestrated the overthrow, by rwandan fardc rebels, of zairean president mobutu sese seko, in order to obscenely enrich his immoral circle of neo-con mining-friends, including those owning the lundin group - which, a few fortune-filled years later, just-so-happened to make a modest $100 million donation to the clinton-foundation, presumably in gratitude for services rendered, by cannibal bill, to white western neo-imperialism.
lundin mining's financing of the fardc rebels - and thus of the consequent blood-mineral-wars in congo - is well-documented by many official international reports - as is lundin mining's fostering of a corrupt relationship with both genocidal kabila-régimes in congo.
neo-colonialists joe biden and boris johnson are undoubtedly deep in the pocket of the chinese government, and by retaining huawei electronic technology in 5g-communication-networks, and also cgn-nuclear technology in infrastructure-projects such as hinkley point c power-station, this duo of dollar-desperados will surely sell out the uk and united states to the chinese communist party, lock, stock and fucking barrel.
in fact, in addition to performing the tenke fungurume share-ownership-transfer, hunter biden's holding company, bhr partners - which is financed by the chinese government for the specific purpose of taking huge stakes in western concerns - have also assisted chinese state-owned avic automotive systems in securing a controlling slice in american firm henniges automotive inc - which manufactures anti-vibration technology with military applications - yet remarkably, bhr partners facilitated this deal despite official evidence that avic stole, from the united states, technology related to the f-35 fighter program.
what's more, hunter biden's bhr partners have also become anchor-investors in the china general nuclear power corporation, the chinese state-owned conglomerate which - having been implicated in the theft of highly sensitive american nuclear technology, and the provision of that nuclear technology to the chinese communist party - is controversially contracted to finance the construction, in somerset uk, of hinkley point c nuclear reactor - to a dodgy, obsolete, and flood-susceptible design, disastrously dogged by safety-issues.
now to be quite frank, trump strikes one as a long-haired pot-smoking pacifist in comparison to his war-exuberant predecessors messrs bush and obama - those serial democratic destroyers of iraq, afghanistan, libya, syria, somalia, and yemen - however, it's clear as a culture-exterminating neo-liberal blitzkrieg that, unlike this present peacenik-president, joe "bomb-'em" biden - an ideological museum-piece with racially redundant dreams of sitting top of the table of internationally acclaimed neo-imperialist bullies - fully intends to leave us-troops in iraq, afghanistan, somalia, and syria, and will almost certainly do so with a view to forcibly removing from power syrian president bashar al-assad - whom he, kamala harris, and their cia-pentagon-puppet-masters in the war-mongering washington-establishment hate with a fearful fucking vengeance...
therefore neo-imperialist joe biden's imminent election as president of the united states of america can only constitute very bad news for the already oppressed peoples of the middle east and africa, not-to-mention for african-americans, out of whose immoral incarceration and racial oppression biden has - as the ultra-racist architect of president clinton's 1994 crime-bill - successfully carved himself an illustrious, and extremely lucrative, political career.
be under absolutely no illusion:
the bidens, the clintons, and the bushes are our modern-day neo-imperialist slave-traders - and non-white neo-liberal politicians, such as kamala harris and the obamas, their ever-willing and obedient hand-servants.
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tweets from a twitter-account arbitrarily suspended by sad neo-liberal establishment pawn, jack doorshut, for the purely party-political purpose of concealing the integral involvement of the clinton and biden families in - amongst many other despicable forms of corruption and criminality - the congolese blood-mineral-trade and concomitant genocide
arranged in their original strings, there follows a series of tweets from the @genocidejoe-twitter-account - which, as a result of systematic neo-liberal censorship, was suspended a few days prior to the 2020 united states presidential election:
read about the desperate attempt by a neo-liberal establishment tool to illegitemately suppress damning information about clinton biden and co's intimate involvement in a raft of corruption and criminality - including a massive modern-day-crime against african humanity which is comparable to that of the atlantic slave trade:
the daily mail:
a young african-american guy visits his african-american doctor & anxiously complains:
"doctor, doctor, i've been listening to joe biden...
& well, you know err...
i just don't reckon i'm black"...~~~<>~~~
...the doctor replies:
"well, i realize you must find this condition deeply disturbing...
but you know, actually err...
between you & me, son...
i'm not black either...
so why not let's just keep this under our hat?"~~~<>~~~
#hunterbiden bought congo-blood-mineral-shares from #billclinton's neo-imperialist sidekicks in the notorious #lundin group
the lundin group has donated $100 million to the #clintonfoundationhttps://www.washingtonexaminer.com/clinton-helped-companies-that-donated-to-foundation-profit-off-africa~~~<>~~~
the top executives at #lundin energy are currently being prosecuted by the swedish government for war-crimes committed within sudan's block 5a oil-concession~~~<>~~~
in order to distance #lundin group from its collusion in congo's apocalyptic blood-mineral-conflict, #hunterbiden's bhr partners off-loaded #lundin-shares in the tenke fungurume copper-cobalt-mine to chinese state-owned corporation china molybdenum
given the #clinton-#lundin-connection, there's no fucking way that #hunterbiden's father, former vice-president #joebiden, wasn't intimately involved in his son's lucrative blood-mineral-deal~~~<>~~~
given that #hunterbiden's chinese-backed private equity-fund, bhr partners, bought congo-blood-mineral-shares from #billclinton's neo-imperialist associates at the notorious #lundin group...~~~<>~~~
...which donated a cool $100 million in blood-money to the #clintonfoundation...
...and the top executives of which are currently being prosecuted by the swedish government for war-crimes committed within sudan's block 5a oil-concession...~~~<>~~~
...then there's no fucking way that #hunterbiden's father - former vice-president #joebiden - wasn't intimately involved in this dirty & lucrative deal, which effectively off-loaded the tenke fungurume copper-cobalt-mine to chinese state-owned corporation, china molybdenum...~~~<>~~~
...and thereby conveniently distanced #lundin group from - its deep, and well-documented, collusion in - congo's apocalyptic blood-mineral-conflict~~~<>~~~
oh dear, #clinton #biden & co clearly can't kick the habit of a lifetime...
and in view of the drug-addiction-problems allegedly suffered by #joebiden's children, one has to question whether the former american vice-president is really made of the white stuff?~~~<>~~~
hey trumpboners
d'you really want african-americans to vote for #jimcrowjoe?
d'you really want 'em to vote for this old-school racist?
d'you really want 'em to vote for this nasty corrupt neo-imperialist perv?
well then get these facts out there, you two-toed fuckin' amateurs+======+======+
joe #biden: license to smell
#biden-congo-connection exposed:
blood-mineral-conglomerate #lundin did dirty billion-dollar deal with #hunterbiden & donated $100 million to the #clintonfoundation
swedish prosecutor on brink of charging #lundin group executives with african war-crimes
#hunterbiden's african blood-mineral-business:
bought from neo-imperialist war-criminals the #lundin group - which donated $100 million to the #clintonfoundation
sold to brutal state-owned chinese corporation china molybdenum
black history of #clintons, #bidens & war-crimes committed by the #lundin group in africa:
dark web woven by lundin blood-mineral-conglomerate, which did a dirty deal with #hunterbiden & donated $100 million to #clintonfoundation
#biden-beijing-espionage-connection exposed:
aviation industry corporation of china - partnered in 2015 with #hunterbiden's state-backed chinese equity firm bhr partners - is strongly suspected of stealing the design of the united states f-35 jet
#biden-beijing-espionage-connection exposed:
in 2014, #hunterbiden's state-backed chinese equity firm, bhr partners, became a founding investor in china general nuclear power corporation, which has been implicated in the theft of american nuclear secrets
son of former vice-president #joebiden implicated in chinese nuclear espionage:
#hunterbiden's state-backed chinese equity firm, bhr partners, was founding-investor in china general nuclear power corp, which exists solely to steal american nuclear secretshttps://greatgameindia.com/china-stole-nuclear-biden/~~~<>~~~
#hunterbiden's state-backed chinese equity firm, bhr partners, was founding-investor in china general nuclear power corp, which is controversially financing construction of uk's dangerously designed & already outdated #hinkleypointc nuclear power station
son of former vice-president #joebiden holds 10% stake in state-backed chinese equity firm, bhr partners, which has bought #lundin blood-mineral-shares in africa & invests in chinese companies implicated in theft of united states military & nuclear secrets~~~<>~~~
son of former vice-president #joebiden holds 10% stake in state-backed chinese equity firm, bhr partners, which has sweetheart-investments in valuable chinese startups, didi chuxing & megvii - supplier of facial recognition technology to chinese governmenthttps://pitchbook.com/news/articles/hunter-biden-defends-role-with-chinese-pe-firm-on-abc~~~<>~~~
hunter's chinese addiction:
the black-hole in a #biden-presidency which will sink the american ship
coke-hole-charlie compromised national security:
china corruptly lubricated black-hole of the biden-family with private equity investment of $1.5 billionhttps://nypost.com/2019/05/11/the-troubling-reason-why-biden-is-so-soft-on-china/~~~<>~~~
oh dear, #clinton #biden & co clearly can't kick the habit of a lifetime...
and in view of the drug-addiction-problems allegedly suffered by #joebiden's children, one has to question whether the former american vice-president is really made of the white stuff?~~~<>~~~
hey trumpboners
d'you really want african-americans to vote for #jimcrowjoe?
d'you really want 'em to vote for this old-school racist?
d'you really want 'em to vote for this nasty corrupt neo-imperialist perv?
well then get these facts out there, you two-toed fuckin' amateurs+======+======+
"let's get social, let's do piggy-back"
joe #biden
#joebiden condoned, or even facilitated, his son's blood-mineral-deal with the neo-imperialist #lundin group, which has donated $100 million to the #clintonfoundation & whose top executives sweden is currently prosecuting for war-crimes committed in sudan
#hunterbiden's chinese-backed private equity-fund, bhr partners, bought #lundin group's stake in tenke fungurume copper-cobalt-mine, congo, & effectively off-loaded it to chinese state-owned corp, china molybdenum, as a favour to #lundin-partner-in-neo-imperialist-crime #clinton~~~<>~~~
#billclinton & his neo-imperialist accomplices in the #lundin group have now conveniently distanced themselves from lundin mining's deep & well-documented collusion in congo's apocalyptic blood-mineral-conflict, which clinton triggered via his cia-orchestrated overthrow of mobutu~~~<>~~~
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co+======+======+
ms empson, do you consider that racism in any way affected your development as a child?+======+======+harry & meghan are a pair of typical neo-imperialist snobs - & have probably got a bunch of blood-mineral-portfolios, just like the bidens
to these guys, africa is simply a safari-park for blood-sports...+======+======+
[response to: "things more cringy than @joebiden saying "come on man".....go."]
the biden-blood-mineral-portfolio - which was acquired courtesy of the neo-imperialist lundin group & neo-imperialist-in-chief bill clinton
birds of a feather rape & pillage together+======+======+
"i love the smell of karl marx in the morning"
joe #biden
at least 10 million congolese have died as a result of the blood-mineral-wars which were ignited by #billclinton's cia-coordinated coup against mobutu
by arming one african tribe against another, today's blood-mineral-traders are producing the same genocide as the slave-traders~~~<>~~~
following president #billclinton's cia-orchestrated overthrow of mobutu, #lundin mining bought the tenke fungurume copper-cobalt-mine in congo
lundin actually paid the rebels $50 million up-front to fund the war
years later, lundin donated $100 million to the #clintonfoundation~~~<>~~~
now that #lundin-executives are being prosecuted for war-crimes committed in sudan, the #lundin group is hiring #hunterbiden's bhr partners to off-load its stake in tenke fungurume mine to china molybdenum, & thus distance itself from collusion in african blood-mineral-conflicts~~~<>~~~
only an apologist for neo-colonial genocide could possibly believe that such a politically sensitive deal would have been struck, between #billclinton's neo-imperialist business-partners & #hunterbiden, without #joebiden's explicit approval or active facilitation
come-on, man~~~<>~~~
in contrast to his 3 neo-imperialist predecessors, #donaldtrump - by deployment of the magnitsky act - has in fact imposed sanctions on the major blood-mineral-traders in congo, & has ensured that joseph kabila step down as president in accordance with the office's two-term-limit~~~<>~~~
mr #trump harbours no neo-imperialist ambitions in africa, & unlike #biden, intends to withdraw american troops from the entire middle-eastern arena in order to concentrate his efforts upon waging the war against washington-corruption & the domestic enemies of american democracy~~~<>~~~
i don't beat the "anyone-but-#trump" drum, because, rather than petty parochial politics, my concern is for the innocent non-white non-american civilians which, starting in syria, #joebiden's neo-imperialist forces will slaughter throughout the middle-east & africa~~~<>~~~
instead of craving power over the plebs & pretending to protect ethnic minorities, neo-liberals should grow some principles & curb the genocidal tendencies to which they give free-range, & full-throttle, in any region of the world populated by black or brown varieties of humanity~~~<>~~~
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co
don't ever speak for europeans
we do not all support the european empire & its economic oppression of africa
the eu is but the bastard progeny of the british empire & the cia, a licensor of genocide & resource-rape, & a gutter for blood-minerals from which you slake your thirst~~~<>~~~
...for absolute & unaccountable power over those who, due to phanes' lottery, happen to lack white skin
we do not all unctuously ass-lick the war-mongering neo-liberal establishment of clinton obama biden & the cia...
