bussing a few jamaican criminals back 'home' just constitutes a cheap political stunt by a pair of cheap political cunts.
i mean-to-say, after being provisionally - and extremely fortunately - gifted power by the great british public, is the unexpanded event-horizon of our pussy-popping prime minister's personal political ambition merely to deport the disenfranchized descendants of endemically enslaved africans back to the gulag-island which grotesquely made the barbaric british upper-classes rich beyond their dark 'n dirty little dreams?
besides, does boris backward-brain plan to dump these unwanted and uppity unfreed slave-sons without even observing the politically correct politesse of paying their perennially penniless countrymen those long-overdue reparations for three bloody centuries-worth of unbounded british ultra-brutalization?
in the final analysis - when calculated as an enslavement-period-multiplied-percentage of current british gdp - does boris de blunderbus bastard-fucking-bastard-bastard de bastard comprehend that market-value-reparations, owed to the afro-caribbean populations of former british slave-colonies, must, by double-dutch-jeopardy's redeeming definition, tot up to at least 10 trillion - if not actually tens of trillion - solid british sterling?
you know, i really don't believe the grinning great blond government-grappling-gorilla does understand the gob-smackingly gargantuan dimension of the british state's commercial liability towards the afro-caribbean-community - because this pathetic pair of poorly educated public school-boys both clearly possess an egregiously poor grasp of history, economics, and mathematics...
not-to-mention ethics.
oh bugger me backwards, if these two classic ignorant cunts haven't yet sussed that race-theory is, and always was, an evil mercantilist hoax - perpetrated by 19th-century anti-abolitionists in order to bolster crooked compensation-claims for tragic loss of slave-labour - then it's absolutely damned certain they'll never figure out that the bogus-scientific-theory of carbon-dioxide-driven climate-change is a whopping-great fucking hoax too.
blimey, instead of taking this god-given opportunity to broaden the fragile flaking support-base of the nationally hated conservative party, it appears that these two consummately thick cabinet-cunts are rather reckoning on irreversibly narrowing it - through a puerile policy-piss-stream of petty parochial racialism.
forgive me oh lord, but there's something simply incongruous - nay downright fucking obscene - about over-privileged and pampered little public school-boys who play big-bad-man political games with the democratically disposable lives of pass-poor jamaican prisoners - and who attempt to gain gutter-kudos by connivingly cargo-shipping these supposedly dangerous darkies back across the unabsolvent atlantic ocean, yet one more symbolically offensive time.
to be honest, it is embarrassingly evident that bungling boris and camp-tings are emotionally and intellectually divorced from the unfaced historical reality of unaccounted british slave-trading, and that, in the mean mawkish manner of anally retentive amateur hustlers, they are uncouthly seeking to utilize electorally expedient transatlantic transportation as a cut-price antediluvian distraction from the tawdry ten-trillion-dollar-truth.
oh crikey, if these two expensively educated chimps had any properly evolved grip either on modern-day mathematical reality or of british economical history, then they would - would they not - appreciate that - in accordance with the all-trumping supremacy of the croaky old rules of cricket and british fair-play-fuckuppery - british citizenship - together with its associated freedom-of-movement and access-to-justice - must necessarily constitute the inalienable right of all continuously oppressed peoples born bare-black-assed in bumper-bullion-britain's former slave or commodity-colonies.
moreover, in the improbable familial circumstance of their both being perchance blessed with some, let us pray, fleeting fluid fragment of meaningful - or even mercifully minging - moral consciousness, then it might transubstantially transpire that this afore-mentioned coked-up couple of moronic minted dunce-monkeys - swinging sub-primely intoxicated, in insentient bliss, from tory-toad-bearing beam to bolshie bourgeois banister, through the jingoistic jungle of number ten dogging street's narco-neurotic nurseries - would in fact - despite the european empire's illegitimate transitional suspension of the inviolable entitlements accruable to our brusquely brushed-overseas british citizens - also recognize the incivility of discontinuing any such incontrovertible dispensations, as were once lawfully and democratically afforded our darker-skinned commonwealth-contributors, save upon the full and final reparation - direct from the bulging british imperial inheritance - of all national, natural and notional financial losses illegally incurred by those erstwhile, but still unduly impoverished, imperial citizens.
in conclusion, and vis-à-vis the question of commonwealth citizens, it behoves boris bollock-brain de bodger-bastard-fucking-bastard-bastard de bastard and his bad-ass whitehall-bog-cleaning-buddy, domestick canings to come - if they are in any wanky-way capable - to a swift ethical decision:
either our neo-colonially corrupt british establishment - along with its double-dealing conservative government - must respect the inhabitants of former british slave-or-commodity-colonies - by automatically granting them full de facto rights associated with british citizenship...
or alternatively, if the british establishment is neither emotionally nor psychologically capable of granting due respect to the economically side-lined citizens of our former colonies, then it must ensure that all commonwealth-members receive full reparations for the material exploitation suffered as a consequence of british participation in colonialism, neo-colonialism, slave-trading, and in slavery itself.
of course, if neither of the above resolution-mechanisms is acceptable to our british blood-mercantile-establishment, then so-be-it:
commonwealth citizens will therefore be obliged to pursue class-actions for reparations against all britain's financial, academic, governmental, and professional institutions which - whether public or private - have historically profited from colonialism, neo-colonialism, slave-trading, or from slavery itself.