Friday, 2 June 2017

may seeks mandate to masturbate

there now follows a panty purrclitickle bored-cast by the corn-artist party... without further ado, let me hand straight over to prime-masturbator teresa twatitch:

"well, as you all probably noticed...except for signing one silly sodding letter...i've spent the last year basically just playing with myself...

and i have now decided to call this snatch-election in order to obtain the british people's express permission to carry on playing with myself for another five full fun-filled fanny-wangling years, all on the public purse...

yes, of course, i could have held a vote in parliament...on triggering euro-treacle 50...almost a year ago, immediately after i'd ascended sex-goddess-like to the high-throne of wets-minge-door - which is obviously rightfully mine, by divine political sleight of hand...

but hey, i thought...i didn't vote to leave the neo-conservative paymasters in washington, brussels and beijing don't ever want me to leave the eu...i'm on a huge bloody bonus from big-global-business if i drag this whole friggin' eu-exit farce out as long as politically possible, and delaying it until such a distant future point-in-time that people eventually forget why they even wanted to leave the eu in the first-fucking-place...and let's see...erm...errr...due to the intractable irish-border-question and promises i've already made to very important conservative-party-donors from british industry, i've basically not got a bat-shit in hell's chance of ever delivering any meaningful form of withdrawal from the single-market, from the customs union...or from the european convention on human which my government is committedby the conservative party manifesto, to remaining a signatory until at least 2022...and know, to be honest, i'm really not in an awfully great personal hurry to leave europe at the end of the day, i suppose i've not actually got any intention at all of ever taking the uk out of the eu...and also errm...i have to admit that my husband's firm, the mega-minted investment management bank, capital international, doesn't want us to leave the eu just wants me to negotiate the creation of a super-sneaky legal loophole, in the european regulations, which would enable large city institutions, such as itself, to avoid paying the eu financial transactions tax...

so yes...i thought...fine...i might as well fight a wholly unwinnable and torturous legal battle through every crummy little court in the land, at enormous expense to the tax-payer...until, as per usual, i'm forced to fly the white flag, go into a screeching trademark-may-u-turn, and then finally agree to a vote on triggering exit-trickle 50, after bloody all...

okay now let's what else haven't i done...?

well, i haven't raised the national insurance contributions for the self-employed, because, despite making an announcement that i was going to raise them...i then inconveniently discovered that, back in 2015, i'd been elected to my seat in parliament on a specific pledge not to raise national insurance contributions for the self-employed...whoops...

and i haven't, as either home secretary or prime minister, reduced immigration to the target-levels which i originally set in 2010...probably because i have constantly aggravated the very root-causes of mass-migration, by obstinately continuing either to directly prosecute or fuel - through covert support of islamist al qaeda rebels - deeply immoral and unchristian neo-conservative oil-wars in the middle-east, africa and asia...and also by continuing to promote the relentless impoverishing destruction of african, arab and asian cultures and sovereign states...

and err...i haven't kept my promise not to hold a totally pointless, fruitless and further-time-wasting general election, and land a limpingly lame result which will hopefully weaken my hand in eu-exit negotiations, and ultimately ensure that britain never escapes from the eu-pow-camp anytime in the next one thousand years...

and i haven't even done the u-turn i promised to do on care-for-the-elderly...because clearly i haven't changed a thing, and still fully intend to stitch the stupid old euro-phobic anti-immigrant duffers up, anyhow...

but naturally to my credit...i have done a deal, with heathrow airport, to tarmac over several garden-suburbs of west london, and generally blight, with terribly noisy and polluting flight-paths, the lives of hundreds-of-thousands of potential conservative-voters in the wider london area for pissing perpetuity...

and i have struck a deal with china and france which will see britain royally ripped-off, to the rasping tune of many many billions of ever-weaker pounds, in unfair exchange for the construction of an unstable, untested, unreliable and effectively obsolete nuclear reactor, which, when she inevitably blows, will make the 1966 aberfan-disaster look like a fucking primary-school picnic-in-the-park - well only in terms of the relative political fallout, of course...not in individual human terms...but frankly, what do i care about personal human costs in england or wales, when the god's-honest-truth is that i'll soon be shipping out to the bahamas, with hubby, after being unexpectedly forced to take convenient early retirement on the grounds of spuriously feigned ill health...?
and incidentally, my personal domiciliary care's been covered a hundred times the multi-million-quid medical protection afforded by phil's company health-insurance scheme.
anyhow, i mention the aberfan landslide, albeit rather callously and cruelly, lest we forget those far too innocent victims of historic homicidal state-negligence, already needlessly sacrificed in that so comprehensively crushed welsh-mining-village, upon the corrupt all-consuming altar of cheap and expediently generated national energy.
tragically, however, i have absolutely no intention of studying the british government's long-and-winding back-catalogue of historic war-crimes, other institutional criminal acts, and sins of omission, and therefore will not be learning anything from it - as amply evidenced by the fact that i've already foolishly signed the contract for chernobyl point i like to call mon petit pet-projet...which, when she inevitably blows, will cast over our countries and counties a deadly radio-active shadow reaching far beyond the village of aberfan in wales, where in 1966 the free fallout from fatal government forces struck the local primary school with disastrous industrial precision, unapologetically massacring 116 children and 28 adults in a standard revenge attack against a dangerous cell of state-disposable plebs, who had dared become far too unquestioning of absolute civil authority...
oh and obviously tsunamis seldom ever surge into somerset, do they...?
oh, yes...and i have also made a deal which will allow the americans to scam hard-working british tax-payers out of billions and billions and billions of ever-weakening pounds in return for a dodgy and dangerously fickle nuclear non-deterrent armed with war-heads over which we in britain will have no meaningful control...this non-independent non-dischargeable nuclear non-capability arising primarily because the neo-con cowboys in the pentagon are going to keep the firework ignition keys safe for us - in case we suddenly feel like firing the bloody thing at them, i suppose - and furthermore because the russians have already hacked into the computer-guidance-software which directs the missile-system...and so really speaking, if it's true the russians have cher-nobbled our nukes, we're all well-and-truly you-know-whatted anyway...
and finally, please note that, ignoring more economical alternatives, i have cut an extraordinarily beneficial deal with some very nice builder guys, who have kindly offered, at astronomical public expense, to carve up the beautiful unspoilt buckinghamshire countryside...home of rural tranquility to so many thousands of true-blue-conservative order to construct a third, slightly-faster-than-usual, highly-subsidized railway-line to birmingham...a project which, for some reason beyond my choo-choo-trained comprehension, private investors are not willing to back, even with the equivalent of a whacking great treasury-underwritten financial barge-pole...

oh yes, you can trust me with negotiating deals all the one with the european union, for instance...where i'm going to negotiate us all into economic buggering oblivion lasting longer than the next friggin' ice-age...

coz, i'm hard me...
i'm a hot and horny ho wot gonna bring home the doh...
yeah i'm hard me...
you just watch...

i'm gonna go kick putin right in the nuts...

coz i'm hard me...

hey, i'm gonna kick assad right up the arse...

coz i'm hard me...

oh boy am i gonna slap kim jong-un's cute little botty for him...

coz i'm hard me...

and err...i'm not gonna get knocked spark out in the first round with schlager freh merkel...err well...hopefully not...

coz i'm hard me...

and you know what i'm gonna to do to trump...?

i wanna hold his hand...

coz i'm really fucking hard me...

that's why i sprung this snap-general-dereliction-of-duty...

coz i'm hard me...

not because the whole crappy british economy is about to go straight down the fucking bog-pan...

oh no...nothing like that...

not because the housing-market's about to crash through the fucking ocean floor

oh no...nothing like that...

not because inflation's about to rocket through the bank of england's bloody roof, along with interest rates...

oh no...nothing like that...
not because in three years' time we'll still be stuck in the euro-pissing empire without any economically viable exit-strategy and 17 million mad-as-fuck people will want to hang me out by the tits to dry on the siegfried line...
oh no...nothing like that 
not because the conservative party is about to get done up like a kipper for electoral fraud in thanet...

oh no...nothing like that...

not because i'm shit-frit of jeremy the parliamentary chamaeleon's shit-hot shape-shifting abilities and his scruffy but effective shirt-sleeves-style of shakin' the flesh...

and because i thought i could have a snap-crackle-and-pop at him...

and be shot of him...with a little help from the lower-middle-ranks of british scum-bag-class voters - oddly insecure fellows, seemingly - who might fancy the irresistible once-in-a-generation opportunity of exercizing a spot of socio-racial-superiority over the latest immigrant-intake class they so love-to-hate - yet meanwhile so rely upon for cleaning their own scum-bag-class houses and their own scum-bag-class offices and for serving them their own scum-bag-class beer in their own scum-bag-class pubs and for staffing their own scum-bag-class hospitals and scum-bag-class massage parlours and for caring for their own elderly scum-bag-class parents in their own scum-bag-class old people's homes...
yes, that's right...those great british unwashed un-university-educated working-class heros, who, when they espied the temptingly intoxicating great-value-british-carrot of sado-synthetic racist emotional release dangling at their discriminative disposal before them, i assumed could easily be led by their dumb-bastard bigoted noses straight over the economic precipice and neatly into the never-ending neo-conservative abyss of an apocalyptic clintonesque world-war with russia...and maybe even china too...but who, in factturning out, in the deadly-dull non-eu-exiting-event, to be great british un-brain-washed un-university-educated working-class heros, tragically, just became bored to great british buggery with the anally administrative and highly tedious technocratic details of leaving-or-not-leaving-or-half-leaving the european empire...and also, tragically, just became bored to great british buggery with the anally administrative and highly tedious technocratic details of losing their eu-passports, and nifty freedom-of-movement, and guaranteed freedom-of-trade, and eu-enhanced jobs, and prized property inherited from their parents, and pensions, and disability benefits, and in-work benefits, and unemployment benefits, and hospitals, and the sodding shirts off their sodding self-employed backs...and, above every-other-eu-effing-thing, tragically, just became sick-to-fuck of constantly recalculating the cost of yo-yo-ing euros purchased with a perpetually plummeting pound...and eventually, therefore, all reached the common market-based conclusion that social and economic security would by far be the better part of british valour - this determination, of course, being made not-in-the-least because the british electorate, having answered the simple yes-or-no question on the referendum exam-paper, should, by rights, never again have been bothered with the anally administrative and highly tedious technocratic details of leaving-or-not-leaving-or-half-leaving the european empire...especially given that the bureaucratic nightmare of sorting out this type of complex, technical and tricky transnational legislation is normally deemed to be the accepted responsibility of government lawyers and members of our hallowed omniscient parliament - who are, let's face it, all paid very handsomely for the privilege of handling this kinda monotonous shit...
oh no, i didn't call a snap election because i thought i could pull a fucking fast one on the gullible british electorate...
i called the election coz i'm hard me...