& for all his faults, nor does trump...
yet you clearly do+======+======+fun-'n-follicle-lickin' at the liberal-lefty-love-in:all looks pretty consensual to me...#joebiden~~~<>~~~after buying congolese blood-mineral-shares from the #lundin group - whose executives sweden is prosecuting for war-crimes - a subsidiary of #hunterbiden's chinese-backed private equity-fund - bhr newwood - was sold on to china molybdenum for $470 million~~~<>~~~how much of bhr's $470 million equity-transfer-settlement passed to #hunterbiden?by off-loading its stake in congo's blood-mineral-trade & donating $100 million to the #clintonfoundation, is the lundin group seeking to distance itself from collusion in the genocide of africans?~~~<>~~~in the hope of disguising the degenerate manner in which his partners-in-neo-colonial-crime profited from his cia-orchestrated overthrow of the mobutu régime, has #billclinton induced #hunterbiden to off-load the #lundin group's congolese blood-mineral-shares to china molybdenum?~~~<>~~~is it possible to believe that such a politically sensitive deal could have been struck - between #billclinton's neo-imperialist business-partners & #hunterbiden - without #joebiden's explicit approval or active facilitation?~~~<>~~~genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co~~~<>~~~genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co~~~<>~~~genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co~~~<>~~~genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co~~~<>~~~genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co~~~<>~~~genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co~~~<>~~~genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co~~~<>~~~genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co~~~<>~~~genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co~~~<>~~~genocide is painless for #clinton #biden #lundin & co+======+======+
a young african-american guy visits his african-american doctor & anxiously complains:
"doctor, doctor, i've been listening to joe biden...
& well, you know err...
i just don't reckon i'm black"...~~~<>~~~
...the doctor replies:
"well, i realize you must find this condition deeply disturbing...
but you know, actually err...
between you & me, son...
i'm not black either...
so why not let's just keep this under our hat?"~~~<>~~~
the deplorable truth about joe "bin laden"
how #clinton #biden & co created & armed the islamic state - by backing & arming al qaeda jihadist rebels
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
the deplorable truth about joe "bin laden"
how #clinton #biden & co created & armed the islamic state - by backing & arming al qaeda jihadist rebels
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
the deplorable truth about joe "bin laden"
how #clinton #biden & co created & armed the islamic state - by backing & arming al qaeda jihadist rebels
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
the deplorable truth about joe "bin laden"
how #clinton #biden & co created & armed the islamic state - by backing & arming al qaeda jihadist rebels
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
the deplorable truth about joe "bin laden"
how #clinton #biden & co created & armed the islamic state - by backing & arming al qaeda jihadist rebels
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
the deplorable truth about joe "bin laden"
how #clinton #biden & co created & armed the islamic state - by backing & arming al qaeda jihadist rebels
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
the deplorable truth about joe "bin laden"
how #clinton #biden & co created & armed the islamic state - by backing & arming jihadist rebels
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:+======+======+
"i love the smell of karl marx in the morning"
joe #biden
if you back #clinton #biden & co, you must hate africans, arabs, asians, women & children
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
if you back #clinton #biden & co, you must hate africans, arabs, asians, women & children
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
check the rap-sheet of #clinton #biden & co's crimes against humanity
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
check the rap-sheet of #clinton #biden & co's crimes against humanity
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
learn how #clinton #biden & co armed war-criminals for profit
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
learn how #clinton #biden & co armed war-criminals for profit
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
if you love #clinton #biden & co, you must hate humanity
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
if you love #clinton #biden & co, you must hate humanity
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
how #clinton #biden & co's european empire facilitated genocide in congo
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
how #clinton #biden & co's european empire facilitated genocide in congo
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:+======+======+
"let's get social, let's do piggy-back"
joe #biden
if you love #clinton #biden & co, you must hate humanity
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
check the rap-sheet of #clinton #biden & co's crimes against humanity
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
learn how #clinton #biden & co armed war-criminals for profit
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
how #clinton #biden & co's european empire facilitated genocide in congo
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:
if you back #clinton #biden & co, you must hate africans, arabs, asians, women & children
genocide is painless for #clinton #biden & co:+======+======+
joe #biden: license to smell
as vice-president in the #obama-administration, joe "bin laden" condoned the arming of al qaeda jihadists in syria & libya
will #biden re-boot operation "timber sycamore" in order to re-arm al qaeda...?
& thereby re-create #clinton's islamic state?https://greatgameindia.com/operation-timber-sycamore-the-shadow-war-in-syria/~~~<>~~~
as vice-president in the #obama-administration, joe "bin laden" condoned the arming of al qaeda jihadists in syria & libya
will #biden re-boot operation "timber sycamore" in order to re-arm al qaeda...?
& thereby re-create #clinton's islamic state?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber_Sycamore~~~<>~~~
as vice-president in the #obama-administration, joe "bin laden" condoned the arming of al qaeda jihadists in syria & libya
will #biden re-boot operation "timber sycamore" in order to re-arm al qaeda...?
& thereby re-create #clinton's islamic state?https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/02/world/middleeast/cia-syria-rebel-arm-train-trump.html~~~<>~~~
as vice-president in the #obama-administration, joe "bin laden" condoned the arming of al qaeda jihadists in syria & libya
will #biden re-boot operation "timber sycamore" in order to re-arm al qaeda...?
& thereby re-create #clinton's islamic state?
* * *
wikipedia - political positions of joe biden:
cato institute:
biden wants to return to a ‘normal’ foreign policy: that’s the problem"america can’t go back to being everywhere and solving every problem"
donald trump in 2007 on the terrible cost of the iraq war - twitter:
donald trump - twitter:
keith harmon snow and david barouski:
washington examiner:
washington free beacon:
unpaid debt:
lundin investigation completed
prosecutor: “sufficient grounds for indictment”
otago daily times:
new york post:
oil price:
case western reserve journal of international law:
the guardian:
new york post:
asian metal:
hong kong exchanges news:
new york post:
was martin luther king jr. a republican or a democrat? the answer is complicated
b: nbnb sneaks into white house under his fpj
joe biden racism - 1994 crime bill
joe and hunter biden's involvement in congolese blood-mineral-trade and associated genocide - biden campaign lied about tenke fungurume deal falling through with china molybdenum
arming al qaeda in order to create islamic state: joe biden went along with hillary clinton's plan
biden will let cia and pentagon attack president assad's syrian régime in the wake of white-helmet-staged false-flag chemical attack
hunter biden: shares in hinckley point c nuclear power station
joe biden and boris johnson will both sell us out to china - dangerous and technologically redundant hinkley point c power station, huawei-5g and hs2.
kamala harris criticism
kamala harris - the full-petal jacket - her form strongly suggests that she will sign up for anything, including any war, in order to further her establishment-career
the guardian:
former administration pardon attorney suggests broken system in resignation letter
[really excellent critique in second half of article]
the nation:
tulsi gabbard rips kamala harris' record on criminal prosecutions:
[political positions of kamala harris]
"joe biden's running mate has views on iran, israel, saudi arabia and syria that fall in line with the democratic party establishment"
joe biden criticism
the craze to remove trump - the "fascist" who forgot to got to war -and then replace him with a war-mongering anti-black establishment-puppet
joe biden criticism
the craze to remove trump - the "fascist" who forgot to got to war -and then replace him with a war-mongering anti-black establishment-puppet
“our allies, the kurds” say the democrats - but when did democrats, or republicans, ever support the kurds to the extent that trump has done?
"i think it most likely that biden will win, although as his recent comments about latinos and african-americans remind us, he doesn’t think well on his feet. he’s abrasive, thin-skinned, famously gaffe-prone. most of all his record his hard to justify. the 1994 crime bill biden he co-authored was the culmination of many efforts. “the truth is,” biden had declared on the senate floor in 1993, “every major crime bill since 1976 that’s come out of this congress, every minor crime bill, has had the name of the democratic senator from the state of delaware: joe biden.” the reverend jesse jackson declared that the 1994 law portended “the most fascist period of our history.”
question for discussion: what law has trump signed more fascist than the 1994 crime law? and what is the relationship between institutionalized racist police murder, fascism, and the police unions that biden has doted on throughout his career? the wall street journal reports “joe biden spent years cultivating close relationships with police unions” in the 1980s and 90s while he was chair of the senate judiciary committee, backing moves to protect cops from prosecution. his emphatic rejection of “police defunding” reflects this longstanding connection."
"on one side, the fate of my country dangles in front of me with an incompetent narcissist at its helm. on the other, a vote for the same corrupt establishment politics that led us to this chaos in the first place is, sadly, our best bet"
devastating criticism of joe biden and kamala harris by a member of their own party:
devastating criticism of joe biden and kamala harris by a member of their own party:
exclusive: 'joe biden stole jill from me'her first husband tells how she cheated with democrat candidate he once considered a friend and that they have lied about how they started dating for years
biden involvement in blood-mineral-trade and wars
susan rice is highly probable to be biden's pick for secreatry of state - but she will be a disaster for africa and the middle east
five more things you probably didn’t know about susan rice
backed genocidal takeover of congo by rwanda, let foday sankoh out of prison in sierra leone, caused war between eritrea and ethiopia - and on behalf of hillary clinton, tried to cover up real reasons for 2012 assassination of ambassador stephens in libya
risks of susan rice - ditto
"in 2010, a group of charities and peace activists published a report — unpaid debt — which accused three oil companies, including omv, of being complicit in war crimes and crimes against humanity in sudan.
"in 2010, a group of charities and peace activists published a report — unpaid debt — which accused three oil companies, including omv, of being complicit in war crimes and crimes against humanity in sudan.
the three companies — led by swedish oil company lundin and also including petronas of malaysia — operated as a consortium to extract oil from an area known as block 5a in sudan, beginning in 1997, the guardian reported.
the area was not then controlled by the sudanese government, and the oil companies’ interest triggered a "vicious" war in the area between 1997 and 2003.
accusations included indiscriminate attacks on civilians, rape, torture and the abduction of children.
the lundin consortium was accused of working alongside the perpetrators, and having an infrastructure that enabled crimes committed by armed forces, the guardian reported.
lundin has continued to deny it violated international law or that it participated in, or had knowledge of, any of the illegal acts documented in the report, the guardian reported.
the report — which called for an investigation — triggered a nine-year probe, which concluded in october last year when the swedish prosecution authority announced it would indict lundin’s chief executive and chairman.
the trial is expected to begin next year and take two years, but the pair — who face life sentences if convicted — continued to deny the allegations, media reports at the time said."
otago daily times:
fight on as multinational oil giant gains go-ahead
glencore backs cobalt mining pact in democratic republic of congo
dr congo: cursed by its natural wealth - but no mention of clinton and friends' involvement in blood-mineral-wars and trading.good article on congo, but does not mention who has been behind the latest congo blood-mineral-wars...
