Friday, 7 February 2020

clipped words: when dr kelly died on harrowdown hill, scientific objectivity died with him

discourteously cold-shouldered and side-lined by eco-edgy-torial extinguishers of the truth - but now re-presented for your extra-sensory environmental emancipation - here-below is my comment upon stuart basden's medium-article entitled extinction rebellion isn’t about the climate:

"interestingly, this article reveals a great degree of consciousness, but sadly, stuart, you fail to recognize that the extinction-rebellion-movement is simply a shibbolethic showcase of cia-manipulated hysteria - cynically designed to distract attention from current epidemics of western neo-colonial genocide, and associated resource-rape, in non-white countries such as afghanistan, somalia, congo, syria, iraq and libya.
tellingly, it is those eu-imperialists prone to peddling co2-driven-climate-change-propaganda - such as perennial paid-off perpetrators of the anthropogenic-global-warming-hoax the clintons, the blairs, and other malicious meddlers in the neo-liberal establishment - who, at the same evil stroke, wage - or covertly collude in the prosecution of - perpetual race-war against inhabitants of non-white continents - and avariciously commit this afro-and-arabo-atrophic atrocity purely in order to profit from ruthless regional robbery of valuable mineral resources. 
moreover, whilst acting as a politically correct diversion from cia-orchestrated neo-colonial resource-rape and genocide, the extinction-rebellion-movement simultaneously serves as a devious dumbed-down distraction from authentic climate-science - which, contrarily, grants true empirical weight to the natural influences upon our terrestrial environment, both of space-weather and the variable solar activity which regulates local space-weather.

for further information regarding the terrestrial effects of space-weather and solar activity upon our climate, please read the following two articles:

new climate model:

of additional interest:

biblioteca pleyades:

national aeronautics and space administration - goddard institute for space studies:

national center for biotechnology information:

beyond landscheidt:

climate audit:


Wednesday, 5 February 2020

curtailed words: the bark of bagpipe-racism from scottish euro-vision

whilst i can attribute to simple scientific ignorance his unshakeable socio-religious belief in the climate-change-hoax, for a man with such high-level comprehension of the western establishment's endemic neo-liberal criminality and corruption, i am rather surprised that pro-lapsed civil servant craig murray - former british ambassador to uzbekistan - continues to suffer from such a socially elitist blind-spot regarding the irredeemably neo-colonial nature of the european union - however, given that once a first division snob, always a first division snob, i should, i suppose, as a mere rank-and-file clerical grade pleb myself, have expected nothing less than complete official exclusion from his blog-site's comment-playground.

unfortunately, on arse-aching account of the unconscionable jock-injustice to which, as a consequence of mr murray's incoherent national social censorship policy, i have been unduly, and most unreasonably, subjected, i am therefore compelled here-below to publish the gently critical comment which - on the eve of our bonnie wee kingdom's 2019 general election - i originally attempted to post in reply to his absurdly over-optimistic opinion-piece entitled the largest vote swings in british general election history censored out by the bbc and mainstream media:

"there are two kinds of grammar-school-boys, mr murray: those who drop-out of class, and those who sell-out their class...

"for every racist dullard voting for johnson’s dog whistle racism, there is an urbane tory in wokingham or similar towns refusing to vote for him for the same reason"

having become acquainted, through your blog-site's comment-threads, with certain of your pro european union prejudices, i am compelled to wonder whether the 'dog-whistle racism', to which you somewhat casually allude, is in fact a thinly disguised, but direct, reference to boris johnson's flag-ship eu-exit-policy for the uk, or rather, whether it is a specific reference to his party's plans to end freedom-of-migration into the uk for eu-citizens?

however, since the british are of predominantly white european extract, i cannot comprehend how the discontinuation of freedom-of-movement into the uk, for other predominantly white europeans, can in any manner be considered 'racist'...

and since the ideological question of 'leaving europe' is purely one of sovereignty, nor furthermore, can i perceive any 'racism' inherent in boris johnson's wish for the uk to exit the european union.