and that's exactly why, out of deepest respect for the shitload of national insurance contributions and income taxes which senior citizens have faithfully paid into this country's social-welfare kitty all their working lives, i'm going to sell these valued old-folks' homes right from under them, brick by bloody hard-earned brick - regardless of whether they or their partners are actually residing in the property or not - in order to pay for both their domiciliary and residential social-care alike...and all this whilst the gay-lodgers - which our senior citizens have been forced to take into their own homes, and bake gay-cakes for, simply in order to supplement their dwindling personal pensions and savings, and make ends meet - are at it like knives in the spare room, in strict accordance with the european human rights act...

well you've gotta pick a pension-pot or two, boys...

oh you just gotta, ain't ya...?

coz i'm hard me...

and you gotta nick the dozy old bastards' winter fuel allowance too, why not...?

coz i'm hard me...

ah...but let me for a moment digress and turn my attention to the important subjects of ethical foreign policy and immigration control...

now, certain woefully common and uneducated parties like eu-trip may apparently claim that it's just not cricket to continue bombing the living crap out of black, brown and arab people...and destroying their countries and cultures...and stealing all their wealth and mineral resources...whilst meantime still manically increasing britain's neurotic immigration controls as a sick, unsympathetic prelude to just blankly turning back those very refugees whom we've brutally forced to flee those same sadistically deconstructed countries in the first a vast unregulated wave of mass-migration...directly precipitated, may i reiterate, by this precise kind of genocidal neo-conservative war which i have always personally striven to support politically, and done my level professional best to insidiously incite and inflame...

well, on the contrary, i can assure you that this is all absolute illiterate liberal rubbish-talk...and that under my own brand of progressive conservative leadership, we brits can carry on ethically bombing black, brown and arab people completely indiscriminately, and introduce simultaneously such super-restrictive immigration controls as to make any entry into this country by black, brown and arab people totally illegal...
ok so clearly i'll never succeed in preventing these black, brown and arab people from actually slipping into the united kingdom and working here, i never have...but then of course this is the genius of my immigration strategy...for you see, these desperate immigrants will all be officially branded 'illegal', and as such will enjoy no statutory employment rights, and no rights to claim housing or welfare benefits, and no rights to access education or hospital treatment...and as a blindingly satisfactory result, we british citizens will all be free to pay these cheap immigrant suckers way less than peanuts as wages...and rogue employers will be permitted to exploit them mercilessly for the greater benefit of our great, free and tolerant nation...

what a wonderful world, eh?

so you see, under my enterprising blue-sly-thinking outside-the-brown-paper-sick-bag leadership...not only can you have your cake and eat it...but you can lick it off my tits too...
yes, that's me all over...tough talk on mass-migration...and not tough at all on the actual causes of mass-migration...which, essentially, are people like me, who vote for western neo-imperialist oil-wars and the absolute...whoops-a-daisy...annihilation of other people's countries and cultures...

oh naturally i'd fight all these wars myself...

take on all these countries russia, china, syria, north korea...all on my own...

coz i'm well 'ard me...
i'd carry a nuke over to north korea all by myself, and personally detonate it right under king dong's fucking big fat nose...
coz i'm well 'ard me...

but unfortunately, you see, there's a good deal of polishing and other vital domestic shit which has to be done daily at number ten dogging what will actually happen is this...
first, i'll recruit all the obnoxious little neo-imperialist snobs, currently mass-produced by our esteemed universities of established fascist wisdom from the precious darling battalions of the anally correct bourgeoisie, and then i'll bribe or emotionally blackmail these higher executive hypocrites into ideologically justifying the greater socio-economic need for further blatant neo-colonial warfare, genocide and resource exploitation anywhere in the world we can get away with it...

next, when the long-dreamed-of neo-conservative world-war against russia, china, iran, and north korea, and almost all the rest of the freely fucking furious world, finally looms lovely before us and our greatest remaining allies, i will introduce legislation enabling emergency military conscription in order to marshal the greater british pleb - whom i will hopefully by then have already snidely led by his congenitally narrow-minded nose out of good mother europe's rightful protective human fold - into auto-decimating action, and will duly despatch both him and his greater british black and brown brethren, all busting to escape from the jobloss post-brassick monotony of council-house heaven, directly to their gruesomely glamourized neo-nationalist martyrdoms - multicultural brothers-in-arms in one bloody hilariously futile vanity war of which madame humanitarian holocaust clinton herself would have been just so exceedingly proud, had she not accidentally, and most regrettably, been burned alive during a tormenting trial by election, which she'd rashly rigged herself...
and together we shall build a country which vainly glorifies the stock social image of dumbed-down working-class british donkeys led, racially-wired-up and ripe for remote psycho-political manipulation, into fucking hopeless foreign battlefields, by luxuriously louche lions of the educated establishment élite, like me...all from the home-county comfort of our own neo-colonically irrigated consciences, of course...
together we shall build a country where i can continue to create terrorists who will murder our innocent children...just as in the past i've subversively recruited, trained and protected al qaeda and islamic state jihadists in order to overthrow the governments of libya and syria, steal these sovereign states' oil, and kill their citizens' children...

together we shall build a country where i may, at will or whim, summarily and secretly gag all those in the media who wish to expose my traitorous conduct in public office, my predisposition to aid and abet the enemy, and my extensive criminal record of undermining and fatally compromising british security, and endangering british lives...
and yes, i know you're all gagging for it, haha...but for ermm...cough-cough...purely operational reasons...may i remind everyone working in the press and television-media that, for the duration of this general election campaign, you are all strictly prohibited from reporting the rather damning and altogether career-stopping fact that my mi5 security service knowingly recruited, trained and protected the manchester suicide-bomber, and that, as a consequence of his officially protected status, this al qaeda-affiliated jihadist was never arrested by this or any other branch of our security services...even after he had become the subject of a joint fbi-mi5 investigation dating from mid-2016...and even after the united states fbi had explicitly warned the british mi5 security service of the manchester suicide-bomber's imminent plan to mount a terror-attack on british soil.

any questions, please?

well yes, laura...i'm glad you asked me that...
my mouth's shaped like a ghastly old gulping grouper-fish due to a very long and rewarding career sucking and slurping away on the grand old neo-conservative cock of the washington establishment...
any other questions...?
ah yes, krishnan...thank you for asking whether anyone would buy a second-hand brexit-campaign off me...
well, of course they would...they don't call me theresa mayleave for nothing, you know...
and no, michael... the wheels won't be falling off the fucking economy two minutes down the road from the general election...
trust me, i'm a shifty-arsed two-faced tory cow...
also known as...theresa the brexit-teaser...
excuse me...what was your question, john? err...what part did 'blue mountain' play in the liberation of libya from any prospect of future civil stability...?
is she a porn actress or something...?
oh sorry, yes, i see...well, obviously, as home secretary in the previous conservative government, i am fully aware that the british special air service trained al qaeda-linked islamist militants and other jihadists to fight in the illegal cia-oil-wars, which were covertly orchestrated against the libyan and syrian ré was all part of operation 'hornet's nest', the secret cia-blueprint for founding the islamic state, wasn't it, silly...?
do i do deals with terrorists...?
of course i do deals with terrorists darling...
i am a bloody terrorist, stupid...
i think the fucking sly little red cunts should all be mercilessly hunted down and destroyed...
yes, vote for me, mother terrorista of carecutta, head-nurse of the nasty party...

vote nasty: for weak and wanky government...
vote me: for weak and wanky leadership...
choose nasty brand brex-shit: weak, wanky, and very very wonky...
choose the nasty manifesto: weak, wanky, and very very wonky...
vote for a nasty government: it's weak, wanky, and very very wonky...
vote for my brand of leadership: it's weak, wanky, and very very wonky...
vote nasty: for weak and wanky government...
vote me: for weak and wanky leadership...
vote nasty: for weak and wanky government...
vote me: for weak and wanky leadership...
vote me: for weak and wanky leadership...
vote me: for weak and wanky leadership...
vote me: for weak and wanky leadership...
vote me: for weak and wanky leadership...
vote me: for weak and wanky leadership...
vote me: for weak and wanky leadership...
vote me: for weak and wanky leadership...
vote me: for weak and wanky leadership...
vote for me: and i'll go-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on until you just wanna go fucking mental, turn to islamic extremism, and blow yourself up...
vote for the nasty party...
so i can fiddle while britain burns."

reports on british government cultivation of islamist militant-networks for black-ops-warfare against the régimes of colonel gaddafi, in libya, and of president bashar al-assad, in syria - including stories currently suppressed by uk government for reasons of political expediency:


truth revealed: british intelligence received warnings of manchester bomber attack

the daily mail:

fbi 'warned mi5 in january that the manchester bomber was planning an attack on britain'

world socialist web site:

british intelligence received warnings that manchester bomber was plotting attacks

the daily mail:

peter oborne: why mi6 must share the blame for the jihadis in our midst

the canary:

the story that’s so damaging to the tories and mi6 that the evidence was suppressed [video]


terror in britain: what did the prime minister know?

middle east eye:

'sorted' by mi5: how uk government sent british-libyans to fight gaddafi

21st century wire:

arms to al-qaeda: u.s. generals admit washington has backed islamic militants in syria


libya and the manchester connection

global research:

u.s. efforts to arm jihadis in syria: the scandal behind the benghazi undercover cia facility

business insider uk:

how us ambassador chris stevens may have been linked to jihadist rebels in syria

levant report:

defense intelligence agency document: west will facilitate rise of islamic state “in order to isolate the syrian regime”


how the west created the islamic state

the telegraph:

british firm secured benghazi consulate contract with little experience


eclipse group


duane clarridge

fox news:

benghazi guards turned on us diplomats in 2012 attack, sources say

washington  examiner:

benghazi security contractor had history of failure in libya, emails show


for benghazi diplomatic security, u.s. relied on small british firm

the atlantic:

the welsh security contractor behind america's benghazi consulate guards


tag archives: blue mountain: #benghazi news: what did the arb and benghazi committee know about alamir, eclipse and xpand?

the daily mail:

why was cherie so keen to open doors for a billionaire sheikh's wife?

the guardian:

hillary clinton lobbied by cherie blair to meet qatari royal, emails reveal

the guardian:

hillary clinton emails: cherie blair lobbied for qatari crown prince

the observer:

sheikha mozah: the (un)acceptable face of qatar’s global expansion


t is for terrorist said...

not only should theresa may be prosecuted as a war-criminal for her part in the mass-murder of civilians consequent to the war-on-terror, the war in afghanistan, the libyan war, the syrian war, and the war in iraq...

but she should also be tried for assisting in the instigation and preparation of acts of terrorism, for her part, as british home secretary and head of mi5, in illegally recruiting, training, arming and persistently protecting the al qaeda-linked islamist militants, whom david cameron's conservative government sent to overthrow the governments of libya and syria, and who have now returned to the united kingdom in order to terrorize the british people.

indeed, tragically, the 1966 aberfan disaster is a perfect metaphor for our
failure, as a country, to take action against those criminals in our government, who, for reasons of extreme personal greed in the pursuit of oil-wealth shamelessly stolen from foreign sovereign nations, have promoted this great debilitating terror within our society, and subsequently exposed our citizens and our children to such a precipitous and potential danger.

so in fact the shame is on us, the electorate...

and surely, in a properly functioning democracy, theresa may cannot be permitted to assume further parliamentary power and continue cynically to undermine the authority of her office, clothed in nothing but corruption.

yes, what was the british 'blue mountain' group's true rôle in libya...?

and why was the british sas training al qaeda-linked islamist militants and other jihadists in benghazi, libya...?

the powerplot ministers said...

in order to deviously deflect the white-heat of criticism from herself, we now need 'little weed' to decree which of her evil neo-imperialist puppets has been responsible for colluding with terrorists...

was it amber stick-in-the-mud...?

or was it boris 'flabbagob' british-empire-son...?

or was it philip harm-an-arab...?

or was it michael fall-on-his-sword...?

prime minister jihadismay: on a dangerous holiday from morality said...