[explains why china wants cobalt - for construction of nuclear weapons]
[explains why china wants cobalt - for construction of nuclear weapons]
black gold burning: in search of south sudan’s oil pollution
black gold burning: in search of south sudan’s oil pollution
biden democrat racism and biden's 1994 crime bill
biden' 1994 crime bill - which was employed to incarcerate - for life - tens of thousands of young black men who were convicted of drug-use-offences three strikes out, one strike out
violent crime control and law enforcement act
clinton crime bill: why is it so controversial?
clinton crime bill: why is it so controversial?
the controversial 1994 crime law that joe biden helped write, explained
the controversial 1994 crime law that joe biden helped write, explained
bill clinton's crime bill destroyed lives, and there's no point denying it
bill clinton's crime bill destroyed lives, and there's no point denying it
the former president made sure low-level drug users felt the full weight of state power at the same moment bankers saw the shackles that bound them removed
why the the democrats' conjured up their very own modern-day manifestation of the klu klux klan
so much for the deplorable deep-state-attempt - cynically orchestrated by biden and the clintons in the name of selfishly securing white-democrat-power - to spark an antifa-catalyzed race-war between extremist white nationalists and radical black activists.
why the the democrats' conjured up their very own modern-day manifestation of the klu klux klan
so much for the deplorable deep-state-attempt - cynically orchestrated by biden and the clintons in the name of selfishly securing white-democrat-power - to spark an antifa-catalyzed race-war between extremist white nationalists and radical black activists.
god-dammit, now that it's all gone strictly ideological, we'll never know which side obama would have taken...
this african-american man is condemning the - deep-state-democrat-incited - violent extremism which has contaminated, and ideologically undermined, the black civil rights movement.he profoundly exclaims:
"the only people oppressed in this world are those who embrace being oppressed"
in this presidential election, let us hope-and-pray that the true voice of america is not silenced by the world's biggest war-criminals - washington's neo-liberal establishment.
bidens and china
list titles and links below under biden collusion with chinese state heading - include the quotes etc:
biden-beijing-espionage-connection exposed:
biden-beijing-espionage-connection exposed:
aviation industry corporation of china - partnered in 2015 with hunter biden's state-backed chinese equity firm bhr partners - is strongly suspected of stealing the design of the united states f-35 jet
biden-beijing-espionage-connection exposed:
in 2014, hunter biden's state-backed chinese equity firm, bhr partners, became a founding investor in china general nuclear power corporation - which has been implicated in the theft of american nuclear secrets
son of former vice-president joe biden implicated in chinese nuclear espionage:
hunter biden's state-backed chinese equity firm, bhr partners, was founding-investor in china general nuclear power corp - which exists solely to steal american nuclear secrets
hunter biden's state-backed chinese equity firm, bhr partners, was founding-investor in china general nuclear power corp, which is controversially financing construction of uk's dangerously designed & already outdated hinkley point c nuclear power station
hunter biden's state-backed chinese equity firm, bhr partners, was founding-investor in china general nuclear power corp, which is controversially financing construction of uk's dangerously designed & already outdated hinkley point c nuclear power station
son of former vice-president joe biden holds a 10% stake in state-backed chinese equity firm bhr partners - which has bought lundin blood-mineral-shares in africa, and invests in chinese companies implicated in the theft of united states military & nuclear secrets
son of former vice-president joe biden holds a 10% stake in state-backed chinese equity firm bhr partners - which has sweetheart-investments in valuable chinese startups, didi chuxing & megvii, the supplier of facial recognition technology to the chinese government
son of former vice-president joe biden holds a 10% stake in state-backed chinese equity firm bhr partners - which has sweetheart-investments in valuable chinese startups, didi chuxing & megvii, the supplier of facial recognition technology to the chinese government
hunter's chinese addiction:
hunter's chinese addiction:
the black-hole in a biden-presidency which will sink the american ship
coke-hole-charlie compromised national security:
china corruptly lubricated black-hole of the biden-family with private equity investment of $1.5 billion
hunter biden’s china entanglements spark concern in senate
investigators probing potential conflict of interest in hunter biden's ties to $600 million chinese takeover
"biden helped chinese aviation giant buy henniges automotive, a us auto company that produces technologies with military applications - however, aviation industry corporation of china had raised national security concern in the us before. american national security officials and independent analysts strongly suspected that the company, a major supplier of military jets in china, had hacked us networks to steal the design of the f-35 jet and used the design to build its own stealth jet fighters."
chinese business partner of joe biden’s son yet to decide whether to comment after donald trump’s call for investigation
6 facts about hunter biden’s business dealings in china
6 facts about hunter biden’s business dealings in china
"in december 2014, bhr became an “anchor investor” in the ipo of china general nuclear power company - cgn - a state-owned nuclear company involved in the development of nuclear reactors. not only is cgn a strategically important company in china, it was also facing legal scrutiny in the united states. in 2016, cgn was charged with espionage by the justice department for stealing us nuclear secrets."
hinkley point c nuclear power station - wiki
hinkley point c nuclear power station - wiki
cgn building hinkley point c - hunter biden's bhr partners is an anchor-investor in cgn
how china stole american nuclear secrets funded by hunter biden co-founded firm bhr partners
how china stole american nuclear secrets funded by hunter biden co-founded firm bhr partners
was joe biden’s son part of a chinese spy operation to steal us nuclear technology?
was joe biden’s son part of a chinese spy operation to steal us nuclear technology?
pro-trump music and comedy
4 more years - forgiato blow ft colt ford
maga discussion washington bryson gray
if this guy wins the election for trump, the president will have to make him ambassador to the united nationsreminiscent of african election-albums
i say...
whoever said mister dead corpsed?
if the biden-zombie ascends from the cozy corrupt political grave, i'll re-warm mister dead in the media-mortuary's microwave-oven, and then serve him up lockdown-style to the desperate fun-starved neo-puritanical adherents of neurotic neo-liberal numbness.
every one's a winner
err...oh dear me...
i rather suspect that this catchphrase is not actually mine...
ah no, i meant:
@henry huckfield
now that sounds like masochism
fun-'n-follicle-lickin' at the liberal-lefty-love-in:
"all looks pretty consensual to me..."
"let's get social, let's do piggy-back"
joe biden: license to smell
"i love the smell of karl marx in the morning"
a young african-american guy visits his african-american doctor and anxiously complains:
"doctor, doctor, i've been listening to joe biden...
and well, you know err...
i just don't reckon i'm black"
the doctor replies:
"well, i realize you must find this condition deeply disturbing...
but you know, actually err...
between you and me, son...
i'm not black either...
so why not let's just keep this under our hat?"
one category of activist which the labour party definitely does not desire to fill out its rancid right-wing-ranks, is the pro-black anti-war socialist. take for example, former leader, veteran anti-war campaigner, and life-long anti-racist socialist, jeremy barnyard-crowbar mp - also known, due to his obscenely offensive outbursts, as "dirty" corby - whose membership has been summarily suspended for alleged anti-semitism.
as members, the 'modern' labour party merely wishes to attract politically correct neo-liberal war-mongers - its only raison d'être now being the parliamentary validation of neo-imperialist nigger-bombing, where 'nigger' in new-labour-speak is broadly defined as anyone not born 'white'.
crowned - despite commanding all the assertiveness of a loaf of sliced white bread - as current masquerade-leader of the ideologically decadent labour party, the euro-starm-trooper will - in common with prime minister boris jobbie-dung and in the time-honoured fashion of so many cia-sponsored establishment-slags before him - inevitably roll right over for demonic possession by the violent vampire-infested washington-swamp, and then in a tv-screen-deep pseudo-democratic display of consummate sang-froid - liberally laced with sickening saccharine pseudo-socialist self-righteousness - wave through any, and every, cia-pentagon-planned military obscenity which is presented him for robber-stamping by the sleepy slipper-bound war-president, and pensionable deep-state-puppet, joe "bomb-'em" - a man, who for-all-the-world, gives a damn good impression of being a soiled second-hand sex-toy whose batteries are running out.
why, the moment british labour-government bombs first started to fall upon baghdad, real socialists, like comrade corby, did not immediately quit the labour party - and duly campaign for its instant institutional abolition on grounds of public decency - i must confess completely mystifies me...
and why black labour-members - like the honourable dame diana dubble-dollop - doggedly remain in a party which - according to a recent internal report - treats them so abominably, and with such utterly vicious racist contempt, just totally bewilders me.
strike-a-light, this blog-post contains some very revealing and damning information about creepy racist sex-pest joe biden and his sleazy coke-snorting son, hunter - and god-only-knows why americans, especially african americans, are seriously considering voting into power this pathetic little pair of nasty neo-imperialist crooks.
hey trumpboners...
d'you really want african-americans to vote for jim crow joe?
d'you really want 'em to vote for this old-school racist?
d'you really want 'em to vote for this nasty corrupt neo-imperialist perv?
well then get these facts out there, you two-toed fuckin' amateurs.
in the united states presidential election, a huge cia-orchestrated fraud has been committed on at least three levels:
1) the deep-state-democrat-perpetrated coronavirus-hoax - by criminally sabotaging the american economy and causing untold deaths through the highly immoral lockdown-justified denial of medical treatment - has undermined the peace-seeking president politically, and promoted the widespread facilitation of - intrinsically fraud-prone - mail-in-balloting.
2) almost the entire media-machine has been corruptly commandeered by the pro-democrat anti-trump establishment - including the absurdly biased opinion-polling-organizations.
3) as an ultra-control-obsessive fail-safe-measure, the manically pro-war neo-imperialist establishment is certain to have ensured some form of strategic vote-rigging, in order to guarantee that their hand-picked-and-programmed pair of coddled career-puppets is ultimately victorious.
of course, it's not as though the bad-loser democrat-cheats do not have previous with regard to anti-democratic election-interference, since we must remember that the timing of the 2008 stock-market-crash and consequent banking-crisis - which fortuitously occurred just two months prior to barack obama's historic first election-win - was hardly accidental.
in any case, the regressive result of this monstrous and villainous anti-democratic fraud is that pathologically pig-ignorant americans - both black and white alike - have queued up, in their miserable misinformed millions to vote for repressive lockdown, 'progressive' suppression of free-speech, government-taxation-theft insidiously integrated with organized establishment-corruption, and last-but-definitely-not-least, yet more genocidal neo-imperialist war in the middle-east and africa.
sadly not, i fear...
lest - by continuing to resist the brutish iron-clad will of the massacre-merry washington-establishment - he succumb to the same rather grisly war-shy fate as did jfk in 1963.
haunted by "the horror":
the real hearts of darkness
"pathologically pig-ignorant americans - both black and white alike - have queued up, in their miserable misinformed millions to vote for repressive lockdown, 'progressive' suppression of free-speech, government-taxation-theft insidiously integrated with organized establishment-corruption, and last-but-definitely-not-least, yet more genocidal neo-imperialist war in the middle-east and africa."
african-americans have once again obediently lined up to callously throw their african brothers and sisters to the snarling white dogs of neo-imperialist war.
if black people do not give a flying fuck about blood-mineral-genocide in africa, why the fucking hell should anyone expect white people to ever care about the neo-imperialist slaughter, economic repression, and consequent exploitation of black africans - which, by-the-way, is all covertly orchestrated by the cia and criminally facilitated by the neo-colonial european empire?
just like the constant anti-democratic campaign to thwart britain's exit from the european emporium of blood-minerals, the noxious neo-liberal campaign to elect joe bin-'em as president of the united states is simply a move, by middle-class establishment-snobs, to put working-class people back in their low-born box.
the imminent election of neo-imperialist joe bomb-'em as president of the united states proves americans to be everything we always believed they were:
a bunch of unchristian nigger-bombing bastards
check tonight's shit-hot young pharaoh video at 15 minutes 40 seconds in
listen to our hyper-hieroglyphic host holding forth on the subject of election-fraud...
but never mind the election, young pharaoh officially certifies president donald trump as "a real nigga"...
and believe me, accolades don't come higher than that, my friend.