there does, i must stress, nevertheless exist a deeply racist undertone to the core-eu-principle of denying freedom-of-movement to africans, asians and arabs - especially those hailing from british commonwealth countries, who, prior to the united kingdom's membership of the common-market, were historically entitled, as british citizens, to automatic freedom-of-movement within the british empire, including into britain itself.

now, i realize that, as an ideological european unionist, you habitually regard as 'racist' those who, upon ideological opposite grounds, wish to quit the european union, yet as a nationalist, how, for instance, would it feel to be yourself mindlessly labelled 'racist'on account of your legitimate ideological desire to achieve full scottish independence from the united kingdom?

moreover, indeed, how would a liberal such as yourself feel if summarily branded 'racist', either due to the liberal-democrat party's ideological collaboration in the coalition-government's 'hostile environment' for immigrants, or perhaps due to that same party's political support for the notorious neo-colonial bombing of libya?

to be absolutely precise, the european union, as a political entity, is but the functional perpetuation of the british empire - conveniently congregated with other former european empires - under the high-church cia-protectorate of american neo-imperialism.

given the ideological predominance of its ultra-protectionist customs-union, and its complete acquiescence in the west's neo-colonial oil-wars, the european union clearly possesses only one real political purpose: to facilitate, on behalf of its unholy united states warlords, the total economic oppression and exploitation of africa and the middle-east.

to be fair, the devastating wave of migration caused by western neo-liberal genocide in libya, syria, iraq, somalia, yemen and afghanistan would almost certainly have created an unpleasantly unethical backlash in any hard-up host-population, anywhere - and therefore, in protest, why-on-earth would democratically disenfranchized citizens not wish to tear up their rogue-establishment's disgustingly elitist membership of a nasty corrupt neo-colonial club, which has not only failed to implement binding end-to-end conflict-free-certification of euro-traded minerals, but has also impenitently facilitated genocidal blood-mineral-operations in africa?

tragically, it's not the privileged members of our pampered neo-liberal establishment who are actually forced to live the multi-cultural-wet-fucking-dream, which - thanks to conflict-compounded migration - their blithely sanctioned, but brutal, neo-colonial race-wars have imperiously imposed upon a socially scum-bagged british pleb-class, living arse-to-cheek in seriously over-crammed crumby public housing.

why, for our supra-national hegemonizing betters, should we brits crave the bad company of a barbaric bunch of blood-emblazoned political bully-bastards, whose inhumanly immoral european empire so liberally licences blood-mineral-merchants and the boom-boom-bonanza of their big-blood-bankrolled-business?

why should decent british citizens ignore keith harmon snow's forensic examination of our eu-establishment's multi-million-man-murder-spree in congo?

there is no ethical excuse for european union membership.

for your information, please read:

toward freedom:

dissident voice:

Sunday, 2 February 2020

clipped words special:

retrospective-montage of the long 'n-chequered back-route to brexit

- featuring the pickled parliament

ignorantly deleted by neo-colonial euro-centric cunts in february 2019 - but now finally re-presented for your eternal eclectic edification - here-below are two more of my comments upon the hackney citizen article entitled ‘corbyn before country’: council slammed for people’s vote ‘fudge’ as it prepares to ‘firmly reject’ no-deal brexit:

"the pickle-people - bennett opie's - are based in kent, so, in the highly likely event of a 'no-deal'-brexit, there should be no problem, next christmas, sourcing pickled walnuts in the uk - however, european union leaders may have to grow their own in future...
a 'no-deal'-brexit is almost certain, given the massive electoral advantage this outcome will afford theresa may.
preparations for a managed 'no-deal'-brexit are obviously well-advanced, as are current negotiations with the eu on trade-and-customs-issues - meaning that the impact of a 'no-deal'-exit from the eu can and will be swiftly mitigated.
mrs may appears very relaxed and confident at the moment, and her position as leader secure, therefore she must secretly have promised hard-line brexiters the insurance of a 'no-deal'-backstop - which, as prime minister, she is constitutionally empowered to push through parliament, regardless of any, non-binding, vote.
indeed, in common with any mp for a 'leave'-constituency, neither may nor corbyn, wishes to be seen as the traitor who stopped the brexit-countdown-clock.
despite the short-term economic risk of a 'no-deal'-brexit, standing up to the eu can only be politically advantageous for mrs may, and the conservative party, in domestic terms.
having treated mrs may and the uk with such contempt, and having rudely bullied us into an 'accidental' 'no-deal'-brexit, the childish eu-leaders are now going to have egg all-over their faces - meaning that, in the event of any subsequent eu-economic-instability, they could soon be deposed by the political pressure of very angry eu-businessmen and their employees.
the dup might well be covertly colluding with the conservatives on the 'no-deal'-plan, and, until such time as trade-and-customs-agreements are reached with the irish government, will probably agree to temporary self-imposed customs-checks in the irish sea, in order to avoid any necessity for a hard uk-irish-border on the island of éire - where, to the ultimate chagrin of leaders in brussels, the eu's backdoor-to-britain would, in the eventuality of a 'no-deal'-brexit, be left flapping wide-open.
a 'no-deal'-brexit will force eu-leaders to negotiate like grown-ups, and agreement on trade-and-customs-issues will no doubt be reached in double-quick-time.
following a 'no-deal'-brexit, the eu may be forced to become a free-trade-area, or 'common-market', rather than remain the protectionist afro-arabo-suppressive trade-bloc which, as a cia-controlled neo-imperialist entity, it currently comprises.
labour clearly needed to to back mrs may's business-and-cia-friendly brexit-deal, or else be cast into 'no-deal' electoral oblivion, however, in order, in the national interest, to grant mrs may a stronger hand in eu-negotiations, mr corbyn might in fact have co-operatively led labour to vote down the uk-subjugating - and eu-imposed - brexit-deal - and might well, therefore, in his capacity as a true english gentleman, also be party to this huge parliamentary charade, alongside hard-line brexiters and anti-brexiters alike...
whatever-the-case, mrs may has obviously heeded the sound advice of her good friend, mr trump - author of the art of the deal.
dreaming of a 'no-deal'-christmas"
*       *       *
"looks like there's gonna be a snap general election at the end of february...
and the enthralling prospect that, as its main manifesto-policy, the conservative party will offer the option either of prime minister may's brexit-deal or a 'no-deal'-brexit, whilst the labour party will offer the option either of its own customs-union-based deal - which would leave the uk hostage to eu-regulations - or the profoundly hated status quo - which would trap the uk into remaining within the protectionist pallisade of the neo-colonial european empire, for all eternity.
looks like this time around the labour party has been comprehensively out-manœuvred by crafty cunning old mrs may...
because this time around the general election will inevitably be decided entirely on the question of brexit - and although desperate for the opportunity to fight an early general election, the labour party must be extremely careful for what it truly wishes...
check-mayte, methinks."

ok, so that's a piece of past-its-sell-by-guess-work from back-then...

but to mark the uk's official divorce from the european union, spark up! today presents, for your sub-satirical amusement, a homage to crap jon holmes sound-soup, which, if you are not a radio 4 initiate, is an arse-achingly avant-garde art-form - strangely suggestive of an extended-play-introduction to spy-thriller homeland, but with added sergeant pepper squeaks and sod-all comic sketches.

all right then...

during the great brexit-debate, i have encountered the propositions that:

  • british social democracy would benefit more from a soft corbyn-style-brexit - rather than from reversal-of-referendum and return to the european union.

  • the european union's 'four freedoms' represent the gateways to austerity - not to peace and prosperity.