@t is for terrorist

on account of those with whom they have spoken, theresa may accuses others of dealing or sympathizing with terrorists...

yet as a high-ranking cabinet-minister and head of mi5 in david cameron's previous conservative government, there is no doubt that former home secretary theresa may has actually done deals with al qaeda-linked terrorists, whom she then allowed to travel to libya and syria in order to join, and fight for, extremist jihadist groups such as the islamic state.

if theresa may is re-elected as prime minister, the 8th june should forever be re-named 'mayday', and as a country, we should enter a permanent state of emergency.

why are american intelligence agencies attempting to interfere in the united kingdom's election? said...

@the powerplot ministers

every time, during this gonorrheal election, that corbyn and the labour party appear to have made progress and cracked the opinion polls, a major terrorist-attack has interrupted the flow of proceedings and has abruptly killed campaigning dead.

the islamic state is controlled by the neo-conservative cia, which, in common with neo-conservatives like clinton and obama, cannot even contemplate a proper socialist party, under jeremy corbyn, taking power in a puppet-colony of the united states, such as the united kingdom...

...and will therefore prop up its preferred neo-conservative puppet-dictator, theresa may, at any cost...

...even if this means unleashing cia-protected terrorists to murder innocent british citizens, and then allowing mrs mayday to claim the prime-ministerial credit for mopping up the blood.

lieutenant general michael flynn forewarned the obama administration of islamic state's impending rise - ceasefire magazine said...

all members of the cameron government - including prime minister theresa may - who were aware of the secret cia-mi6 plot to recruit, train and arm islamist militants, both from the united kingdom and abroad, in order to send them to fight in the syrian and libyan wars, and ultimately form the islamic state, must resign from their positions with immediate effect, and, following a public enquiry, face due criminal prosecution.

after he warned the obama administration of the islamic state's impending rise, lieutenant general michael flynn was forced to retire from the united states military - yet despite flynn's persistent forewarnings, the obama administration took absolutely no action to prevent the establishment of the islamic state.

the evidence of the obama administration's foreknowledge of the islamic state's rise, and also the british government's direct rôle in facilitating that fateful rise, just continues to mount:

middle east eye:

this is how to end islamic state terror - and stop british foreign policy blowback


story of a war foretold: why we’re fighting isis

mark curtis:

the manchester bombing as blowback: the latest evidence

mark curtis:

a london attacker’s links to uk covert operations in syria and libya

london review of books:

the red line and the rat line

the independent:

home office may not publish terrorist funding report amid claims it focuses on saudi arabia

the maystro's drowning street freak-show must go on said...

how, just the other day, the british public must so have admired the re-convened, re-constituted, yet sadly crippled conservative-government cabinet...

parading pristine professional perma-smiles all-round, as if performing some swinging rag-time song-and-dance routine from the old bbc black-and-white minstrel show...

yet alas, today, we can only look forward to the half-baked horror of our democratically diminished prime-minister, miss "dainty" teacup dismay, entering into an unholy leviathan union with ms "un-re-constituted" ardlean fistfuck of the belfast bio-mass mob...

and eventually reappearing from the heavy political-petting of her rather hurried honeymoon period, as the slightly slapped-about submissive sleeping-partner, electorally enslaved in "the gruesome-tory-twosome"...

before she at long last races, hand-in-hot-sweaty-hand with her sourly sultry serendipitous soul-mate, into pole-parliamentary-position to win this wild 'n weird week's hum-dinging tragi-comic episode of wacky westminster races.

theresa may is a cold-blooded and calculated murderer said...

theresa may is a cold-blooded and calculated murderer.

prime minister theresa may was:

too mean to give old people un-means-tested winter fuel payments...

despite the fortunes in tax-contributions which they have paid over to the state from their hard-earned wages for their entire working lives...

too mean to give old people domiciliary care without selling their homes from beneath them...

despite the fortunes in tax-contributions which they have paid over to the state from their hard-earned wages for their entire working lives...

too mean to give old people a triple-lock guarantee on the value of their pensions...

despite the fortunes in tax-contributions which they have paid over to the state from their hard-earned wages for their entire working lives...

too mean to give infants free school-dinners...

despite the fortunes in tax-contributions which they have paid over to the state from their hard-earned wages for their entire working lives...

too mean to fund proper health-care for british people...

despite the fortunes in tax-contributions which they pay over to the state from their hard-earned wages for their entire working lives...

and obviously, therefore, altogether...

too mean ever to win a general election...

now, in order to save the lives of thousands of people, who each year die as a direct result of the toxic nitrogen-dioxide exhaust fumes emitted by dirty, non-commercial diesel vehicles, mrs may is simply much...

too mean to reduce the excessive fuel-duty on cleaner, unleaded-petrol...

despite knowing full-well that such a progressive environmental policy would immediately encourage non-commercial drivers to switch to vehicles with cleaner, less-polluting petrol engines, and would immediately make the air we breathe less toxic.

mrs may is more interested in increasing tax-revenues from the british public than in spending money to save the lives of british tax-payers.

mrs may would rather spend hundreds of billions of british tax-payers' pounds on weapons of mass-destruction - and on dodgy and potentially deadly nuclear power-stations - than spend a single solitary sodding penny on saving british tax-payers' lives.

mrs may will always spend british tax-payers' money on projects which make her friends unimaginably rich, but will never spend money on projects which benefit the health or safety of british tax-payers.

theresa may is a cold-blooded and calculated murderer.

part one: those whose constituents are housed in corruptly constructed death-traps shouldn't throw party-political stones at theresa may and the conservatives... said...

...but instead should lob great rocks of criticism upon themselves.

polly toynbee - confirmed neo-conservative and iraq-war apologist:

"that tomb in the sky will be forever theresa may’s monument. grenfell marks the spot and her visit marks the moment the last vestiges of her career were finally rubbed out."

just as, during the referendum on membership of the european union, 'leave'-campaigners were rightly appalled at the political capital unashamedly mined by 'remain'-campaigners from the murder of jo cox, and duly came to suspect that the labour member of parliament's assassination could have been staged by the cia, in a cynical attempt to affect the outcome of the referendum and keep the british people within the european union, securely under the neo-conservative thumb of the united states neo-imperialist hegemony...

so also then might many british voters, having read the quoted writer's shameless piece of exploitation journalism in the guardian, wonder whether ms toynbee herself had put a match to grenfell tower, in a purely cynical attempt to incite maximum anti-government feelings of a magnitude which would necessarily precipitate the immediate downfall of prime minister may.

at the very time when we desperately need those in local authority to concentrate their energies upon checking the safety of every building, both public and private, throughout this entire country, such hateful, petty party-politicking is totally incongruous, not-to-mention inappropriate, and, given that it's self-satisfying shock-waves will send our elected leaders of corruption scurrying for political cover, will ultimately prove disastrously counter-productive.

furthermore, political activists, who use this tragedy as a convenient weapon for scoring personal and party-political points against theresa may, will find their cheap tactics backfiring against their own parasitic political movements - much in the same way as mrs may's vicious and baseless personal attacks on mr corbyn backfired big-time upon her own conservative party and its election campaign.

truly, there's no need to attack theresa may, since she's so damnably incompetent that she simply destroys herself at every torturous twist and turn...

mrs may is guilty of many crimes which have left blood on her hands - primarily her assistance of the uk intelligence services in the intentional training, arming, and fundamental creation of the islamic state - yet whilst i appreciate that she presently holds a position of supreme national authority as prime minister and leader of the conservative party, i will never properly understand how she can directly and personally be held responsible for this grenfell tower disaster.

nevertheless, the prime minister's response to the tower block tragedy still seriously sucks...and in the most pathetic and hollow-hearted manner imaginable - for despite her claim to care about the countless council-abused victims of grenfell tower, one observes time-after-time that, whenever commander-in-chief may pushes an impressive big blue organizational button inside the conservative government's whitehall-machine...

absolutely nothing happens.

they say that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"...

but i would humbly suggest that, even if the conservative party is broke, don't fucking bother fixing it - because it's a total-fucking-incompetent-waste-of-parliamentary-space, anyway.

part two: those whose constituents are housed in corruptly constructed death-traps shouldn't throw party-political stones at theresa may and the conservatives... said...

of course, the real root of the problems, which have so tragically combined to culminate in the grenfell tower-block disaster, is the criminal absence of cross-party political will and consequent criminally corrupt failure, back in 2009, to ensure the prosecution, for corporate manslaughter, of the individual elected leaders of southwark council who were legally responsible for the six pitiful deaths in the terrible lakanal house fire - this being another social-housing accident born of criminal corporate negligence, and, for the following reasons, one in so many sorry aspects almost identical to the grenfell tower fire:

1) external asbestos panels were replaced with flammable panels

2) window frames were fitted using flammable materials

3) internal firewalls were breached and compromised in the course of reckless refurbishments

4) fire-safety checks were not completed by the local authority

5) a fire-service, inadequately prepared for unusual location-specific hazards, unwittingly contributed to causing a fatal incident - mainly by instructing residents, whom they subsequently failed to rescue, to remain in their flats.

so why was grenfell tower's local fire brigade not aware of the potential fire-risks and associated fire-fighting problems affecting such a huge residential structure on their patch? was the local fire-brigade not sufficiently funded to perform essential local fire-prevention and operational reconnaissance duties?

there is no doubt, you see, that, just like the liberals and conservatives on southwark council in 2009, and the conservatives in the royal borough of kensington and chelsea in 2017, every political party in authority in britain has, in the name of contractual corruption, been gluttonously indulging in a deeply criminal neglect of its residents' health and safety...

and there is also no doubt that, like the royal borough of kensington and chelsea, every political party has engaged in various covert forms of racial and social cleansing in order to corruptly service the lucrative property development boom's insatiable hunger for the regentrification of inner cities.

part three: those whose constituents are housed in corruptly constructed death-traps shouldn't throw party-political stones at theresa may and the conservatives said...

in recent years, blatant 'regeneration' has clearly been proceeding apace in such london boroughs as camden and hackney, and in order to provide environmental harmony for this project, hackney council has been ideologically promoting the extremely 'carbon-efficient', but nevertheless extremely deadly, concept of trendy-liberal-lefty timber-frame construction - providing its residents with multi-storey buildings, including schools, which, in the wrong conditions of repair, could burn down, in their entirety, in a fatal frazzling ferocious flash.