@the deal mccoy: unofficially defeated president now promoted to highest status on the street
wow, i just don't know what to say really...
never in my entire life have i received such an honour...
what an absolute approbation from the common man.
i mean, who needs the poxy old nobel peace prize...?
or for that matter...
the poxy old presidency of the united states...?
yes, it's an ideologically devastating indictment of 'liberals', and those of the political 'left', that they all now unquestioningly idolize nigger-bombing neo-imperialist bastards like joe biden...
but then whatever d'you expect to happen when former anti-establishment-parties cynically and systematically sell out the common man in order to luxuriously accommodate the crypto-fascist neo-liberalism of the middle-class metropolitan élite?
'liberals' are indecently quick to condemn donald trump as 'racist'...
yet - without any facility for self-criticism - support a 'democratic' party whose previous neo-imperialist administrations have:
a) armed al qaeda in order to instigate civil war in libya and syria
b) incited christian african union forces to fight against muslim african forces in somalia
c) escalated the war in afghanistan to such an extreme degree that it has now been extended by 10 long bloody years
d) destroyed the state of libya by means of massive military intervention
e) authorized the cia-orchestrated overthrow of former zaire - consequently igniting blood-mineral-wars which have cost the lives of over 10 million congolese, but benefited bill clinton's mining-friends, including hunter biden, to the deadly discordant tune of countless billions of dirty dollars
f) armed al qaeda with the intention of instigating a genocidal islamic state insurgency in iraq
i-mean-to-say, what ethical hurdle is formed by a few rigged ballots, when you've already deliberately undermined democracy by perpetrating an impeachment-fraud, the russia-collusion-hoax, a four-year-long anti-trump media-disinformation-fraud, and also a coronavirus-health-scare-hoax which - as a result of ignorantly, and pointlessly, implemented lockdown-policies - has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and millions of livelihoods?
just so long as white middle-class 'liberals' and 'left'-wingers get governments, leaders, and a european emporium of blood-minerals - aka the neo-imperialist eu - which all kepp up the pathetic charade of not being racist...
and just so long as these wanky white middle-class 'liberals' and 'left'-wingers get a corrupt avalanche of over-paid public sector 'jobs for the boys-and-girls'...
you'll inevitably find that these worthless white neo-imperialist-apologists do not care one bloody jot about the millions of niggers and wogs who will be - and already have been - systematically wiped out by dirty democrat-decreed neo-imperialist genocide in africa and the middle-east...
makes you wanna fuckin' puke dunnit?
@the progressive hypocrisy of the politically correct
it's always the same fuckin' story with these 'progressive', or politically correct, 'liberal' and 'leftie' types...
they'll immediately string you up by the fuckin' bollocks for using the word 'nigger' or 'wog', but they're absolutely fuckin' fine with bombing nigger-and wog-families to bloody buggery - when it's done for strictly humanitarian reasons, of course...
sorry, that last word was extremely offensive
@"the unbearable whiteness of bombing" - by greg darkie
no shit, greg, i really know where you're coming from, mate...
personally, i regard myself as the donald trump of football: i did fuckin' wonders for black-employment, and then got slung outta the game for being perceived as 'racist'...
go brexit...
down with neo-imperialist blocism
bugger, am i allowed to say that last bit?
around the globe, the hoax-health-scare over a primordial coronavirus has precipitated both pointless repressive lockdowns and systematic denial-of-medical care, the direct fascist effects of which have - quite aside from releasing a people-suffocating tidal-wave of economic destruction - caused millions of excess-fatalities amongst the elderly, the disabled, the vulnerable, those with pre-existing health-conditions, and equally shamefully, even amongst those who simply struggle with learning-difficulties...
yet of course, although inconveniently accumulating in untold unsightly piles across the globe, these somewhat unfortunate collateral casualties all suddenly seem wonderfully worthwhile now that, in the willy-waving woke wake of this horrendous human-suffering-and-smothering, their socially justifed sacrifice has enabled the neo-imperialist establishment, in a slick show of sour-faced sanctimony, to undemocratically remove from power a populist american president, who has mortally offended neo-liberal sensitivities with his 'politically incorrect' tweets, who has reversed a thirty-year-long policy of never-ending neo-conservative military aggression, who - in doubty defiance of the war-mongering washington-establishment - has instigated a complete combat-troop-withdrawal from the middle-east, who has been fully committed to negotiating a permanent peace-settlement in afghanistan, who has opposed the hysterical neo-liberal hankering to overthrow syria - and consequently avoided courting a wildfire-world-war involving russia - and who - despite being politically and economically undermined by his nefarious anti-democratic opponents in the deep-frying-state of neo-liberal neo-imperialism - has fought tirelessly to create jobs for every one of his country's citizens - totally regardless of their creed or colour.
history will surely judge the genocidal nazis and neo-liberals in the same damning breath.
through the publicly-funded agency of a politically polluted radio-series, the neo-contaminated corps of intellectually-cheap propagandists at the neo-imperialist bbc are currently striving to deep-launder the shady reputation of career-mi6-and-cia-spook james le mesurier - father of the al qaeda affiliated white helmets - who was, almost certainly, also an integral intelligence-cog-in-the-creation of the islamic state insurgency.
be in absolutely no doubt:
a false-flag chemical attack "carried out by the syrian government" is looming ominously large upon the fast and furious fake-news-horizon.
i tend, i confess, to concur with comments which have been left upon other blog-pages:
the 'great reset', to which we are currently being forcibly subjected, is a malevolently manipulative means of landscaping the consummate economic failure - by our corrupt neo-liberal, and greedily globalist-oriented, establishment - to compete with the production-intensive poverty-inspired labour-force of the far-eastern manufacturing-empire; in old imperial europe - resting psychologically, but rather precariously, upon our ruling élite's ill-gotten neo-colonial laurels - we find a trans-nationalized farce of chronically ill-trained and under-productive - although tragically ever industrious - workers, whose 'gainful employment' is - in terms of genuine economic enterprise - disincentivizingly and debilitatingly subsidized by state-welfare-benefits, for which our crooked neo-liberal establishment - having heartily helped itself, during three delusionary decadent decades, to all the glistening financial goodies pouring freely into the tax-payer-pumped exchequer - has now dutifully and prudently decided that it just cannot possibly afford to shell out, darlings.
@how corrupt establishment-cunt-pigs colluded with the commie-controlled demolition of the wealth-tourist-west
yes, below-deck unter-beings of sinking ship great britain...
my watch-word, as you all may fondly remember, is prudence...
and it was, i must say, my unparalleled unerring prudence which enabled me to preside, both as canceller of the exchequer and prime misseller, over the whacking great economic crash of 2008 - however, let it never be overlooked that, as chance-seller, i also spinelessly bailed out the grand-theft-banker-bastards to the tune of billions-upon-fookin'-billions, that i presciently sold off all britain's gold-bullion-reserves at crock-bottom-soddin'-prices - and then gazed on like a clueless card-table-cunt whilst that same unpredictably priceless commodity suddenly rocketed seven-fookin'-fold in value - and that, whilst my natural modesty precludes me from claiming the ultimate credit for it, i boldly pursued a potty penny-foolish policy which permanently crippled our wonderful nhs with a shitload of blatantly corrupt contracts, otherwise known as public-private-parsnips.
och aye...and let's not forget, of course, the small matter of how my faithful moral-fookin'-compass guided me to achieving the widely sought-after status of world's-most-wanted-war-criminal...
nor how the inexpiate blood of half-a-million fookin' iraqis is still drippety-drip-dripping from the historic horror-show of holier-than-high-brow hypocrisy harboured, frustrate and furious, in my hammer-fisted hands.
in hideous contrast to harold wilson's labour party of the 1960s - which refused to send british troops to the vietnam war - the modern-day labour party is politically much further to the right than both the members of nigel farage's brexit party and their anti-eu conservative comrades in the european research group...
because, you see, however much you may attempt to contest this postulation, the all-too-ugly fact remains that, whilst the farage-led ukip and brexit party have consistently opposed each-and-every criminal blitzkrieg in this century's sorry string of american military misadventures, the british labour party has - since the 2001 war-on-terror-triggering demolition of the new york world trade center - officially backed every last neo-imperialist genocide which has required parliamentary approval.
frankly speaking, the anti-war-element in the cia-dominated labour party is now practically invisible - and being ideologically purged by the minute - yet on the other gung-ho hand - which, gloved in hugger-mugger hegemonic hypocrisy, firmly forms the fuck-fist of a fierce fascist salute - the raw neo-imperialist nature of creepy crypto-neo-con labour sticks out like a sore pseudo-socialist cruise-missile...
therefore, so long as only the lonely left-wing-hearts-club can still deploy due judgment to discern that sumtink's seriously rotten in the state of democracy, and comprehend that - due to its serial social shitting upon the result of a democratic referendum, not-to-mention its insidious internecine ice-picking of a cruelly cornered comrade corbyn - the luvverly liberal-minded labour party retains bollock-all credibility as a bastion either of democracy or socialism...
then i'm rather afraid it's gonna be tick-tock and rock-around-the-clock until uncle joe biden's first anti-arab, -asian, or -african abomination busts right out of an atrocity-crammed screen near you.
@the socializing of inhumanity has begun - with a vengeance
neo-imperialists in liberal clothing have no shame...
they will literally kill for power's opportunity to kill even more.
whilst "blood-mineral" biden and the dirty gold-diggin' democrats are squatting in the white house, there's zilch-chance that any of bill clinton's neo-imperialist associates - such as those in the lundin group - will be brought to trial by the swedish prosecutor for neo-colonial crimes against african humanity - and indeed the odds of progress in the lundin-prosecution have lengthened considerably now that "hustler" hunter biden has formed a lucrative blood-mineral-business-relationship with lundin mining.
as we are well aware from their politically motivated actions during the assange-affair, the swedish authorities are little more than cia-toadie-tools - and as such will never lift a fuckin' crayfish-finger to harm their deep-state-democrat-deities and great white warlords in washington.
black lives just do not matter to neo-liberal democrats in the united states, especially black african lives - at least 10 million of whom have been lost, in congo alone, as a result of the blood-mineral-genocide which "cruisin' cannibal" bill clinton triggered during his apocalyptic africa-raping term in the oval office.
deplorably, there'll be no trial of niggercidal lundin-executives for the crimes-against-humanity which they have committed in africa, because the all-singin'-all-dancin' cia are now running the star-studded neo-imperialist show again in america - whilst "jim crow" joe spends his day signing blank sheets of paper and blank cheques, and sniffing the famous feng shui fragrance of melania trump's rose-garden.
@the whoreticulture of swedes - 6 february 2021 at 17:36
""jim crow" joe spends his day signing blank sheets of paper and blank cheques, and sniffing the famous feng shui fragrance of melania trump's rose-garden."
oh, c'mon man: it smells a whole load better than jackie kennedy's does...
@the whoreticulture of swedes - 6 february 2021 at 17:36
much as the deep-state-democratic spectre of progressive genocide, in congo, eats into the very heart of my softly dissolving socialist soul, the unfortunate reality remains that - at those watershed-populist-moments defined by britain's glorious arse-hoots-revolution against the neo-noncing european empire, and by the trumpoid-rebellion against washington's neo-liberal aristocracy - an unapologetically unconscious preponderance of black citizens have - for the subserviently sour-faced self-serving sake of their gratuitously government-funded careers and emotionally enslaving welfare-benefits - obtusely chosen to back the middle-class neo-liberal establishment against the people, and thus it is with a sickeningly subsident sense of almost joyless jujuic inevitability that we of the ethnically endangered variety of lesser-spotted anglo-american pleb - or common caucasian cunt - must now bear witness to the monotonous manner of declension in which - as a karmic consequence of blacked-out conscious collusion in this wholesale social betrayal - the slack civil rights movement has - in its nauseatingly neo-liberal re-incarnation as the status-climbing black lives matter brigade - not only become a politically corrupted psycho-operated flush, but also a lily-livered lardi-di-dah lever of the no-good nigger-bombing bourgeoisie for which no true lefty peasant could give a morally integral fuck.
in fact, it's almost as though racially brain-washed black citizens in the west have suddenly decided to slash-and-burn both their political bridges with the white working-classes and - at the same culturally liberating cutlass-stroke - their once-cherished spiritual roots reaching down into the replenishing red earth, and raw rebalancing reality, of the african motherland.
frankly, it wouldn't surprise me in-the-least to learn that - courtesy of the grand eu blood-mineral-emporium - the euro-centricked diaspora of apocalypse-acclimatized african-americans - and african-europeans - has now developed a progressive predilection for heavy investment in the demoniacal mercantilist extraction of those mesmerically shimmering maternal rocks which - thanks to the ad hoc democratic junta of afro-parasitic paragons clinton, bush, obama, and biden - are still so liberally fucking drenched in that precious ruby fluid fracked mercilessly from the rich veins of poor africans - who are remember, nominally, the afro-erratic black speculators' very own brothers and sisters.