  • in order for the british - and european - left to rediscover the nation state and reinvent a social democracy fit for the 21st century, it must - notwithstanding single-currency-reform and re-negotiation of the lisbon treaty - replace the european union's 'four freedoms' of laissez-faire-capitalism - comprising the free-movement of people, services, goods, and capital - with franklin d roosevelt's 'four social democratic freedoms' - comprising the freedom-of-speech, the freedom-of-worship, the freedom-from-want, and the freedom-from-fear.


freedom-of-speech, freedom-of-worship, freedom-from-want, and freedom-from-fear should be fundamental to any democratic society...

however - through the feed-back-pressure of mass-migration - the principles of free-movement and free-trade allow us to experience, domestically, the social consequences of our military actions abroad, and thus can act as crucial counterweights against the temptation - for our war-mongering neo-conservative western governments - to bomb the bloody-fuck-out-of black and brown people.

of course, halting the west's smash-'n-grab neo-conservative wars would negate the necessity for mass-migration...

and yet, instead of the british establishment curtailing these immoral migration-instigating wars of racial oppression and exploitation, it has instead continued to promote - from whites-only fascist police-states such as cia-subservient poland - the politically targeted recruitment of cheap neo-conservative labour - and cia-subservient voters - who, by corruptly convenient coincidence, are all ideologically inclined to sanction the unethical participation, in these illegal neo-con race-wars, of our own cia-government.

in reality, the european union offers 'freedom' only to those contained within its anti-humanitarian protectionist fence - in much the same manner which, within its own imperial boundaries, the british empire once offered 'freedom-of-movement' to all subjects.

in cruel contrast, however, those living outside the european empire's borders are systematically exploited and oppressed by its evil endemic neo-colonialism...

and are only free to go jump in the sea.

unfortunately, if one curtails freedom-of-movement for people, services, goods and capital - as did the communist soviet union - then the inevitable consequence, when corruption causes socialist policies to fail, is mass-starvation - as all those who live beyond the eu-empire's remorse-proof fence of consciousness can comprehensively confirm.

indeed, not only did the soviet union starve-to-death millions of ukranians during the holodomor - through its communist policy of removing the freedom-of-movement for people, services, goods and capital ...

but the genocidal british empire also created serial famines in both ireland and india - together with violent rebellion in kenya - through its own repressive enforcement of either protectionist economic policies - such as trade-barriers and tariffs - or interventionist economic policies - such as extortionate taxation and prohibition of hoarding - any combination of which could equally produce conditions consistent with removing freedom-of-movement for people, services, goods and capital.

notorious examples of british empire induced famine and rebellion include:

moving forward...

[with an indecently irritating interpolant squawk]

there is a widely held theory that those who settle in this country can, or should, 'integrate'...

however, one feels humbly obliged to point out that, in ten thousand fucking years of history on these isles, the british have never integrated - we just fucking love fighting each other too much.

you see, it woz the celts wot started it - about 2500 years before brexit:

'briton' derives from the welsh word 'brython' - meaning 'tumultuous' or 'warrior', or perhaps just plain 'rowdy' - and in fact, the welsh were the original britons - their prehistoric settlement of these islands pre-dating, by several thousand years, the celtic invasion, which took place around 500 bc.


ok, so maybe it woz the welsh wot started it...

[cue: freaky fuzzy fade-out]


spark up! is an in-principle-supporter of brexit - provided it maintains freedom of movement for humans, goods and services - however, one may be assured that, so long as the corrupt home office permits anyone, anywhere in the world, to obtain a dodgy uk passport, no form of brexit will ever reduce immigration.

to be absolutely precise, the united kingdom's entire spectrum of public services are currently corrupt to the core, and as a result, the home office's immigration-department has become akin to a bucket which cannot catch any water - due to the bloody great hole in it...