indeed, incredibly, despite the scandal of his government's neo-imperialist genocide in iraq and afghanistan, and his act of domestic democide in fuelling the silent but deadly diesel-fumes débâcle - the choking nitrogen dioxide blow-back from which has collaterally snuffed out literally hundreds of thousands of potential labour voters - it seems that dear old tony blair and his nefarious neo-conservative disciples have accidentally been allowed out of the political asylum and struck again - with extra-carbon-crackers policies that are threatening the very fabric of british society.

oh yes, not only did mr blair aid presidents bush and clinton in their glorious martial campaign to incite global genocide and generally fuck up the entire middle-east, congo, rwanda, and uganda, and - in the name of ecologically conscious carbon-savings - all our lungs...

but he and his environmentally friendly disciples-of-death have also kindly re-attempted to reduce anthropogenic - or in other words 'human-generated' - carbon emissions by the alternative, and most scientifically bizarre method, of chopping down trees for the perilously correct construction of our children's schools...

and there i was, comfortable as you like, in the cozy counter-intuitive belief that big green plants were actually great big absorbers of carbon dioxide.

absurdly, moreover, given historic meteorological evidence indicating that the earth's climate is predominately dictated by solar irradiance, the level of which is primarily determined, on a macro-scale, by the earth's orbital distance from, and angle to, the sun - in accordance with the milankovitch-cycles - and, on a micro-scale, by the level of actual solar activity - in accordance with the solar-cycles - then it is probably reasonably safe to presume therefore that, as an effective mechanism for global climate control, blair's bonker-brained strategy of carbon-emission-reduction is, naturally, completely bloody pointless.

part four: those whose constituents are housed in corruptly constructed death-traps shouldn't throw party-political stones at theresa may and the conservatives said...

now, never mind the deeply contentious and fanatically politicized science of climate change...just take a look at the snazzy scholastic architecture sprouting in the london borough of hackney, where the resident sado-sociopathic council has adopted an ideologically obsessive 'timber first' policy, and where potential tinderwood torches of enlightenment, built according to trendy timber-frame toss-potology, include:

ickburgh school - for children with special needs

mossbourne community academy- secondary school

mossbourne riverside academy - primary school

timber frame’s burning issues

bbc news:

timber framed buildings 'fire risk' despite safety test

chief fire officers association:

timber framed construction (september 2010)

a lot of the guys won't work on timber frame again

fire and timber frame new homes

given hackney's predilection for placing school-children in multi-storey match-boxes, 5 year old alexia walenkaki - who in 2015 died in a mile end children's playground as a result of the london 2012 cowboy construction bonanza and carbon-obsessive olympic timber-mania - unfortunately might prove just the first of many young deaths attributable to the pipe-dream actions of negligent wooden-top-planners with balsa-wood-for-fucking-brains.

part five: those whose constituents are housed in corruptly constructed death-traps shouldn't throw party-political stones at theresa may and the conservatives said...

however, spare a thought too for hackney's poor sacrificial hipster-cunts who live and work in timberland's multi-storey wicker-woodsheds, in murray grove and dalston lane, chilling ignorantly on tidy-town's tower-terraces...god help 'em and their dangerously deregulated non-fire-retardant beards.

well frankly, i don't know whom these hysterical left-wing activists think they're kidding...

they scream for theresa may's instant resignation, and for another instant general election, yet meantime rather conveniently forget that, after initially embarking upon his cool career of iraqi and afghan genocide, it took the labour psycho-butcher blair at least another four full fascist years to resign his perverted populist prime-minister-ship...

and they equally overlook the institutionally incriminating fact that, following blair's rumpled departure, it still demanded a further three long freedom-suppressing years for a contrived consensus of common disgust to force out of power blair's awkwardly autocratic accomplice-in-black-nectared-ambition, the awful mr brown.

mrs may'll muddle along for months, most likely - certainly if labour party activists continue callously and indiscriminately to exploit each and every tragic event for personal political advantage, by rigorously laying the responsibility for every domestic disaster firmly at her fragile flat feet.

maybe these cheap comrade opportunists, these so-called-socialists, are in fact just more of those cia-affiliated neo-conservative agents provocateurs who perennially pad out the labour party hierarchy, existing only to undermine the survival chances of corbyn and his old-style socialism, at any double-dollar-sweetened cost?

ok, so indeed grenfell tower is a stark socio-political symbol: not of the absolute political inadequacy of theresa may and her government - which, on the contrary, she successfully represents so sublimely herself - but a summarily stubbed-out smoking symbol of the absolute ideological death-trap...

an incidental death-trap set as some careless community side-show by the all-powerful neo-conservative conqueror, who religiously drums up a whacking war-chest and then stoically bombs children just happening to exist in the same under-nourished country as an immorally ogled oil-well...

an incidental death-trap set as some careless community side-show by obsessive compulsive neo-conservative freedom-haters, who vainly attempt to negotiate their way out of a paper-union, whilst poorer people - the inconveniently indisposed - neglected and displaced, must still sleep on the hard-block comfort of community-centre floors...

an incidental death-trap set as the community coffin of choice by affluent 'socialist' schizoid snobs, who mercilessly persecute and exploit the incidentally unemployed slowly slumming unwatched in britain's unregulated bed-sit-land...

even unto the shamelessly fashionable point of slyly stealing from their so-called social inferiors the shabbily creative clothes of culturally down-trodden identity...

in order to cover the common-place of their own embarrassing ethical nakedness...

and thus it is that, in an english country garden rampant with the tranquil evil of ideological repression, we find figment-leaves of chic social delusion snatched by a state-approved master-class from its systematically down-graded victims...

and all because badly dressed, down-at-heel, dissident job-seekers just don't fit the grand neo-conservative-labour ideal.

now, let's look through the neo-imperial upvc window to a brighter british future...

it's framed in fucking fire, my friend.

attack of the fifty-foot freeloader said...

@the maystro's drowning street freak-show must go on

yes, what an unfortunate ungodly typo...

that's mrs ardlean erezebil fister...

if yer don't mind?

as in 'a fat fister english pounz', don't yer know...?

and maybe even 'a fist-fulla euros' too, if we play our identity-cards right...

now where's me fookin' mule...?

gee-up theresa darling

the financially warming fog of fraud said...

@part three: those whose constituents are housed in corruptly constructed death-traps shouldn't throw party-political stones at theresa may and the conservatives

yes, it almost beggars fucking belief that corrupt new labour neo-conservatives, royally slushed-up by volkswagen and other automobile-manufacturers, promoted dirty poisonous diesel-cars at the expense of those consuming cleaner greener unleaded petrol - for the introduction of which, in place of the former brain-damaging leaded-fuel, we, as a health-conscious, environmentally aware society, had in fact battled for bloody yonks.

to be precise, tony blair's corrupt promotion of private diesel-vehicles increased from roughly 10% to 50% the proportion of diesel-powered motors on british roads, and in the process unleashed a deadly cloud of toxic nitrogen-dioxide fumes upon the nation - which, as already noted, had the unfortunate, if not rather ironic, knock-on-effect of collaterally snuffing out literally hundreds of thousands of potential urban labour voters - all in the dubious name of reducing carbon-dioxide emissions.

however, given that the views of many dissident scientists were, 'before trump', systematically and politically suppressed...

and given that many dissident scientists have adamantly 'come out' to propose theories in which carbon-dioxide does not figure as a significant inductor of the dreaded calamity climate-change...

and given that our little terrestrial over-heating problem has in-the-main-part been triggered by last century's considerably increased levels of solar activity - about which, naturally, we can do sweet fuck-all anyway...

then this particular greenhouse-gas-reduction policy may, upon reflection, have been just another completely pointless blair-vanity-project.

indeed strangely, the only commercial sector truly to profit from anthropogenic climate-change theory, and associated meteorological hysteria, was the oil-and-gas-industry - by simple virtue of the fact that its calorie-concentrated products, oil and gas, were, in terms of carbon-dioxide-emissions, actually far more efficient than coal, and thus unduly favoured by 'environmentally conscious' politicians, such as obama, bush and clinton.

accordingly, it should come as no great surprise that oil-and-gas companies have been the chief sponsors of research into anthropogenic climate-change, and that they have been fanatically funding the fake-science which deems global-warming to be caused by increased levels of atmospheric carbon-dioxide - a finding in contradiction to conclusions drawn from the established geo-physical record, which has always suggested the complete reverse position to be true, namely that global-warming is the direct cause of increased levels of atmospheric carbon-dioxide.

official palace accident report: number 66666666 said...

the royal wallop

oh's royal consort, prince philip, was sadly unable to attend the state opening of parliament this year, due to one's royal consort requiring medical treatment for a painful and persistent pre-existing condition...

well three actually...

number one is an intense dislike of parliament and all the politicians contained therein...

number two is an obsessive love-affair with royal ascot, the gee-gees, bucket-loads of champers, talking utter horse-shite, frisky young fillies, and well-lubricated young ladies...probably in that order...

and number three is his inescapable marriage to moi, mrs queen...

and so one hardly needs mention, one supposes, that the good duke finished laid-up in residence in the edward vii infirmary nursing a fucking wicked shiner of a black-eye, which, if memory still serves one correctly, he seemed to have rather carelessly acquired upon walking at extremely high velocity into one's own inopportunely outstretched diamond-studded sceptre...

environmental rubbish-collector said...

@the financially warming fog of fraud

@part three: those whose constituents are housed in corruptly constructed death-traps shouldn't throw party-political stones at theresa may and the conservatives

has anyone ever wondered why, in the hallowed name of socio-environmental responsibility, councils now emotionally, or even legally, blackmail residents into sorting out their domestic-waste in accordance with recycling requirements?

what is the actual personal payback for all this tedious and time-consuming work?

lower council tax bills?

the aesthetic satisfaction of presenting nicely cleaned and classified household crap to the trash-can-conscious binman...?

a haler and healthier urban environment...?

i really don't think so...

no, the paybacks are kick-backs, paid to our councillors, in great green sackfuls of cash, by the commercial recycling firms onto whom our local authorities secretly sell our scrupulously sorted shit - right after we've done the mucky-part of their lucrative job for fucking free.

oh yeah, believe it or not...some of our local councillors are being handsomely compensated for supplying free labour - our free labour...

or in other words, they're being paid, as sandbagging armchair refuse-agents, for our dedicated dirty-work...

...and furthermore, anthropogenic climate-change theory is just the product of fake-science fraudulently promoted by nasty neo-conservative governments as politically correct cover for raising extremely heavy eco-taxes - such as are principally required to fund the ongoing development and purchase of nuclear weapons, cruise missiles and miscellaneous varieties of depleted uranium ordnance.

write van man said...