(continued in part two below)
(continued from part one above)
yeah, what an ad hoc abhorrence it sure is that has, with such deft and discreet democratic diversity, taken control of the all-american all-annihilating apple-pie...
but well what-d'ya-know...?
now we hear that the fashionably-focussed michaela rôle's having trouble with her golden globes...
oh dear...
how sad...
never mind.
i mean really...
who gives a low-flying fair-trade-fuck who's wanking whom off in the neo-liberal nigger-bombing establishment?
no, sir, selfishly and indignantly indulging in this cosmetic party-political cancellation-in-effigy of the slave-trade's irrelevantly antique white celebrities - yet, in the selfsame cynical breath, hypocritically sinking time, money, and expensively educated emotions into those very plunder-happy politicians who are today shamelessly and covertly orchestrating an historically equivalent resource-genocide, in the same bloody country, in the same bloody continent - just does not fucking wash, my friend.
no, instead of committing this pathetic and cosmetic party-political vandalism in a smugly self-congratulating auto-da-fé, why not just leave the slave-trade's antique white celebrities stuck up in irrelevant effigy - sore as virtuous v-signs being flicked in the face of the perversely correct neo-liberal establishment forever?
fuck the barbaric bourgeois oppressors - black and white equally.
@the whoreticulture of swedes
yes, in recent years, the crackhead hunter biden has helped off-load, to china, lundin mining's share of the tenke fungurume copper-cobalt-concession in congo, doing so essentially in order to distance this notorious canadian-registered - but swedish controlled - blood-mineral-company from its historic complicity in actual genocide and war-crimes which were committed by lundin's original business-partners, the rwandan fardc rebels - a group of cia-backed insurgents who, after their clinton-orchestrated overthrow of zaire's mobutu régime in 1997, continued to exert control over the re-named democratic republic, where they soon became major protagonists in the ensuing african apocalypse now variously known as the second congo war, the great war of africa, the great african war, or even sometimes as the african world war.
tragically, despite the second congo war ending in 2003, the commission of crimes against humanity - including outright resource-genocide - did not abate for many further years, and in fact it is estimated that this period of blood-mineral-tyranny - the end of which was symbolized by the 2019 presidential election - left at least 10 million congolese dead. moreover, because it is still too fucking impoverished even to afford chicken, the population of the most resource-rich country on earth is, until today, forced to subsist on a meagre diet of cassava-root.
the damningly simple facts of the matter are as follows:
a) in 2017, the corruption-kid hunter biden acquired a discounted 10% stake in the chinese-backed private equity fund bhr partners, on the board of which he had already served as a member since 2010, and which, in 2017, bought congolese blood-mineral-shares from none other than"cannibal" bill clinton's neo-colonial sidekicks in the notorious lundin group - an old-school neo-imperialist conglomerate which just so happened to have donated $100 million to the clinton foundation.
b) the top executives at lundin energy are currently facing prosecution by the swedish government for historic war-crimes committed within sudan's block 5a oil-concession.
c) in order to distance the lundin group from its historic collusion in congo's apocalyptic blood-mineral-conflict, hustler biden's bhr partners expediently off-loaded lundin-shares in the tenke fungurume copper-cobalt-mine to chinese state-owned corporation china molybdenum.
therefore, given the clinton-lundin-connection, there's no fucking way that hustler biden's father - bargain-basement president joe biden - wasn't intimately involved in his son's lucrative blood-mineral-deal.
(continued in part two below)
(continued from part one above)
read all about it:
chasing elephants - lundin mining corporation & conflict minerals
keith harmon snow and david barouski:
behind the numbers: untold suffering in the congo
washington examiner:
clinton helped companies that donated to foundation profit off africa
washington free beacon:
hunter biden's blood mine
unpaid debt:
lundin investigation completed
prosecutor: “sufficient grounds for indictment”
hunter biden - bhr partners
bhr partners
lundin energy
lundin mining
tenke fungurume mine
hunter biden and china: sorting through a murky business deal
hunter biden defends role with chinese pe firm on abc
otago daily times:
fight on as multinational oil giant gains go-ahead
new york post:
6 facts about hunter biden’s business dealings in china
oil price:
world’s largest mining investment fund is bargain hunting again
apparently, trump is sat in his mar-a lago mansion glued to the telly, because impeachment 2 is on all channels, and of course he is the star of the show - yes, you guessed it folks, like all good multi-million-dollar hollywood-productions there just has to be an allegation-packed box-office-sucking sequel...
meanwhile, gossips anonymous is suggesting that, since the double impeachee's banishment from twitter, the trump-marriage has improved immeasurably - although by what-yardstick we should actually 'measure' the trumps' marriage remains rather unclear.
now in the eyes of unconstitutionally maligned and muzzled maga-fans, trump's undemocratically engineered political exile might well appear to be the somewhat sad retirement from stage of a legendary performing artiste - or even mighty megalithic tub-thumper - but fear not all you donny-devotees, for i have it on the very best authority that, true-to-form, the greatest tweeter on earth is about to make a money-spinning silk purse out of a financial sow's ear by launching his own social media platform, called trumper - upon which, under the ever-watchful eye of the fbi, god-fearing conservative-minded 'terrorists' and 'white supremacists' will be free to exercize their right, under the first amendment, to exchange unamerican apple pie recipes by means of publishing syntactically subversive trumps.
yes, like just the krakatoa-crooner frank sumatra, jamaica's verbally incontinent virtuoso is back - with a bang.
in the us political minefield, sidney powell, ivanka trump, sarah palin, sarah huckabee sanders, candace owens, and tulsi gabbard are all possible populist contenders for the 2024 presidency - however, whilst gabbard was a national guardsman who completed a tour of iraq, and the rest are all tough cookies, i reckon evangelical sanders could knock the bunch of them out with a single punch.
ah well, now sadly for us, the presidential race is not an all-female mud-wrestling-match, and therefore i have to tip clinton-slaying tulsi gabbard as the populist with the most potential to pop out of left-field.
i believe that afro-americans are extremely dumb to vote democrat.
like sick psycho-puppets obama, bush, and clinton before him - all now snuggling together in the blood-mineral-feathered nest of the negrocidal neo-imperialist establishment - mr biden is just another afro-antagonistic washington-warmonger - just another white liberal pharaoh perching, proudly enthroned, atop a vast politically correct pyramid of putrefying black corpses.
blood-mineral-conglomerate lundin did dirty billion-dollar deal with hunter biden after donating $100 million to the clinton foundation
swedish prosecutor on brink of charging lundin group executives ian lundin and alex schneiter with war-crimes committed on african soil
congo's tenke fungurume copper-cobalt-mine bought, by hunter biden private equity firm bhr partners, from neo-imperialist war-criminals at the lundin group - which donated $100 million to the clinton foundation
blood-mine later sold by chinese-backed hunter biden business to brutal state-owned chinese corporation china molybdenum
dark web woven by lundin blood-mineral-conglomerate
which is being investigated by the swedish prosecutor in connection with war-crimes committed in sudan
and which did a dirty deal with hunter biden after donating $100 million to the clinton foundation
the bwitish woyal family made billions from slaverwy, therefore i demand wepawation...
and obviously i want it all made to me me me...
or i'll huff, and i'll puff, and i'll scweam and scweam and scweam "wacist".
in fact, as a token of good will, the queen should first sign over that silly old castle thingy to me...
you know, the one where i got hitched to pwinz hairwy.
ya, wemember him...?
he's the guy who made his name machine-gunning brown people fwom the comfort of an apache-helicopter.
hoowah for pwinz hairwy
yes, since summary execution recently became the on-the-spot punishment for any infringement of local coronavirus-regulations, the cuddly, family-friendly lockdown has somehow acquired a rather menacing edge...
and whilst conceitedly failing to observe lockdown-regulations themselves, it's notably been the racial equalizing, black lives mattering white middle-classes who - in the undemocratic name of destroying donald trump, subverting brexit, and concealing endemic government-corruption - have - in an unprecedented episode of hard-wired establishment-brown-nosing - enthusiastically endorsed this rank-and-file removal of our fundamental civil liberties.
indeed, it's the selfsame morally-challenged white middle-classes who - under the dangerous doublethink-dictatorship of their own politically corrupt logic - have then suicidally supported the conferral upon our psychopathic policepersons of unlimited powers to stop, search, and kill white people willy-nilly - when by rights, of course, this subset of integral public services has historically constituted an honour only bestowed upon specially selected black citizens by our brave boys-on-blow, as they dutifully man the thin white law-enforcement-line.
yes, despite black people just asking to be be tazered for filling their motor-vehicles up with petrol...
despite black people just asking to be arrested and handcuffed for transporting garden-shrubs strapped to the rooves of their motor-vehicles...
despite elderly black people - and evil old brexit-voters - just asking to be denied the hospital treatment - for which they had spent their entire lives paying...
and despite those same elderly black people - and evil old brexit-voters - just asking to be left to die alone, cruelly separated from their families...
it was, for the bold barbaric bastards of the neo-liberal bourgeoisie, all just one nice, fashionably-correct and politically-justified game...
until that is, nice middle-class white women - whom the ultra-politically-correct establishment now default-identifies as sociopathic granny-killers - began just asking to be sadistically targetted, by seriously psychopathic policeplebs, for breaking local lockdown-regulations...
and all on the back of bogus-science too:
1) given that the protocols for covid-19 pcr-testing have now been conclusively peer-reviewed as unfit-for-purpose - and these findings officially acknowledged and acted upon by the world health organisation - why then has the uk-government not yet investigated the clinical validity of the pcr-test for covid-19?
review report corman-drosten et al. eurosurveillance 2020 - external peer review of the rtpcr-test to detect sars-cov-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.
who information notice for ivd users 2020/05
2) now that the scientific basis for determining the very existence of the so-called killer-coronavirus-pandemic has been fatally undermined by the afore-mentioned peer-review of protocols for covid-19 pcr-testing, why has the uk-government not sought to perform an entire review of all official covid-19 mortality-and-infection-statistics?
3) why last year, during a supposed killer-pandemic, did germany and several other european nations experience no overall excess-mortality-rates, whilst the uk - which shut down much of its national health service - suffered nearly 85000 excess-deaths?
euromomo - graphs and maps
(continued in part two below)
(continued from part one above)
4) why, in response to the so-called coronavirus-pandemic, did the uk-government catastrophically impose a draconian socio-economic lockdown, when - despite our national health service's perversely anti-democratic policy of denying vital hospital treatment to the elderly, vulnerable, and disabled - it is evident that age-adjusted mortality for 2020 still remained lower than for any year prior to 2008?
age-standardised mortality rates per 100k population - england and wales 1942-2020
5) despite concluding there to be no clinical rationale for the implementation of socio-economic lockdown as a preventive health-measure against covid-19, why has research conducted by the world's foremost epidemiologist, professor john ioannidis of stanford university, been totally ignored by the uk-government?
assessing mandatory stay‐at‐home and business closure effects on the spread of covid-19
6) why has the uk-government ignored the opinions of the world's foremost epidemiologists, micro-biologists, virologists, and pathologists, all of whom, since early 2020, have vocally opposed both the imposition of socio-economic lockdown and the mandating of mask-wearing as valid public health-measures against covid-19 - this critical professional reaction induced primarily by the gross over-attribution of, inaccurately pcr-tested, fatalities to covid-19, and ultimately compounded by the consequent clinical conclusion that this disease could only command an infection-fatality-rate of circa 0.1%.
the daily mail:
the cure is worse than the disease: dr john lee argues that the coronavirus lockdown could cause more long-term harm than the illness itself
we may already have herd immunity – an interview with professor sunetra gupta
the spectator:
how to understand – and report – figures for ‘covid deaths’
the fatal mistakes which led to lockdown
ten reasons to end the lockdown now
science, doubt and the ‘second wave’ of covid
our immune system is the pandemic’s biggest mystery
7) why in the united states, has the director of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases and chief medical advisor to the president - dr anthony fauci - spent the majority of his chequered medical existence engaged in the wild goose chase for a vaccine against a non-existent hiv-virus, only to cap his absurdly catastrophic career, by now totally immersing himself in yet another whacky wild goose chase - this time for the elimination of a phantom-coronavirus-pandemic?