[cue: the intro for "all you need is love" by the beatles]

on the subject of economic viability, there are those well-heeled middle-class scare-mongers who incessantly opine that brexit will hurt the working-class more than anyone...

but to be frank, this is bollocks, because brexit will most probably hurt the eu-subsidized bottom-line of big-bourgeois business more than anyone - and after all, why should the democratically disenfranchized working-classes care about brexit-triggered collateral damage, when actually, they've been well-and-truly fucked-over already?

let's be completely clear: brexit is a pleb-revolution against the euro-snobs - for in truth, only stuck-up establishment-arse-lickers support the eu.

by returning a conservative government at the 2015 general election, the british people implicitly voted for an eu-membership-referendum - as specified in david cameron's manifesto.

the british people explicitly voted to leave the european empire in the 2016 eu-membership-referendum.

by invoking article 50 of the treaty on european union in 2017, the uk-parliament voted to withdraw from the eu.

by voting overwhelmingly for ostensibly pro-brexit parties at the 2017 general election, the british people implicitly voted to leave the european union.

the british parliament is democratically accountable, and in light of the above public polls, must therefore deliver brexit at no matter what cost to the uk-economy and city of london financial institutions.

british democracy must be upheld, else we submit to the great anti-democratic eu-thumb of cia-totalitarianism.

nevertheless, one has to admit that, in strictly legal terms, the eu-membership-referendum was non-binding - rather like the european version of democracy...

but fortunately, election-results in pro-brexit constituencies were still binding, and those electorates were just waiting for any of their anti-democratic cia-controlled mps to 'make their day'.

so to rewind...

[with atonally ambient squawk]

we here at spark up! are ideologically opposed to the eu, because it constitutes a neo-colonial empire - created and manipulated by the cia - however, on principle, we are not opposed to freedom-of-movement, and recognize that immigration-control is no more feasible than a vain attempt to reverse the incoming tide.

unstoppable mass-immigration is caused by illegal cia-oil-wars, in the middle-east and africa, and by neo-imperialist oppression of the third-world - whilst uk-immigration is exacerbated by a successful economy and the eu's exploitation of cheap eastern european labour from eu-indentured states.

when watching tv, you will notice that pro-european-empire politicians comprise exclusively of cia-sell-outs from the wealthy middle-classes - they are betraying the world's working-class to the gangster-cia-establishment, which pays them off royally and silently promotes their bogus political careers.

inevitably, therefore, britain's anti-immigrant working-class will suffer peremptory betrayal...

and specifically because, in the mind of the british establishment, brexit has never been designed to end freedom-of-movement, but rather to facilitate, for the city of london's financial institutions, expedient evasion of the european union financial transaction tax - a proposed eu-levy on big-fat-banking.

if not done already, as soon as the city of london's financial institutions and the eu have struck a deal which allows british banks duty-free post-brexit access to eu financial markets, then the british working-class, along with its lofty aspirations of uk sovereignty and low immigration, will be sold swiftly down-the-river of corporate greed...

in fact, the 2016 eu-membership-referendum, itself, was only ever envisaged, by the british establishment, as a summarily staged display of anti-eu domestic discontent - a trans-euro-trouble-making-exercize cynically calculated to dissuade the eu from levying a financial transaction tax upon the city of london's unbridled banks...

unfortunately for the uk-parliament, however, matters got rather out of hand when, in the heat of the this referendum-campaign, the revolting disenfranchized plebs fatefully resolved to leave the evil european empire, lock, stock and fucking barrel...

and what a continental-sized barrel-of-laughs brexit has actually proved to be.

yes, white working-class-brexiters may fairly be portrayed as narrow-minded and parochial - a description equally valid of working-class-people the-world-over, including those hailing from ethnic minority communities in inner-city-london...

the european union, on the other hand, is undoubtedly a racist neo-colonial vampire.