@environmental rubbish-collector

i've never owned a private motor-car in my life...

i don't jet off on exotic carbon-extravagant foreign holidays two-to-three times a year...

i prefer to make use of public transport as a lifestyle-choice - especially when tanked-up...

i respect trees, and only burn old pallets in my back-garden...

and my favourite colour is green...

but oh dear, isn't it always the fucking case that those sea-level-control-freaks who wish to lecture us upon environmental fucking this and ecological fucking that...and anthropogreenic fucking climate change this and socially-responsible fucking garbage-recycling that...are nearly always the obnoxiously puffed-up owners of carbon-guffing status-up-themselves-vehicles...and buzzing-off on untold friggin' frivolous climate-forcing flights around good green-earth-goddess gaia's global greenhouse, "coz britain's still not warmed up enough yet, silly"...and the snobby self-celebratizing sort who can't never be seen fucking dead on public transport darling.

they're all on god's-own gutless guilt-trip, of course...

just like the greedy-as-fuck on-the-make millionaire marxist, who conceitedly evades his personal taxes, yet somehow reckons i, as a down-trodden bankrupt dole-dog, should be ashamed at not obsequiously prostrating myself in instant ideological co-operation with his superior dialectical diktat of compulsory double-standard-glazed communism and angry anti-creativism - under the brain-dead-weight of which i am meant to feel incessantly grateful that he, couched in the cool crutched collective of politically connected perverts and pseudo-socialist parasites all mutually shampooing beneath the champagne shower-fountain of fizzy establishment fortune, might sometime genially bestow upon me the glibbest, grubbing honour of slipping his hustling hypocritical hand deep into my involuntarily unbuttoned back-pocket, in the presumptuous pinch-faced process of statutorily poncing the prized original product of my own hard-grafted experience, in a cold, casual, hegemonic hi-jack...and ultimately making me me the only means necessary for supporting the fragile emotional solidarity of his double-classy-existence.

oh yeah, he's definitely on god's-own gutless guilt-trip...

just like those power-crazy crypto-neo-conservative apologists, the cult-camp-followers of clinton, blair, bush, brown, obama, cameron, may, and old ma clinton re-furbished...our western bleadership's frenzied frothing fan-club members...who, having, as fully committed disciples of dictatorship, invested so considerable a chunk of emotional or professional capital in their chosen corrupted ones, just contrive to gloss so damned nonchalantly over the didactic democratic genocide of africans, arabs, and asians perpetrated so damned offhandedly by these same pet political pop-idols of theirs...and yet who, at the same schizoid stroke, in their incongruous day-time manifestation as decent law-respecting citizen-voters, nonetheless priggishly profess to being unable simply even to tolerate not only the offensively inappropriate manner in which, for the pure sake of contextual artistic integrity, we common-as-bloody-crap bloggers are so obscenely inclined to insert, into, say, the elegantly refined mouth of our oh so impeccably brung-up lady prime-minister, such an impolitically pithy word as 'wog'...but also the abhorrently contemptible style in which, for the merely poetic purpose of illustrating our great british trait of institutional establishment race-hate, we untouchable underclass of democratic dung-disturbers are so distressingly disposed to term our esteemed elected parliamentary representatives the unapologetic neo-colonial nigger-bombing bastards they truly fucking are.

convoy-sauce say: you can take man out of van, but you can't take nuts out of monkey-wrench without first making emergency visit to nearest hospital said...

@write van man

indeed, the same unsaid, but politely understood, u-word could perchance also be delicately placed upon the ever-so-exclusively educated lips of certain other prime examples of our brutish parliamentary betters...

for if the truth be told...the mammy-brained members of our uncivil ruling classes are all even more racist than we are...

and christ knows, but isn't it always just the power-grasping middle-class in-house arse-lickers of the neo-conservative nigger-bombing establishment - both black and white alike - who take such equal mortal offence at neo-conservative nigger-bombing bastards being called neo-conservative nigger-bombing bastards...?

yes, actually...couldn't agree with write van man more...

but such a tragedy really...

you know, i much preferred him back in the old days...

before - thanks to jeremy cost-cutter - he got that free place at uni, mixed with the wrong sorts, and became conscious for fuck's sake...

politically, i mean...

not-to-mention environmentally aware...

shit that sick cunt cost-cutter has a lot to answer for.

steptoe rides scruffshod again said...

@convoy-sauce say: you can take man out of van, but you can't take nuts out of monkey-wrench without first making emergency visit to nearest hospital

unlike the unadulterated donald tub-thump - who proved a gazumpingly successful presidential candidate with an unwavering, if unpalatable, message, delivered absolutely uncompromisingly and dedicatedly on behalf of his democratically disenfranchised protest-voters - jeremy cave-in, conversely, has been a bloody dismal back-sliding disgrace, who, at the conservative-crunching moment of truth during his own general election campaign in britain, deplorably deflated his bolshy baseline-support by disappointingly and disingenuously damping down his former fiery position on crucial conscience-burning core-issues - the very incendiary issues, in fact, which famously fired up his super-seedy senior-star popularity so sodding spectacularly in the fucking first place.

indeed, having limply, inanely and pathetically pledged to introduce a mealy-mouthed misanthropic version of 'managed migration'...

then having solemnly and spinelessly vowed to maintain, at huge commercial profit to the new-world-odour war-industry, a dodgy yankee-built trident no-clear deterrent, into whose highly sensitive operating-system the russian intelligence services have, with an almost funny feral free-range facility, already recurrently hacked...

and finally having fawningly and foppishly failed to utilize the incomparably potent public platform of a nationally televized election debate to denounce, without any squeaky qualification or equivocation, the perennial neo-colonial war-crime and genocide being perpetrated wholesale by our neo-conservative western governments against civilian populations in africa, asia and the middle-east, for the ultimate personal trickle-down financial gain of our dead-pool-party politicians, who've extravagantly elected to kick-back, switch-off responsibility, and bathe luxuriously in the big bad bubbling blood-jacuzzi we call westminster...

it's ultimately become uncomfortably evident, in the communally concerning case of perfectly preserved cold-war komsomol relic comrade "cool cobblers" cave-in, that, after one brief sniff at the putrid powdered panties of parliamentary power, this wobbly-kneed old recycled cunt - miraculously recovered, it is rumoured, from the camden constituency junk-yard by dissolutely stoned down-at-heel students, for use either as a renewable hot-air-source, in the form of irretrievably worm-eaten dry-wood-pellets, or alternatively as an ethically scavenged make-do bog-brush - has rather indecently rushed to abandon his career-long commitment to the fundamental socialist principles of freedom of movement, nuclear disarmament, and world peace, respectively.

so has our country really sunk to such a sickening moral low that, during the entire course of a prime-time countrywide broadcast television debate, featuring every opposition-party-leader from parliament, we must now rely solely on a no-haired nob-head from liverpool - namely, fleeting ukip bare-noddle-fighting führer and part-time neo-numpty numbskull paul nuttall - to condemn, as "fundamentally wrong", our nasty new-world neo-conservative coalition's obnoxious neo-colonial wars in iraq and libya?

nonny the neandertroll said...

@steptoe rides scruffshod again

although i realize that you probably cannot find it in your huge hard-righteous heart to say anything particularly complimentary à propos the sadly errant and untimely eclipsed, but nevertheless duly democratically elected, erstwhile euklip leader...

nor feel, god forbid, in any way inclined to investigate the neo-narcissistic nature of the implosively impulsive and excitably erratic altar-boy-ego toplessly sunbathing on the bloody bright side of his bubbly brimful-of-bollocks personality...

i should nonetheless, in all fairness to mr noddull, enlighten you that, to his eternal epistemological credit, he possesses the enduring saving grace of being a committed and conscientious climate-change skeptic of the very greatest conviction and the highest ideological and ethical disorder...

who has been to the edge of the earth and back in a beautiful pee-green boat.

the contrived-casual-tidy oppression of the cliquey-toffee-nosed socialist snobs said...

@steptoe rides scruffshod again

exactly so, sir...when the war-contrite comrades of corbyn's new-old-labour finally take over the wretched reins of parliamentary power, we will undoubtedly experience a nastier nationwide version of the local-government-model already aggressively imposed upon the politically repressed residents of the provisional republic of hackney - where, in the shape-shifting form of a spectral contractual shadow, the duly elected authority's unofficially preferred criminal mob-management-firm fraudulently siphons off from the corruption-riddled public-pot so much tax-payers' money for the psychotically selfish subsidy of its own social pleasure that there is fuck all left with which to assist the ill-begotten borough's disadvantaged and disabled, and moreover where, by virtue of neurotic hierarchical habit, common critics of the ruling socially insecure élite are systematically singled out for 'special' treatment, intense ideologically justified surveillance, and obsessive-compulsive political re-education, all of which may or may not necessarily and expediently extend to routine intelligence-led and ideologically rationalized incidental targeting of the disadvantaged, disabled, or elderly relatives of said procedurally identified common critics.

so as you were boys and girls...everything back to the recurring blairite nightmare of normalized neo-conservative life, back to sub-conscious cia-controlled reality then...

and therefore why ambitious black people might wish to miggle with, graft and machinate for this all-pervasive all-providing all-protecting all-prescribing cia-poppet-firm, i cannot precisely imagine...?

unless, one must presume, they skin up with the old sub-slavemasters in order to insanely and suicidally oil the racially-sharp neo-colonial wheels of anglo-american imperialism...?

and to submissively support, in his or her corrupted candidature for president of the uninvited shafters of africa, who-so-ever might, in the mad media-control-grabbing moment, be this nepotistic cia-faction's flavour-of-the-month-fascist...?

and to assist eminently extant war-criminals, such as grand-cia-inquisitors the clintons, in their unholy greed-fuelled socially gruelling mission to commit gross genocide-for-cash across an african continent subsequently left sluggishly suffering in subdued civilized silence, and confidently cocooned in an exquisite state of excruciating post-slavery independence...?

and in order thus to sell out, in a neo-colonial-nutshell, essentially, their own african people, much as the great american-african president obama did...?

and in order most valuably, of course, to become this poncing establishment-parasite-firm's indispensable drug-delivering-dope-dogs, and thereafter creepingly ascend, under insidious intoxicating licence, the well-laddered mountain of progressive professional paranoia to do its more dangerous and dirty dark-work, generally considered rather racially unworthy of the of the extortionately exalted firm's exorbitantly elevated white executive organizers?

remember the green floss code said...

@the contrived-casual-tidy oppression of the cliquey-toffee-nosed socialist snobs

remember, hackney is not beautiful, it's bi-focal...

if an unconnected passer-by is nicked within half-a-mile of a black man's bar, in possession of so much as a solitary spliff, then the black business-owner will surely have his liquor licence revoked instantly by the authorities, and his business closed down...

whereas if an immediate family member of a white pub-landlord is caught supplying coke on the landlord's actual licensed premises, and the landlord happens to be 'on the firm', then it's odds-on that the white business-owner will not even be sanctioned by the authorities, and just merrily continue trading as normal.

remember, the cia and its spooky subordinate fixer-firms don't give a fuck about fact, in the quest for absolute military power and vast mineral riches, the cia will quite clinically massacre a few thousand africans before breakfast, and yet afterwards still have the appetite to tuck heartily into its bacon-and-eggs, the bloody bastards.

obama - the witch messiah (famine relief special) said...