@all lockdown-breakers are murderers - according to the caring sharing neo-liberal establishment (part one)
'ello 'ello...
what do we 'ave 'ere then, ladies an' gents? h'equality-of-h'opportunity, h'at long last, for h'officers-of-the-law - regardless h'of their creed, colour h'or gender-neutral third person pronoun - to stop, search an' snuff not only black an' h'asian males, but h'also heterosexual white males, single white females, an' every bloody bugger-h'in-between?
well well, h'in my capacity h'as an h'official spokespig for the federation, i would go so far h'as to cautiously welcome this development - campaigning h'as we 'ave been, here h'in the fuzzy farmyard, for h'equal footing with the villains, who, most h'unfairly i consider, 'ave never 'istorically been restricted h'in the practice h'of their trade by the fluffy 'andcuffs h'of h'equal h'opportunities legislation.
h'indeed, i firmly h'expect h'our very h'own dame cresseater to take full h'advantage h'of this new licence to liquidate lockdown-breakers - by notching h'up a kill h'against the lesbian-gay-an'-not-quite-sure community before 'er shift h'ends today.
'appy 'unting, suspects
@pc fuckoff
in the bag, niggaz
there can be no doubt that joe biden condoned - or was even involved in the facilitation of - his son's blood-mineral-deal with the neo-imperialist lundin group - which, let's face facts, had already donated $100 million to the clinton foundation, and whose top executives sweden is on the brink of prosecuting for historic war-crimes committed in sudan.
hunter biden's chinese-backed private equity fund, bhr partners, bought lundin group's stake in tenke fungurume copper-cobalt-mine in congo, and as a favour to bill clinton - the lundin group's longtime partner-in-neo-imperialist-crime - effectively off-loaded these blood-mineral-shares to chinese state-owned corporation china molybdenum.
by virtue of hunter biden's billion-dollar-blood-mineral-share-disposal, bill clinton & his neo-imperialist accomplices in the lundin group have now conveniently distanced themselves from lundin mining's deep and well-documented collusion in congo's apocalyptic blood-mineral-conflict - a genocide which cannibill clinton triggered through his cia-orchestrated overthrow of mobutu, the zairean president who had formerly acted as a western bulwark-against-communism, and had thus become washington's ultra-corrupt cold-war-darling.
genocide is painless for clinton biden lundin & co
@hunter's billion-dollar-hustle: the bidens' big-time blood-mineral-deal in congo
the local:
swedes jailed in ethiopia: 'lundin may have led bildt to the heart of darkness'
carl bildt is an old-time cia-puppet who was sweden's prime minister from 1991 t0 1994.
from 2000, bildt served for seven years on lundin petroleum’s board of directors - this time as a "lundin-man" reportedly making him very wealthy.
after buying congolese blood-mineral-shares from the lundin group - whose executives are currently under investigation by swedish authorities for complicity in war-crimes committed in sudan - a subsidiary of hunter biden's chinese-backed private equity-fund, bhr newwood, was bought out by chinese state-owned corporation china molybdenum for $470 million.
how much of bhr's $470 million equity-transfer-settlement passed to hunter biden?
by off-loading its stake in congo's blood-mineral-trade & donating $100 million to the clinton foundation, is the lundin group seeking to distance itself from collusion in the genocide of africans?
in the hope of disguising the degenerate manner in which his partners-in-neo-colonial-crime profited from his cia-orchestrated overthrow of the mobutu régime, did bill clinton induce hunter biden to off-load the lundin group's congolese blood-mineral-shares to china molybdenum?
is it truly possible to believe that such a politically sensitive deal could ever have been struck - between hunter biden and bill clinton's neo-imperialist business-partners in the lundin group - without joe biden's explicit approval or active facilitation?
genocide is painless for clinton biden & co
well, we can't have a worthless piece of working class black shit shamelessly exploiting nice middle-class white women, now can we?
oh no, of course not - such professional parasitism's a racial privilege reserved for nasty white public school boys - yet, without excusing nobhead clarke's brazenly non-u brutality, i'd wager that a classy combination of bullying and sexual harassment comprises the default-setting for conduct within the establishment-approved-and-lubricated entertainment-industry - and indeed that it constitutes the perverted protocol for our neo-imperialist establishment as a whole.
ooops, sorry if the above abstruse ejaculation's completely lost on you, but i just had to let fly, you see - and, to cut a very long-and-grinding guardian-article short, the filth went down as follows:
having obviously grown tired of targeting the world's worst 'white supremacist' - mr donald hump - our cannibalistic neo-liberal establishment has, at the breaking news of a bitter brit-split over tit-flick-money, now hungrily turned its sheet-seeking sights upon the first black man in line who's been stupid enough to enrich himself at the expense of the white bohemian bourgeoisie.
yeah, that bafta-statue looked a bit too hot to handle, noel...
and now we know why...
because if you get too close to the socio-racial fuel-rods of the establishment-reactor, you run the inevitable risk of being exposed to dangerously high levels of sexualization and getting your fingers burned, bwoy - just ask caroline flack, who like clarke of the pantarspic, experienced life at both ends of the narcissistic neo-imperialist yard-schtick.
naturally, the awkward social aberrance of the council-raised black man aping the barbaric behaviour of the privately-educated white man will always be tolerated by the ghetto-gobbling mantis of the prayerful neo-colonial establishment, but only so long as the aspiring afro-british native humbly pays his neo-political dues and dares not cross any socio-racial red lines.
(continued in part two below)
(continued from part one above)
now, looking on the positive side of discrimination - and notwithstanding the suspected serial shagger's tendency to employ manipulation and aggression as woman-management-techniques - i understand there to be no whiff-or-whisper of the words 'rape' or 'affair' - so hopefully the clarkes' marriage will survive this frenzied neo-feudal trial-by-media - however i presume that, should he actually wish to continue in his exalted establishment-rôle as token ethnic talent, detective inspector "fish" bishop will probably be compelled, by the all-powerful union of avowedly anti-racist actresses, to undergo an excruciatingly extensive course of unconscious cunt training - in a vain attempt to refine his barely extant social graces, introduce him to the subtle submissive art of flunky-gibbon flirtation, and polish up his fucking abysmal chat-up-lines.
oh dear, clearly, the alleged 'sexual predator' was being consciously cultivated in order to create the de rigueur illusion of modern-day-media-diversity, therefore i find it slightly strange that, whilst the socially devout jet-set was profiting progressively from this brown-eyed goy's brit-tit productions, his blatant bestiality never became a divisive ideological issue - and in fact it strikes me as even odder that, as far as trash-can guardian-translucence allows one to gather along its ethno-friendly path to ethical enlightenment, there appear to be no black women lodging public allegations of harassment against asstronaught "c" clarke...
so are we perhaps dealing with a case of black-male here, guv...?
with mr "all-mouth" c clarke as the victim?
i mean, it's not currently a crime-against-humanity to be partial to a bit-of-white, init...?
certainly not the sort the accused was evidently inter?
at the very least, it seems that some well-heeled white women have been more-than-happy to launch lucrative cinema-careers off the spicy-rack of an unashamedly urban genre which this black man's back has heaved up, from the gutter, into plain view.
yep, as the age-old adage goes, where there's muck there's money - yet there's always folk who wanna grab hold of the dirty dosh without getting their lovely lily-white hands all grimy.
in the current geo-political environment - in which a black president has gaily bombed african and arab countries back into the bloody stone-age - what fair-minded citizen really gives a conscious civil rights fuck any more about the middle-class establishment's faux neo-liberal concerns regarding - institutional or generic - racism?
consequent to the corrupt neo-colonial disgrace of the new labour government, the national class-divide became a vast vicious chasm of inopportunity, and it is this searing social rift which remains the major problem faced by british people today - not the ludicrous lack of diversity amongst stuck-up professional parasites in the establishment.
in never-never neo-liberal-land, the precious political snobbism of the uni-educated élite now rules.
of course, this massive class-divide was effectively revealed by the advent in post-brexit-britain of globalist-versus-populist politics, nevertheless the treacherously pro-eu, anti-populist, and arrogantly anti-democratic actions of their bend-over bourgeois representatives in the neo-liberal labour party have ensured ethnic minorities to be perceived not only as firm backers of the neo-imperialist - or globalist - establishment, but also de facto promoters of its anti-democratic agency...
and therefore - whilst the pro-eu globalist establishment relentlessly continues to dismantle democracy and oppressively disenfranchize the working classes in general, and whilst ethnic minorities continue to be perceived as pro-eu anti-populists who are subversively selling out these working classes - there will never exist very much common sympathy for the piss-in-the-wind particulars of politically correct sub-issues concerning race.
next, let's take a look at the long list of black and asian luminaries who've compiled this latest right-leaning report on institutional racism.
well, the race-debate sure has been refreshed now that black british conservatives have, belatedly, begun to challenge the socially redundant narratives trotted out interminably by the left's blatantly bought-off black bourgeoisie, however, because these black conservatives and their blabbering black left-singer-critics are unfortunately all positioned, perked, and paid-off by the same black-brutalizing british establishment, it means that this intellectual ethno-riot in a one-slave-master-or-two tory-tea-cup actually represents no more than an intriguing ideological side-show cynically designed, by boris jabberwacky, to distract public attention from his genocidal exploitation of the cia-crafted coronavirus-con - a consummate power-converting-and-consolidating fraud which is sadly set to shackle the common man to the new world neo-liberal state of globalism, for-fucking-ever.
in the west, obama's genocidal neo-imperialism - together with the anti-populist and party-politically-controlled nature of the neo-liberal-suckled black lives matter brigade - has totally undermined the credibility of the modern black civil rights movement - leaving it looking like a white-wishlisting gang of greedy globalist-sympathizers.
no, it's not brexit, or populism, but the oppressive political correctness of the power-obsessed left-wing which - complacent in its corrupt consortium with the rank race-hypocrisy of the liberal middle-class establishment - has incited this present popular backlash against the rights of immigrants and ethnic minorities...
and frankly speaking, it's high time for labour's neo-liberally cushioned clique of pseudo-social activists to remove their principle-lite prosecco-fizzy heads from up their well-greased establishment-arseholes.
when pseudo-scientific scare-mongering, by anti-populist professor foggisum and other bought-off big-pharma-boffins, fraudulently persuaded me that our, largely innocuous, laissez faire policy of promoting herd-immunity would lead to hundreds of thousands of brexit-voters needlessly dying in hospital, big fat boris de bombaclaat and i cleverly devized a dual-track hospital-padlocking and vaccine-pushing policy which - aside from triggering the economic trouncing of trump's election prospects - would promote big-pharma-immunity from prosecution and ensure that hundreds of thousands would instead die unnecessarily at home.
indeed, so incredibly indelibly impressed were we by the cia's prissy pissy parade of noncy neo-liberal parasites, proudly preening themselves in their corrupt professorial capacity as prominently positioned deep-state-democrat-puppets, that we both completely failed to comprehend the malignant magnitude of pandemic-fraud which the anti-brexit-brigade of the biden-backside-kissing bourgeoisie was perniciously engaged in perpetrating against us.
well, i mus' say that when they said i was goin' on a lil ol' trip to the seaside, i thought it would be a damned sight more fun than this, man...
coz guess what...?