[cue: excruciating scribble-scratching effect]

we all know that the - recent - 'hostile environment' for immigrants was conceived by tony blair and his new labour government; tony blair won three elections on the basis of being hostile to immigrants, and rather considerately laid the pseudo-ethical foundations for theresa may's demented drive, beginning in 2012, to deport as many black people as humanly possible from the uk . it was quite evident, from its very inception, that this despicable home office initiative had the 'unintended' effect of unlawfully targeting british citizens from the west indian windrush-generation, nonetheless, for fear of being viewed as overly pro-immigrant, even labour's own members of parliament failed to call out the disgraceful deportations of west indian born british citizens - and shockingly, it was not until 2018, after a guardian-newspaper-journalist had finally broken the shameful story to the nation, that questions were at last raised, with the prime minister, in the house of commons.

oh dear, sometimes you reap what you sow:

in blind pursuit of power, the labour party has now attempted to ditch british democracy in favour of remaining in the neo-colonial european empire - but without the voice of democracy, where would the uk's ethnic minorities, the under-privileged, and the vulnerable stand?

'labour' is now a party run by diverse middle-class-snobs for the sole benefit of the rich white upper-classes and the buy-to-let-bourgeoisie.

'labour' has totally betrayed the vast majority of working class people in the uk and, as residents of pseudo-socialist boroughs, such as hackney, have found to their great cost, it now only serves the wealthy powerful few - with friends in the town-hall.

as we are now well aware, any parliamentary decision to hold a labour-supported second, or 'confirmatory', eu-membership-referendum - without even acting upon the result of the first - would immediately and inevitably have been superseded by a general election - in which labour would have lost, to either the brexit or conservative parties, all marginal constituencies where, in the 2016 eu-membership-referendum, the electorate had already voted to leave the european union.

do not believe cia-opinion-pollsters such as yougov: they have always been lying about the uk-electorate's views on eu-membership; as we now fully recognize, the pro-eu labour party would always have struggled to hold 200 parliamentary seats in a general election, were such an election to have been predicated upon the ideological choice between the conservative's 'no-deal'-brexit and labour's 'confirmatory' eu-membership-referendum.

our british ancestors died in the fight to establish the democratic rights which we theoretically enjoy today, and, as evidenced by the 2019 general election, the uk's many impoverished and underprivileged, pushed to the cliff-edge of european civilization, are now ready to fight and die for democracy once again.

in the 2016 eu-membership-referendum, the british people voted to leave the european union, and because the refreshingly pro-black, anti-war mr corbyn did not, in the event, back brexit, and did not therefore respect democracy, he would, whatever other policies he had proposed, have definitely been dumped by the electorate - more seriously, however, if he had actually succeeded in thwarting the democratic will of the british people, he would have risked serious civil conflict, and the loss of democracy altogether.

the labour party must learn to play by the democratic rules, for, if there are no longer any rules, foreign-controlled opportunists, who exist - both on the political right and left - within the cia-infected british establishment, will seize their despotic chance to dismantle democracy for 'good'.

when the ignorant and immature labour party was deservedly wiped out at the recent general election, i laughed, not at the demise of committed anti-war socialist corbyn - an essential british buffer against american neo-imperialist brutality and a life-long campaigner against inequality - but at the indignantly dethroned and deselected pseudo-socialist snobs, who, alongside their traitorous conservative-counterparts, so arrogantly believed themselves to be above democracy.

spark up! conclusion: for true peace and prosperity in an increasingly totalitarian europe, the only way is no-deal.

[cue: notationally inverted squawk-rich sun-ra-jazz-sample played backwards]

contrasting with our response to youth-murders, in the case of corbyn's visit to a mosque in seven sisters, we do not ask why he was egged - since we all know that, by reneging on a promise to deliver brexit, and therefore failing to honour the result of the 2016 eu-membership-referendum, he was not only disrespecting democracy, but was also inextricably mired in the process of selling out the british working-classes.

anyhow, what can one say: shoulda worn a burqa, shouldn't he?

finally, on the subject of the current inner-city crime-wave, it may only be surmised that endemic youth-violence in the uk is due to the obama-effect; for 8 years, the western establishment celebrated a black american president who, en route to ripping off arab oil-wealth, slaughtered many innocent civilians - and the establishment was therefore guilty of creating a catastrophic rôle-model for our inner-city youth.

[cue: recording of the classic dino shafeek cover-version of "land of hope of glory"]