@the contrived-casual-tidy oppression of the cliquey-toffee-nosed socialist snobs

yeah hey guys, we've immorally imposed upon the impotably-piss-poor-pipelined tribesfolks of good mama africa the most contaminately corrupt euro-centric congregation of evil conniving neo-conservative-bling-kissing gold-gobbling godfathers ever bloody imaginable, rabidly raffled off at rhythmic rapping rifle-point their complete neo-colonial-rape-reserve collection of vintage rare-earth sparkling rocks - rancidly ripped off in a repressingly raw-deal from the racially rigged derrick of differential dum-drum decadence - then, for an extortionately energetic eco-fractious encore, slickly siphoned off all their sweet-stacked motherland's pot of total fucking trigger-finger-licking lovely treacle, and, now the grand show of deadly deep-slaughter-democracy's over and the final fake-curtain of slack-black-consciousness has at last been lamely lowered - like my laissez-fail elusively well-lubed ethically-elastic-brand of phantom political standards ha ha - i'm terribly proud to report that me 'n mi horrid honky ho holocaust hill have left whole sub-saharan populations disgustingly impoverished and irrevocably riven by traditional-culture-churning circular-civil-conflict, in whose lurid lime-lit centre-stage i once stood imperious and dominant, and really rather dapper, as the ruthlessly religious ringmaster with the white-hot whip-hand-of-war, and quite honestly, if me 'n madame mercantile michelle, the former blood-thirst lady of the new world side-order, weren't so god-damned motherland-fucking busy smugly sunning our-sick servant-besieged-selves here on the shamefully shimmering blame-shifting shores of dozy desert-island-disclaimer-world, in the commercially tempting after-democratic process of tediously test-drinking a very-fucking-long list of voluptuous virgin-squeezed cocktails, we'd both sure-as-hell be busting to do one last blatant self-promoting dirty black-death-dishonouring kfc-sponsored bucket-kicking benefit-lap of the liberally consumed continent we've languidly left lurching in the dark-ages, and would truly consider it the inkily iridescent indigenous icing on an all-extravaganzas-paid already-over-expanded-ego-chuffing equatorial opportunity to humbly accept, as a proper tin-pan-pair of ten-pin-african conscience-conquering capitalist heroes, the hysterical hunger-cult's wailing worshipful whirlwind of wild wasting adulation, so richly due, for making the supremely magnanimous existential ethno-centric effort to charitably shit down the gasping little throats of unnaturally selected starving african children - eagerly hanging en route in orderly emaciated expectation of economic emancipation - as a freaky free-market form of terminal fair-trade free-cruel-aid farewell-to-alms victory celebration.

why the fuck hasn't the african union got boots on the ground in washington lobbying trump for trade-deals? (part one) said...

@obama - the witch messiah (famine relief special)

the corruption within the united states democratic party is now irremediable.

it's taken democrat big-wig brazile a year to merely hint at hillary clinton's unethical interference in the democratic party's presidential nomination process, yet had clinton clinched the presidency, everyone knows that ms donna brazile would've elbowed her way straight to the front of the queue for top-brass-jobs in any corrupt clinton administration.

however, what african-american brazile would certainly never have dreamed of revealing is the never-ending catalogue of crimes against humanity committed against african tribes-people in countries such as the democratic republic of congo - war-crimes for which former american president bill clinton must undoubtedly be held personally responsible, by virtue of his covert direction of illegal cia-orchestrated coups in that neo-colonially repressed region...

...yes, war-crimes from which his bosom-buddies in the multinational mining industry profited vilely and immorally to the proud star-spangling tune of tens-upon-tens of billions of dollars, and indeed so much so that these godforsaken gold-diggers, in good turn, felt honour-bound to fill the clinton foundation full-to-the-fucking-brim with hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of fresh african-blood-money.

oh dear, hillary clinton never mentioned any of that on her fucking fairy-tale curriculum vitae, now did she...?

in short, influential african-american members of the democrat party, just like their clinton-cheerleading black middle-class political counterparts over here in europe, frankly don't give a flying shit about their so-called african brothers and sisters, and tend instead to share the generally held white middle-class western view that 10 million dead niggers in africa don't really matter - so long, of course, as those corrupt middle-class western serfs get paid off with nice cozy establishment jobs and are able to maintain a superior 'white' standard of living, all whilst enjoying the dirty democratic delusion of a sham-humanitarian liberal as leader of the 'free' fucking world.

african people definitely don't need arms and proxy-wars, and nor do they need, here-and-there upon a western whim, the occasional few billion worth of demeaning do-gooding international aid-gifts, nor the pitiful proceeds of various other dodgily scammed handouts from the conscience-wracked first-world bourgeoisie - all of whose guilt-funds simply find their way straight into the indecently bulging pockets of their sick-soulmates in the corrupt african political élite, anyhow..., what common african people need are proper concrete trade-deals, allowing them for instance to sell staple foods, such as wheat and rice, to protectionist mainland europe and america - trade-deals which will enable ordinary african men and women, across the continent, to support themselves with due human dignity.

i mean, what does our liberal class of fair-weather western do-gooders really think african people are...?

beggars and bloody criminals...?

(continued in part two below)

why the fuck hasn't the african union got boots on the ground in washington lobbying trump for trade-deals? (part two) said...

(continued from part one above)

eight long years have been wasted on an obsequious obama administration which did fuck-all for a trade-enslaved africa, and fuck-all for unarmed african-americans being mercilessly gunned down on the streets of america by a fascist united states police force...

...and all because the african-american democrats didn't want their african-american president to look 'too black' - politically.

fucking priceless, hey?

now, those same sulky, bad-loser african-american democrats are just too fucking stuck-up to lobby president trump - the self-proclaimed great white advocate of international business - for the immediate negotiation of the truly vital trade-deals for which africans are so desperately, desperately crying out... double fucking shame on these pathetic democratic party ideologues for missing such an obvious political opportunity...

...and especially since donald trump's inherent vanity, combined with his ostensible dislike of the previous commercially inert president, would probably predispose him, in the finest tradition of pompous presidential one-up-manship, to nurturing the kind of historically progressive trade-relationship with africa from which big bomba obama so visibly and quite unforgivably shrank.

mi5 spooks torched the tower at grenfell in order to divert public attention from an even greater massacre of civilians in raqqa, syria said...

@part five: those whose constituents are housed in corruptly constructed death-traps shouldn't throw party-political stones at theresa may and the conservatives

the grenfell tower inferno was a british intelligence services operation, covertly co-ordinated by the cia, which was specifically designed to block all british media coverage of western coalition forces' expedient and murderous bombardment of civilians during the battle for raqqa, in syria.



who did you believe to have engineered the kensington catastrophe...?

t is for traitor said...

no, spark up, your blog-post is an absolute load of out-dated rubbish...

i originally tried to delay our departure from europe in true british-rail-style, but now i've decided to change track and go for a completely undeliverable hard-exit, which, from the outset, is obviously designed to fail so fucking disastrously that we in the uk will be forced to remain in the european empire of fascism forever and ever and ever and ever and ever, a-fucking-men.

me 'n my neo-conservative washington-arse-licking mate, monsieur barn-door, have got it all worked out, you see...

i will not be derailed, darlings, but british democracy probably fucking will be...

for electoral eternity.

monsieur barn-deur - ze twat contrôleur said...

@t is for traitor

"i will not be derailed"

mon dieu, she's hardly going like un fucking train, is she...?

backscratcher's guide to international relations said...

@why the fuck hasn't the african union got boots on the ground in washington lobbying trump for trade-deals?

"why the fuck hasn't the african union got boots on the ground in washington lobbying trump for trade-deals?"

good question.


probably because the african and european unions are commutatively corrupt - the african union being equally degenerate as the european union in whose image it was created - by western powers...

high-life hypocrisy said...

@backscratcher's guide to international relations

no african state has ever achieved independence from its former colonial masters, because, ever since the so-called independence of african nations in the 1960s, the african political leadership has always been too carefully vetted by western intelligence agencies with a voraciously vested interest in the complete continental suppression of africa.

when one considers how celebrated artist and intellectual, maya angelou - such an icon of the pan-african movement in the 1960s - eventually regressed to becoming a tokenistic black cheerleader of hard-wired white war-criminals, the clintons - the serial rapers and slaughterers of africa - it's really not difficult to comprehend the depth of corruption and greed which must have been endemic within the highly western-educated pan-african élite...

...just another artificially enhanced ruling class, hungry for personal power and prestige, procured from any source necessary.

if the frou-frou pan-african fancy-dress party, spinning around nkrumah's ghana, had actually ever meant anything politically - other than acting as a free studio-space for sounding off racially within the carefully western-architectured anechoic chamber of international black politics - it obviously wouldn't have been allowed.

pan-africanism: the intentionally impossible dream...

which turned out to be...

...just another cia-managed mirage.

stockholder syndrome said...

@high-life hypocrisy

maya angelou: a woman, abused as a child, then kidnapped, as an adult, by the commander-in-chief of sexual abusers - bill clinton.

she came across in interviews as an awfully irritating snob - hence her affinity with hillary, i suppose.

scentinel: the effective guard against inter-continental ballistic bullshit said...

@yvette stuka

did stuka really reckon she'd get away with diverting attention from her own extreme islamophobia, by projecting it all onto poor old trumpy?

mungo the mole-hunter said...

@yvette stuka

strange how, in 1993, almost directly after working for presidential nominee bill clinton in arkansas, stuka developed chronic fatigue syndrome...?

did big bad bill's demanding work-schedule simply do her in?

did she maybe feel guilty and depressed about betraying her home country, britain, in order to fulfil her new rôle as a high-flying cia-agent?

was she secretly undergoing an intensive cia training-course?

or had she just fallen slap-bang into the good ole clinton clap-trap?

mother teresa twatitch said...

@mungo the mole-hunter

@yvette stuka

"and we certainly do not delve into the way mrs clinton's cia-slags in the american and british intelligence services deliberately recruited, trained and armed members of the islamic state - which she knowingly created and allowed to flourish through the added military sustenance of her fanatical friends in al qaeda..."

talk about cia-slags...

oh shame.

sarah "don't-fuck-with-me" sanders said...

@mother teresa twatitch

yes, i'm the one who eats three huma abedins for breakfast.

perhaps, prime minister, you wanna talk about all the muslim countries you've voted to have bombarded into bloody oblivion...?

iraq, afghanistan, libya, iraq again, syria...

no, i thought not...

so then what exactly do you wanna talk about, mother t...?

(note-to-self: at our next evangelical wrestling session in the oval office, must politely question mr t as to why the fuck we're sending thousands more american troops to afghanistan and rather unchristianly using three motherfucking times more ordnance there than the previous this - [viet]nam 2 or fucking what?)

mother teresa twatitch said...