first, i wasn't allowed to accompany nursey on that exciting visit to the elementary school...
next day, i wasn't allowed to go watch those kiddies who put on a cute costume-show at the theatre...
then to cap it off, i wasn't even allowed to play lifeguard at the local swimming-pool - an' let young children stroke my hairy legs an' stuff...
no, i wasn't allowed out to enjoy myself one teeny-weeny bit...
because in the event, i had to make stupid small-talk with some boring old british bastard at our hotel, who jus' bumbled 'an burbled 'an burped away for hours-an'-hours on end, whilst he got evermore shit-faced on a caseful of cheap french supermarket-whine - which he'd apparently been served by some funny little foreign motherfucker...
yeah, i reckon this weird waiter-guy was from spain - coz they called him "manuel" - an' his rather elderly, but elegant, movie-star-ma, madame brigitte, was obviously shacking up there with him on vacation...
so seems like these two had pre-arranged a kinda foursome with the big fat bumblebore an' his hippy-dippy daughter, or summat...
mmm...strange that tho', coz the daughter never got around to introducing her tiny toddler to me...
but hey, you know come to think of it, i didn't see any children in europeyland anyplace.
well, after touring the cornwall...
an' err by-the-way, i truly have to credit whoever built that crazy trade-barrier-thing, coz - except for trudy when he got blacked-up at the barbeque - there simply wasn't a darkie to be seen in the whole duchy...
oh yeah, so after all that weird mind-numbing meeting-malarkey on the beach - which took place without a sniff of littl'uns splashing about in their birthday-suits - we flew up-country to take tea in a spooky-wooky old castle with the big fat boozy beach-bumbler's barmy gran - but blow me if the mad mangey old bat didn't try to give me a horrid hickey on the neck...
wow, 'nuff said - i'm sure she bust all british protocol to blazes.
cummon man, that barking bonkers old broad can't be english, no bloody way.
thankfully, we're now at the animal-circus in wonderful euro-drizzlyland - but yet again the kiddies seem to have altogether gone missing...
anywise, my carers have promised me that, if i behave myself, i can soon go for a walk in the woods - where there's supposed to be a huge great russian bear without much hair...
yeah, in fact they've agreed that, if i'm really good, i can go get cozy with the big bolshevik beast in his kgb-cabin - in front of a roarin' romantic log-fire...
an' maybe even get to cop a feel of his furry old ass...
frankly, however, i can't wait to be home-sweet-home again, snuggled up in my own bed, in my own secure white house ward...
gettin' frisky under the covers...
with dear ol' champ licking the bejeezus outta me private liberal lollipop...
an' major gnawing lovingly at me necrotizing nuts.
good job you're not permitted to carry a fire-arm over here, coz i swear to almighty god that, in order to relieve the excruciating boredom of last week's interminable conflict-zone-conflab on the corniche-coast, i sure-as-hell wudda shot that bumbling ol' bugger boris - an' then myself.
@joe nasty - the paedo in speedos
as prinz pot-plant, duke of coonwall, one really must take great offence at your accusation of institutional discrimination in the duchy...
because - contrary to common impressions - one can assure you, one's good fellow, that upon one's very own estate one currently has in one's ethnically equally opportunistic employ a miscellaneous milkmaid of dark - and unfortunately rather dutch - descent, who - amongst many other black cows in one's positively profiled herd - has actually proven herself highly productive...
by golly has she got a gob on her tho'...
@joe nasty - the paedo in speedos
great time, great party...
really got outta my skin...
although i consider my fixed penalty notice from the cops rather an over-reaction...
hasn't blm reached those parts yet?
@joe nasty - the paedo in speedos
@prinz of plant-pots
i'm a nazi...
but um gottes willen get me outta hier
"clinton biden lundin & co"...
err yes, well...
the apocalyptic slaughter generated in africa by the atlantic slave-trade and colonialism is still going at full-steam to this very day, but needless-to-say this genteelly choreographed genocide is now driven by an altogether different manner of resource-rape - the bloody extraction of our maternal continent's minerals.
indeed, amongst western intelligence services, i'd reckon the cia to have been particularly instrumental, during recent decades, in arming one african nation, or faction, against another - and all for the love of sweet mother africa's glistening earthly treasures.
to be strictly honest, it was presidents willywam jizzysin glintstone and george bushwhacker senior who were initially responsible for stoking africa's blood-mineral-holocaust - which spread like civil-war-wildfire from uganda, through rwanda, to congo - however george dubya bushwanker and bad-black obomba were subsequently also complicit...
and in fact of late, even the bribung-family has been quietly clinching mining-deals in congo for corrupt clinton-foundation-donor - and notorious beneficiary-cum-facilitator of neo-colonialism - the lucre-loaded lundin group.
personally of course, as a fully paid-'n-stuck-up member of the bogus-science-spewing climate-emergency-conjuring phantom-pandemic-creating deadly-vaccine-pushing english pleb exterminating president trump trashing brexit-voter-bashing build back bettering election-rigging globalist establishment, i prefer to focus pathetic public attention upon stupid old victorian statues, or crimes-against-humanity which were committed at least a hundred years back, because - for the sake of my neo-liberally-enhanced career in the british broadcasting-cabaret - i'd really rather not embarrass my nice neo-imperialist puppet-masters who - from the blood-mineral-built bastions of the democrat party in washington and the eu-blood-mineral-emporium in brussels - nonchalantly tug at my silken slave-strings for their eminently idle empyrean amusement - and to make me dance a merry little media-jig to the deep-state's dark demonic tune.
yeah ok...
so black lives matter...
but not when they're sitting on a bloody african gold-mine.
good morning campers...
well ermm...i'm sure you must all be aware of the explicit voyeur-video which - without the permission of either myself or its other featured artist, ms dolceanalgo - has been multiply uploaded by my wife, martha von gripevine, to various internet-pornsites...
and therefore, in view of the particular circumstances - namely that neither a prosecution of the perpetrator nor deletion of the movie is likely to prove legally viable - the prime minister has quite understandably asked me to consider my position...
so yes mmm...
let me see now...
doggy or missionary?
@twatt bancock - secretary-of-state for sexual stealth
givvus a contract darlin'
now, on bbc radio 4, there has been a suggestion, by a lady political analyst, that mr wangcock may be obliged to "fall on his sword", however since the secretary-of-sate for sexual stealth yesterday failed to attend a scheduled engagement - a jolly jaboree in essex - it could well be the case that - by furnishing him with a peachy pair of shiners, or even consigning the corrupt conniving cunt to the ironic beating bosom of nhs hospital-care - his strapping osteopath-wife has already negated the necessity for her horny happy hubby to take such drastic kagemusha-style action.
of course, at the end-of-the-day, the secretary-of-snogging may indeed have to fall upon upon his sword...
because it's highly unlikely that anyone else would be willing to.
anyway, what's for sure is that boris de bumboclaat has known from the very beginning about his cocky cabinet-member's extra-marital affair with ms gonadolcela, and has therefore slyly precipitated this worthless wazzock's downfall either in order to bury the breaking bad news of a bankbench-rebellion against the hs2 construction-project - which the exiled mr dominant scribblings has just revealed to be institutionally riddled with fraud and corruption - or in order to set up a suitably profiled scapegoat for the government's disgraceful failure to diagnose and effectively manage a health-service-created crisis - which has been exponentially exacerbated by nhs england maliciously pushing a deadly vaccine-programme.
this is so self-evidently a deliberately choreographed weekend of mass-distraction that we should expect exceptionally adverse data on vaccine-safety to emerge imminently.
@twatt bancock - secretary-of-state for sexual stealth
hit me with your bio-weapon, baby
now that "mad twat" wangcock has finally resigned, perhaps he would like to come join us in the official civil service receptacle for sexual deviants known as pervshag?
well, you see, it was during last year's fun and festive season of black history month, in the midst of a busy promotional tour for my seminal ten-tome literary labour-of-a-lifetime - entitled a brief history of white bastards...
when, you know, it suddenly dawned upon me how, as western scholars, we focus far too exclusively upon euro-centric subject-matter...
and experiencing an almost mystical moment of afro-centric epiphany, i thenceforth duly resolved to redress the historico-racial balance by writing, in complete contrast, as-it-were, an antithetical soul-searching sequel.
it's all very well worrying that, if staged during the singing of the nation anthem, a black lives matter protest might cause 'offence', yet the rude reality remains that the mere sight of black skin is sufficient to 'offend' a racist.
in any case, a 'protest' which doesn't 'offend' anyone is probably going to make about as many political waves as a white liberal pissing in the pacific ocean.
wow, you sure can tell that the black civil rights movement has now been taken over by white people, because only white people could conceivably be concerned by the notion that a non-violent protest against racist police-brutality might perhaps cause some neo-conservative cunt 'offence'.
you see, the problem seems to be that, as a form of protest, kneeling is considered an act of shoe-shining bootlicking subservience - one which automatically disqualifies the protestor from being granted proper respect - and in fact, due to the blatant party-political allegiance of the black lives matter movement, there even exists a widespread misconception that blm-protestors are kneeling before almighty globalism and the neo-imperialist new world order.
yessir, the entire black lives matter movement is, in effect, kneeling in reverent submission to its great white benefactors - such as race-hate-artist and hardened war-criminal hillary clinton - and yet i am quite certain that bowing-and-scraping before the white neo-colonial establishment was never the intended purpose of a grassroots civil rights movement originally born out of reactionary black protest in ferguson, missouri.
frankly, furthermore, had not president trumpet made a syncopated song-and-dance about nfl-athletes who, during performance of the star-spangled banner, had the nerve to kneel, i don't actually reckon this valid protest against racism would ever have registered with the general american public - who more likely would have assumed the football-player-activists to have accidentally dropped their loose change.
so what's the deal with this wanky white non-offensive kneel-down-protest - which is nevertheless so wilfully misconstrued...?
and apart from it making white folks shit their pants, whatever's wrong with the good old black-power-salute - which at least is tried, trusted, and leaves absolutely no room for misunderstanding?
well, in 2019, olympic hammer-thrower gwen berry left no room for misunderstanding when she raised her fist on the podium at the pan-american games in lima, peru - however, due to her civil act of rightful defiance against racial injustice, the blm-backing hypocrites at nike vindictively withdrew berry's vital track-and-field sponsorship.
this feisty ferguson home-gal also left no doubt as to her non-violent displeasure about systemic racism when, sporting lurid lipstick at the recent olympic-trials, she controversially turned her back on the american flag, and then, hand-upon-hip, studiously sucked her teeth throughout the provocative playing of the national anthem - the words of which, as she correctly points out, are highly disrespectful to the african slaves, who, having been freed by the british during the american war-of-independence, chose to fight against the revolution as black loyalists.
yeah, that's the way to do it...
just say cha.
@malcolm vex - 30 june 2021 at 19:54
now that's what i call a text-book-pro-test, sista.
yeah, i have to admit you really threw one there...
thassa textbook-study of a strop, hunny.
indeed - should you care to take a look at urban smart network's i got time today - brother "tarantula" montaga makes it quite clear - in his cool, calm, and reasoned appraisal of your actions - that he too holds strong opinions on the matter-at-hand...
you'd p'raps better ignore the training-tips offered by the hodgetwins in their analysis of blueberry-gate, tho'.
hell knows, if this is how african-americans are reacting...
donald must be doin' his nut, darlin'.
things are a bit hot at the mo', so bunnybum and i are currently seeking asylum in the equadorian embassy.
mmm...yes, the former cabinet-member is most definitely working on a come-back...
la saucisse oui, le banger en mash non
mr queer euro-starmtrooper - the charisma-light loaf of sliced white bread who purports to lead labour - may whinge-on about inalienable refugee-rights as much as he bally well likes, but quite frankly - rather than pursuing this woefully wet policy of just stopping-and-searching pleasure-cruising craft when they stray into our english exclusion-zone - i'm surprised that ms prickli patel has not already torpedoed the great armada of immigrant inflatables which daily attack our wonderful white cliffs of clover.
you see, despite their perverse political predilection for variously deeming her "barbaric", "inhumane", "gobby", and "gung-ho", what mr medium-sliced and his soft white liberal opposition have failed to fully comprehend is that the current send-'em-home-secretary has actually drummed up, on the sweaty government back-benches, a slavering cult-following of goggle-eyed control-addicts...
and indeed, notwithstanding my personal preference, in terms of leadership, for the eminently humane and sensible andrea letsavsum - whose teasing, but tempering, tug-boat may sadly have sailed - one must simply face the undeniable fact of parliamentary life that, as the horribly stained pages of hansard attest, conservative members have not had such a honking hard-on for a tory-star-performer since our lady of dull-itch, madame jazz-mag, gave them all a bloody good sm handbagging.
roll over boris, you capsized old-school-cunt
extinction common-sense - or how the west committed economic suicide
the revolution will not be televized, but the climate-emergency will be serialized ad infinitum, ad nauseum and ad-free on the bbc until, like a breath of fresh fuckin' air, the next ice-age freezes xr's tits off and, in the same manner as befell protesting woolly mammoths, fixes the cunts' cia-subsidized science-free arses firmly to the m25-tarmac for the chill duration of environmental eternity.
the revolution will not be televized, because only shit that doesn't happen is televized - such as carbon-dioxide-driven climate-change, the free-and-fair democratic election of president joke biden, and the media-inflated lab-fabricated coronavirus-pandemic.
the revolution will not be televized, but the climate-emergency is being broadcast, completely uncensored, and in ultra-high-definition, for the next forty-thousand-years, after which, fuck-all having happened, paint drying will become the new saturday night sensation, and the next glacial period will set in with a verifying vengeance.
the revolution will not be televized, but the full neo-imperialist horror of politically correct genocide will be sensitively and systematically sanitized by cnn, the bbc, and channel four news.
the revolution will not be televized, but in an era electronically emptied of all expectation, education, and professional public ethics, we would never rate it real if it were.
as a drug-and-deal-addicted darling of the chinese communist party, presidential off-spring hustler biden holds a sweetheart-investment in china general nuclear power group, which in turn is part-financing the construction of the ill-omened hinkley point c nuclear reactor in somerset, england...
so let's just hope that no cracks appear in it.
@bill scott toucan
i think you should be made aware that 97 out of 100 government lap-scientists prefer climate-change to signing-on at the jobcentre.
politicians are all awful human beings...
however trump's saving grace is that he is just an awful human being.
qiáo biden is no more than a chinese puppet-president, who will soon reveal this reality by wearing a traditional manchu changshan to a press-conference - at which he will duly mandate the use of chopsticks and funny-shaped bamboo-hats in all public spaces.
meanwhile, president biden's buddies at the cia are busy developing a new stir-fly flu - together with an mrna-vaccine which will not only induce immunity against this novel virus, but as a bonus, also bio-engineer the epicanthic fold.
deutsche welle:
dr congo: felix tshisekedi moves closer to the us
why has the united states risked the ethical corrosion of trump's stable and productive relationship with the recently elected president of congo, felix tshisekedi, by illegitimately sliding into the white house the blood-mineral-trader and cia-stooge biden, who, as vice-president in the neo-colonial obama-administration, did absolutely zilch for congo - aside, of course, from backing the genocidal rwandan-controlled m23 militia, defending the mama africa raping eu blood-mineral-emporium, and maintaining, on behalf of the washington neo-imperialist establishment, the deadly and corrupt kabila status quo?
crucially, trump's sanctions against the previous recidivist and democracy-resistant kabila-régime forced a positive change of leadership in congo - one which could never have been achieved under a cia-enabled obama or clinton administration - nevertheless, due to lack of progress in rooting out endemic governmental corruption, the incredibly impoverished congolese citizenry has lately begun to surmise that, in order to secure electoral validation, fresh president felix tshisekedi must in fact have cut some form of deal with his cia-enabled predecessor, joseph kabila.
admittedly, in order to save his own neck, felix tshisekedi may well have been compelled to arrive at an interim-accommodation with kabila - and as a consequence has been obliged to keep corrupt officials and ministers transitionally built into the system...
however, was tshisekedi truly the cia's choice for presidential candidate, or does this neo-imperialist honour actually accrue to former exxonmobil-executive martin fayulu - tshisekedi's atlantic council approved rival in congo's 2018 presidential election?
well, frankly, i have always sensed that - along with the prediction of popular support for fayulu in an infamous one-off opinion-poll - claims by the conférence épiscopale nationale du congo of a fayulu victory were not only suspect, but smacked of western intelligence interference - primarily in the shape of the atlantic council. moreover, my suspicion of unethical western meddling is amplified by knowledge that the atlantic council openly attempted to intervene in congo's 2018 presidential election, namely by attempting to sneak in, and impose, as leading candidate this corporate oil-man fayulu - a relatively unknown national assembly member whose allies had, unlike tshisekedi, effectively recognized kabila's illegitimate presidency for personal gain.
indeed, taken together with his equally cia-centric atlantic council articles - listed below - does not pierre englebert's biased western analysis of congo's 2018 presidential election in itself constitute prima facie evidence of a cynical western intelligence-plot to slyly sideline the nationally popular felix tshisekedi - and thereby manœuvre the politically insignificant martin fayulu into presidential power?
(continued in part two below)
(continued from part one above)
yes, not only is the atlantic council's own intelligence-prop professor and pet-provocateur pierre englebert clearly shown, through his 'journalistic' output, to represent the interests of neo-imperialist western intelligence-agencies, but the criticism, by informed congolese commenters, of englebert's african arguments article also rudely exposes this nasty neo-colonial professor's complete lack of academic integrity.
from michael downwards, these critical comments - especially the final one made by e kitoko - give the lie to the entire afro-disparaging premise of the englebert-article, in which - on behalf of the western intelligence-funded atlantic council - the cia's stealthy stooge-professor duplicitously and hypocritically seeks to cast doubt upon the authenticity of congo's 2018 presidential election-result.
thank god for discussion-threads, because it's good for once to hear genuine congolese opinions - based on real local knowledge - rather than paid-off views of the great white over-earning 'experts'...
and thank god also that michael, e kitoro and co were, by virtue of their contributions, able to completely undermine evil professor englebert's false and disingenuous election-analysis.
may i here summarize the above-described circumstances by pointing out that:
1) because 40000 easily corruptible cenco-observers were all gifted new mobile phones by the fayulu campaign, it must be considered altogether unsurprising that these observers proved unashamedly western-leaning - and that their spokesmen implicitly claimed the relatively unknown fayulu to have won congo's 2018 presidential election.
2) the hypocritical spectre of the west crying corruption at the result of congo's 2018 presidential election ultimately reflects western frustration at the failure of western intelligence-agencies to sharp-shuffle, in the most spooky and surreptitious manner, their own oven-ready oil-executive candidate straight from the political pack.
3) at the time of congo's 2018 presidential election, felix tshisekedi, like his father étienne before him, had always refused to co-operate with the corrupt kabila-régime.
4) dodgy or not, the 2018 presidential election-result was accepted by congolese people without violence - whereas the highly questionable result of the united states 2020 presidential election continues to be bitterly disputed to this day.
5) despite electoral fraud being routinely committed in every country in the world, democracy is still generally seen to be served - and thus the elemental existence of fraud in congo's 2018 presidential race does not in itself preclude felix tshisekedi from having been the most popular candidate.
6) a whole lot of cia-misinformation was, and still is, in play with regard to the 2018 presidential election.
(continued in part three below)
(continued from part two above)
now, it is noteworthy that, during the common-sense course of the trump-era, two african leaders were democratically ousted from their deeply corrupt presidencies - one of these was the cia-enabled, but chinese-backed, ernest bai kamara - tony blair's unprincipled protégé in sierra leone - the other the cia-enabled, but chinese-backed, joseph kabila - bill clinton's favourite dr congo dictator.
in fact, trump's neo-liberal nightmare of a victory in the 2016 us presidential election proved such an obsessive distraction for the cia's army of anti-trump conspirators that, due to the emergence of a transitory us-intelligence blind-spot, non-cia-approved presidential candidates suddenly found themselves able to slip into power in africa's hitherto cia-manipulated-and-corrupted countries - such as sierra leone and congo.
in other words, if the cia had not been so busy plotting a massive coup against trump - and as a consequence taken its neo-colonial eye off the african ball - i am conviced that cia-corruptors joseph kabila and ernest bai koroma would still be the respective presidents of congo and sierra leone...
and thus, it can only be concluded that, due to the presidency of dodgy, but devout democrat, donald trump, africa gained an unprecedented breathing-space for forging a degree of democratic progress.
a cia-sown trail of systematic afro-smearing
atlantic council:
congolese opposition leaders join forces
discussion with the congolese opposition
below the surface, a game changer in congolese politics
congo’s election sham
lessons from congo’s 2018 election
congolese president cites threat from isis, seeks us help to fight terrorism
congo, one year later
african arguments:
congo’s 2018 elections: an analysis of implausible results
the africa report:
drc: ‘ultra’ activists resort to guerrilla tactics on social media
foreign policy:
why did washington let a stolen election stand in the congo?
(continued in part four below)
(continued from part three above)
please note the following extract from the above-listed foreign policy article entitled why did washington let a stolen election stand in the congo?:
"at the same time, the department ignored the one resource that could have held the kabila-dominated, corruption-laden ceni to account: the church’s u.s.-funded election observation project."
however, be sure to appreciate that 'u.s.-funded' actually means cia-manipulated.
furthermore, whilst reading the atlantic council article entitled congolese president cites threat from isis, seeks us help to fight terrorism, please examine the devious manner in which western intelligence-agencies are now preparing to employ endemic isis-insurgency as a peripatetic pretext for military intervention in africa.
@prinz of plant-pots - 24 june 2021 at 21:48hrs
beware, mein lieber prinz plant-pot:
ms meghan madkull ist ein closet-psycho who has chosen to come-out at ein most inopportune moment...
ja, professionally speaking, madkull ist ein satan-ii ballistic missile looking for somewhere to explode...
und gott weiß, she's welcome to explode on me anytime
if that facety fritz bitch tries starting anything with moi, one will simply take out one's teeth an' mash 'er up with one's zimmer-frame
i am white, my husband is white, my babies are white...
and when i become queen of england, i will enjoy keeping an immaculate all-white balcony.
my name begins with c, but my husband's does not - and he never mistakes me for a horse by-the-way
who am i?
evolve or die, white queen:
by succeeding in your jealous, vicious vendetta against hairy's wife, you and your dozy doting daddy-in-law have just heralded the end-of-monarchy, hunny.
oh damn, damn, and double-damn...
you have to understand that all the commonwealth actually wanted to see, this weekend, was one black - or blackish - face, up there, smiling, on the balcony, and clutching her bouncing brown babies like the public relations gold-dust they truly are...
but that opportunity is now gone, forever, you royal arse.
it matters not one little jot that the latest gold-digger to join the family is a mega-mouthed bitch, for this attribute makes her a perfect dynastic fit: spencer was a supreme bitch, camzilla's a bloody batty bitch, and you, white queen, are a mega-bitch with the fake smile of an assassin.
gold-diggin's the family-business, don't ya know...?
and since we do most of it in africa, a black face in the family woulda been worth it's weight in guess-bloody-what?
yes, the british monarchy dies with me...
and may oprah shit-stirrer, queen of neo-imperialist propagandists, rot in bloody hell...
never lifted a finger in support of muslim men and women blown to kingdom come by obomba's murder-drones in africa and the middle east, now did she?
mobility problems...?
i can't be arsed getting out of bed for less than £10 mill.
i hear that the jamaicans are now moving not only to rid themselves of the british monarch as their head-of-state, but also to sue for slavery-reparations - so banning black faces from the buck-house-balcony could prove a very costly mistake...
in fact, in current-day money, the index-linked damage to the exchequer which might be incurred by such a claim - calculated in terms of slavery's historical contribution to great british gdp - could be anywhere in the region between £11 and £20 trillion - but of course, this figure would represent compensation for crimes committed in caribbean concentration-camps alone...
and the meter's still running folks.
t'rass...even the neo-imperialist nob-heads at the guardian are beginning to catch on.
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