@yvette stuka

oh what an abominable cunt of terminally maladjusted cunts that man scrump is...

medal of valor 1993: little rock fireman honoured for extinguishing fire down below said...

@mungo the mole-hunter

so ms stuka didn't have an unfortunate accident with a grand reserve gurkha, then...?

jon "neo-con" snow-job said...

@yvette stuka, 29 december 2017 at 15:59

now first, just let me put on my shiny white helmet so that i can cook up some lovely half-baked neo-conservative propaganda for old ma clinton's highly charitable cia-folks - they do pay our wages here, you know... a quick puffety-puff...


and let's go...

so err...yes...

trump's incorrectly titled tweets:

utterly gutterly appalling...

devote every news-slot for a whole fucking week to trump and his terribly tawdry tweets...

give 'britain's burst' maximum possible publicity, and get major trump-groupie ann halter interviewed on a satellite-link from the states, up against some wanky whiny and entirely ineffectual lefty mp, whom halter can serendipitously utilize as a floor-mop-with-a-strop whilst being freely availed of unlimited chanel number 4 air-time to spew out mainstreet america's bog-standard anti-muslim obsessions...ah...great tv...

even if i say so myself...

yes, my god...we journos love to hate grump...but after, say, twenty...fifty years of hysterical islamophobic, zenophobic news-swill constantly pumping from our mainstream western media-outlets...and the consequent pre-fabrication of an american electorate which is now completely paranoid about the mere existence of ordinary muslim people...and was, you see, just a total no-brainer for some amateur political wannabe to simply stand up and propose a blanket ban on muslim immigration...combined with a mighty mexican-proof fence...and, as a result, win himself a free-fucking-ticket straight into the white house...

we politically correct old media-gits may hate trump being in power...but the chilling truth is that we put him there...



the somewhat careless bombing of completely defenceless civilians in raqqa and mosul by our brave coalition forces:

no need to dwell on that sort-a-story too much, hey...?

oh, don't you know how we numb-nut neo-cons love to congratulate president thump when he goes out 'n blasts a few wogs into kingdom come...? and 'specially if the show involves launching 59 sizzling tomahawk cruise-missiles directly into the airbase of a solid russian ally, such as the syrian government...

wassat? nigel fragmentation's udip and steve baboon's whitefart news are attempting to hold thump to his pre-election promise to pull out of all neo-conservative race-wars in the middle-east...? nothing of interest to broadcast there wonder the president had to fire that red-russian-loving commie bastard, baboon...

how bill clinton instigated and profited from genocide in congo and rwanda:


how hillary clinton covered up all her husband's war-crimes whilst merrily raking in the blood-money for her 'charitable' foundation:

and erm...

how "holocaust" hill clinton deliberately armed al qaeda and created the islamic state in order to overthrow russian allies libya and syria:

well, i don't think we need 'rake' through any of that old muck, now do we...?

"ten million dead niggers" in the congo? oh, who bloody long as we all get paid off handsomely by those lovely people in the cia...

anyway...i wank into one of my popingay socks every night dreaming about hillary...


tony shit-air said...

@jon "neo-con" snow-job

au contraire, mr snow-job...

mr grump has the makings of a really great president...and believe me, i know one when i see one:

george "horrid warmonger" bush...

bill "coon-killer" clinton...

george "wog-bomber" bush...

barack "oh-bomb-the-bastards" obama...

"holocaust" hill clinton...

paul "karma karma" kagame...

yoweri "machete" museveni...

joseph "chamaeleon" kabila...

adolf "hotlips" hitler...

i'd suck 'is nob anyday...

"ten million dead niggers" in congo...? oh, never mind...plenty more where they come from...


in fact, i hear grumpy's got me pencilled in as his special envoy to mars...

apparently, virgin prophylactic's gonna supply my spacecraft for nothing...

and according to sir dickie burnsum:

"the ecologically sensitive design of fukov 1's ground-breaking new propulsion system rather ingeniously incorporates highly advanced carbon-neutral balloon-technology which relies exclusively on hot-air derived from an interminably renewable source..."

however he says he'll fill me in on the precise details vis-à-vis the engine specifications shortly after lift-off - because until then the blewprints have to remain strictly classified for important operational reasons...

well, you now...i just can't wait for the big launch-day...and sir dickie seems to be getting pretty excited about the whole damned project too...

adolf twizzler said...

@tony shit-air

"adolf "hotlips" hitler...

i'd suck 'is nob anyday..."

danke schön, mein lieber herr...

a big fan said...

yeah...luv the way the president handled the oprah full of good point riling up a potential political adversary without good cause, obviously...especially one with an even bigger gob than his own...

but you know, i can't see it oprah running for 2020...even with her great vision...

i mean, come on...we've had one african-american president, and tell me...after wreaking neo-colonial death and destruction across the middle east, what exactly did he do for africa...?

ok, i'll tell you...

in libya, he armed al qaeda in order to instigate an atrocious artificial civil-war, which he subsequently employed as a feeble 'humanitarian' excuse to militarily demolish this ancient arab kingdom's advanced civil infra-structure and well-functioning society - this chaos, of course, being a mere atonal prelude to enabling the creation of the islamic state in syria, where he had the dastardly intention of overthrowing russia's ally, president assad, under cover of the very same cynical, synthetic civil-war smokescreen.

in nigeria, he used the cia to foster the boko haram rebellion, and deviously destabilize goodluck jonathan's christian presidency...for highly questionable personal political and commercial ends.

in central africa, he backed the genocidal rwandan-ugandan army of m23 "rebels" in order to facilitate the covert rwandan invasion, and annexation, of an immensely mineral-rich province of eastern congo, where, since bill clinton's first cia-backed insurgency in the 1996 congo war, over 10 million congolese africans have died as a direct consequence of the perpetual resource-driven regional conflict.

in east africa, he encouraged christian african countries to invade, attack and totally undermine the sovereign muslim state of somalia, with continuing disastrous results.

on a continental level, he blocked all progress on meaningful, liberating trade-talks for african countries.

so please tell me...what's the next african-american president gonna do...?

...enslave, slaughter and rape africa just the bloody same...on behalf of her white neo-conservative masters in the oil and mining industries...?

no, there's gonna be no "new day", and no "new dawn"...

at least, not unless oprah winfrey first has the sheer psychological mettle to shine a very, very intense therapeutic spotlight onto the terrible war-crimes committed by her african-american and other democratic predecessors in the white house...

ann garrison:

keith harmon snow on obama and congo

the corbett report:

interview 886 – keith harmon snow reveals the truth about the rwandan genocide

brucie's eternally wandering ghost said...

nice-to-see-you, to-see-you-nice...

but no touching, of course...coz tragically i'm just a phantom-feeler of the feminine form nowadays...

come on anthea...giv us a twirl, giv us a twirl, girl...

lovely, lovely...

now, just go 'n look pretty over there please, darling...

oh...d'you hear about that naughty old horney weinstein?

didn't he do well...?

...and oh bosom buddies with those obamas and clintons and half the democrat establishment as well...

shame, shame...

he was here on the show the other week, you know...

yes...and i said:"jus' try to remember everything you saw on the celebrity conveyor belt, harvey..."

well...he seemed to be having some real difficulty...

so i thought i'd drop a few hints:

"what about the attractive-looking curvy-thing on the couch...?" i added...

"the corker in the kitchen...?"

"the bit of fluffy stuff spread all over the futon...?"

"the model on the molinari...?"

"the sizzler behind the set...?"

"ah, don't forget the cuddly toy, the cuddly toy...?"

he replied, "are you taking the mother-fucking piss...?"

well, you know...i considered that quite uncalled-for...

blaubart news said...

@brucie's eternally wandering ghost

yes, quite right brucie...this celebrity campaign against sexual harassment over there in the overpaid, oversexed celebrity 'work'place would never have happened whilst obama and his missus had their great fat democratic arses lodged in the white house - for fear, it must be supposed, of exposing the embarrassingly intimate personal and political relationship which the african-american president and his super-virtuous first lady had long enjoyed with the fat lecherous fascist cunt, winkelstrain...

nor, naturally, would this cynically mounted campaign have ever occurred during the deep-news-blackout period of a, fortunately hypothetical, clinton presidency - first, because pseudo-social-campaigner hillary doesn't actually give a flying feminist fuck about women's rights, and second, because the frail film of her pristine public image would probably not have survived a frenetic media probe of her and billy goat's mucky personal and political links to the big bouncy hollywood ogre.

no, this campaign is all false feminist froth and sham showbiz schlock-horror - aimed purely and solely at eroding the grampian granite dignity of our most blessed and beloved 45th president of the united states of america, cap'n cairngorm of queens.

there is absolutely no doubt in my own delicately balanced mind that these so-called socially aware stars are just desperate to depose donald j scrump in order to rapidly re-instate a nefarious neo-conservative régime of never-ending neo-colonial nigger-bombing across africa and the middle-east - of which, apparently, they feel most devastatingly deprived due to the dastardly democratic departure of dick van drone-strike, the darkish destroyer of all unwhite unamerican world-culture.

dame diana dubble-dollop said...

jacob crease-snogg touched my bum

operation wiminprey: the hideously hollow face of white western feminism said...

@blaubart news

bang on the button, mr blaubart...

the shameful hypocrisy of these self-righteous feminist stars, such as wiminprey, is enough to make you fucking puke...

they hysterically decry president stump's alleged islamophobia and sexism, yet after eight long cold-hearted years of stony self-interested celebrity silence over the massacre of thousands-upon-fucking-thousands of defenceless muslim women by obama's ideologically guided missiles in afghanistan, pakistan, iraq, syria and libya...and by his proxy african union crusaders in somalia...and by his genocidal cia-instigated insurgencies in nigeria and congo...just where, one wonders, is the carefully co-ordinated white outrage, right here, right now, over the continued mass-slaughter of these totally innocent muslim women by indiscriminate american air-forces and murderous proxy militias today...?

muslim women clearly don't count...

but millionaire celebrity slappers rapaciously servicing the neo-conservative nigger-bombing establishment must be protected at any and every cost, of course.

coconuts all sold out at costcutters said...

@operation wiminprey: the hideously hollow face of white western feminism

it appears to me that operation wiminprey has just single-handedly degraded and undermined not only the entire political credibility of western feminism, but, with the ample assistance of president obomba's serial crimes against humanity, that of the broader black civil-rights movement too.

by mounting a campaign against sexual harassment which aspires purely to protect the wealthy white neo-liberal élite of the cia-controlled media industry, the feminist movement can only be cheapened to bitchfest bargain basement level.

in fact, the terminal damage which wiminprey has now inflicted upon western feminism must now make her the natural-born heir to former secretary of state holocaust hill clitnot, our modern-day re-incarnation of notorious hungarian countess and ultra-prolific serial killer báthory erzsébet de ecsed, who habitually bathed in the blood of virgins in the belief that she might forever retain her youth.

fuckin' wacknuts the lot of 'em

"kowloon" carrie said...

@coconuts all sold out at costcutters

me too, me too...

i'm also doing my little bit to terminally damage the credibility of the worldwide women's liberation movement and, indeed, hasten the long-overdue demise of perceived upper-crust feminist dominance amongst ladies employed in the important fields of channelling, filtration, factual treatment and prejudicial political sanitization of neo-conservative establishment effluence...

ya, although i'd easily rate myself as the best british news interviewer by a fucking cuntry mile, this is beside the point...which is that i demand equal professional access to the bbc's infinitely deep public-gravy-trough, or the eternally self-replenishing slop-bucket of portland place, as it is known amongst us curly-tailed journo-guys in the british media officer-class...

...but obviously, i want to gain social equality with that wonderfully well-spoken, sophisticated squire jon "super-salary" sopel, and certainly not with that south london street-boy and gormlessly grinning gangster-tapper, kurt "bosh 'em" barling, who, it always seems to me, bears a most unfortunate resemblance to that awful phil mitchell off eastenders, and is widely rumoured, in the bbc-canteen, to have incited the 1985 broadwater farm race-riots...

you see, what one has to remember, that some little piggies are born to be more equal than others, ok ya...

oink oink schluuuurp...

the tottenham tapper said...

@"kowloon" carrie

ah "kowloon" carrie...

or "cashun" as she wuz fondalee nown by the cru...

weren't she the wunoo diddun in-depf soshio-anfropolojiggle investigayshun ov the 'lie-mouse link'...?

rod biggerstack - seventies soft-social-realist-porn film-producer said...

@"kowloon" carrie

sorry love...afraid your story just won't make suitable movie-material...

'chippy china-editor for bbc-news'...?


just doesn't have the same kitchen-sink cachet as sassy ford sewing-machinists or naughty northern dinner-ladies, you see...

thought of changing jobs, honey...?

say, lav-attendant or summat...?

emily gooseberry - lost lady of the british neo-colonial establishment found (part one) said...

@yvette stuka - 29.12.17 at 15:59

well, absolutely wonderful ya...

that's another potential labour-leadership-contender just nose-dived into the great greasy green icarian sea of pseudo-socialist psycho-babble...

thus creating a unique opportunity for me to take complete control of our favourite british socialist party - before placing it straight back into special-cia-measures...

ya, what the labour party really needs right now, in terms of a disgustingly wealthy white-van-man-hating white-woman-snob wedded and welded to the british neo-colonial establishment from fucking birth...

"ten million dead niggers" in congo...? well, no need to mention all that silly nonsense and upset dear hillary - hasn't she been through enough recently...?

no...i see no special value in mentioning how former president bill clinton instigated genocide in rwanda and congo, and then proceeded to profit from it most obscenely via his buddies in the mining business, leaving "ten million dead niggers" in his wake...?

and absolutely no real need to remark upon how bill clinton's wife, cia-empress hillary, comprehensively covered up all her husband's war-crimes, and then merrily raked in the boundless blood-money for their famous 'charitable' foundation...?

i mean-to-say...

who'd want to undermine a great american institution such as the pro-slavery democratic party...? who'd pay for the ultra-neo-conservative guardian newspaper to be printed? who'd fund the obama-ass-kissing guido fawkes blog and sponsor anti-trumpian channel 4 news...? and at-the-end-of the-day, who'd finance the bloody labour party for fuck's sake...?

and anyway...why would i want to hack-orff a certain clinton-supporting criminal protection-racket with links to the ira and cia and thereby fatally undermine my own chances of becoming labour leaderette and socialista suprema...? for president dunder-head trump...what an abominable racist and islamophobe...

how could the man-moster even contemplate calling africa a 'shit-hole'...?

doesn't he realize it's not the africans' fault that their continent's a 'shit-hole''s the fault of the rapers and slaughterers and enslavers of good mother africa who are to blame...?

you know, err...the clintons, the obama's, the bushes, and oh dear...we'd rather not delve into all that manner of ancient history either...

(continued in part two below)

emily gooseberry - lost lady of the british neo-colonial establishment found (part two) said...

(continued from part one above)

and now what about mr dump's deplorable tweets...?

ok, so i understand that i voted to bomb libya back into the bloody stone-age, and also voted to send our western forces of neo-colonial annihilation back into iraq...

and i also appreciate that my pseudo-humanitarian actions have led to a wholesale casual, criminal decimation of defenceless muslim populations...and have ultimately caused a desperate river of living african misery to stream frantically through the lawless libyan delta of death and into the merciless mediterranean sea, where, if not already murdered, or sold as slaves by sadistic cia-appointed gatekeepers, so many last-ditch crews of refugees have been cruelly left to perish, rudderless on rigged rafts, right on the mythical moral borderline, which simultaneously screens the european empire's evil ethical evanescence from general global gaze, and maliciously projects a mocking in-flight mirage of club-class civilization for the buoyed-up benefit of those unredeemed souls sickening at the intransigently cold unforgiving end of an unjustly jinxed ride to bucking black-jack-joy...

but you know, despite all's just not done to openly criticize muslims, and islamic extremists in particular, as mr grump awfully publicly...because frankly, we don't very much wish to examine, in too great a depth, how the heck these islamic state folks were originally radicalized, trained and armed by mrs clinton's cia, now do we...?

and you's just not done to call the african continent a 'shit-hole', as mr grump damned rudely...because in all honesty, we're really not very keen to investigate the incredibly dirty rôle played by our all-star identity idols, mr obama and mrs clinton, in transforming africa into a cia-shafted 'shit-hole'...

my god, i didn't enter politics to witness an ignorant, spoilt billionaire-brat take charge of the free-fucking-world...

(continued in part three below)

emily gooseberry - lost lady of the british neo-colonial establishment found (part three) said...

(continued from part two above)

i've endured tremendous hardship and poverty to get where i am today, i tell you...

you see, when daddy - an assistant secretary-general of the united nations and a top consultant for nato - ran orff with a common local trollop and left mummy humiliated as a single-parent, it was just absolutely awful, you know...

first, mummy had to suck the mayor's wrinkly old willy until he felt morally obliged to bump us up the housing waiting-list and sort us out a nice little council place in town...then she had to suck it some more...well, quite a bit more actually...until we got the biggest bestest brand-newest council accommodation in the whole bally county...

oh ya, we were so poor that mummy had to go out and shoot my whole herd of wild ponies...and afterwards, i remember living on free-range shetland-burgers for months...actually, i found them quite yummy to begin with...but soon it all became a bit of a bloody drag, if i'm going to be quite honest...

later on, when i narrowly failed the 'size-20-plus' exam for accelerated re-entrance into the fat-cat fascist british establishment, and was forced instead to attend the local sick-'n-dirty mob school, i really thought i would never fit in...but daddy...who was an oxbridge-educated barrister and queen's counsel, by-the-way...kindly comforted me by saying: "never mind darling, the universities and the professions are all full of thick-as-shit upper-class cunts"...

and he arranged for me to have the best private tuition that government money could buy...

so that i too could become one of the stupid great bastards who run this country...

and a few g-strings pulled-off here-and-there, and a bucketful of bribes...that's the story of how i grafted an under-graduateship at the globally renowned cunterbury university, where, as fortune would have it, i met my handsome prinz cock-ring, a horny high-court judge...who one night, in between the bins 'round the back of the banging bishop's finger public hostelry, suddenly stuck his highly cultured tongue plumb up my arsehole, and as if by magic, woke me from an unfathomably deep and socially disturbing slumber, to tell me: "don't worry, bumble-bum, it was all just a terribly tawdry and tasteless proletarian nightmare, and i'm here to rescue you"...

and without further a-doings, he whisked me off my feet, married me in a beautiful white wedding-dress - which showed off his lovely slim figure to complete perfection - and then placed me, ever so gently and reverentially, upon an exquisitely engraved alabaster pedestal, in a period palace fit for the queen of islington green...

and then 'e stuck 'is tongue up-me-arse again...

well, as you can imagine, was like a dream come true...and i really felt that, at last, i had found my rightful position in life...

and of course, it wasn't long before i got to know our lovable local neo-nazi neighbours, the devil-may-cares...tony and shirley...who resided in a similar socially unaffordable and unjustifiable palazzo, in fact, just a few doors down our ethically elliptical enclave of ideological elitism...

oh ya...i assumed my new marital title with such glee and cloth-cap-doffing gratitude...for lo, i was thenceforth a grand-spanking-new-labour woman: the right honourable lady fugee of finsbury park..and to the manor house born...

or at least that's where, all things being equal, i should of been bloody bred by divine-social-right...had not daddy dearest temporarily dumped us with the dodgy downstairs classes...

(continued in part four below)

emily gooseberry - lost lady of the british neo-colonial establishment found (part four) said...

(continued from part three above)

but anyway...i can't complain, because if i'm honest, i currently consider myself extremely fortunate to have made it to inner-city guzzlington, as a - deserving - refugee from the awful white-van-infested council estate of outer-london lager-lout-land...and i just have to let bygones-be-bloody-bygones, i suppose...because after all, let's face it...daddy did hook me up with that munchy old man mr michael manshield, in order, you see, to wangle me a plum job in shtuck's celebrity shampoo-socialist chambers...where i soon landed myself yet another rather fulfilling mr manshield's trousers...

well ya, twenty years' servicing the most famous human-rights lawyer in the fucking world gave me loads of very valuable, but barely legal experience, you see...

and obviously if it weren't for mr manshield's inspirational mentoring abilities, i probably would never, as a progressive labour member of parliament, have had the counter-ethical foresight to go with the new-labour neo-conservative flow by subsequently voting to blast the humanitarian fuck outta libya and iraq...

oh ya, we love a good fucking war in our family, we fugees are never averse to a spot of good old-fashioned western-style wog-bombing, you know...

especially my lord high hubby's little brother...who as lieutenant-general in the army is the newly appointed deputy-chief of the defence-staff...and basically one of the establishment's top brasses, who orders young men and women 'over the top'...

ya...such a shame about "holocaust" hill missing out on the main gig in the white house...coz you know, we in the publicly and selectively schooled fugee family of high-court bigwigs, bankers, and top-brass brutaleers were just gagging to have a fucking go at the ruskies...not with nukes or anythink like that, of course...that would be very naughty and right-wing, we were thinking more along the lines of conventional warfare, ya...wit' di sink-estate-yoot-dem, from east and west, relentlessly poppin' each other orff in di trenches dem...dug permanently into the frozen siberian waste...fighting for years-upon-bloody-years-upon-bloody-fucking-years...all over some fucking arcane pseudo-humanitarian point of urbane neo-liberal principle or other...ya, i mean, what else are these shifty street-guys gonna do to keep themselves amused in today's bankrupt bloody britain...? drive white-fucking-vans around...?

such a shame too that, since the 'glorious fuck-u referendum' of 2016, we neo-contaminated brits in the uk parliament can't crawl back into the nasty european bed of neo-colonialism, alongside our fascist mates in the governments of poland, germany, france and ireland, who all unquestioningly support "holocaust" hill clinton and the neo-conservative nigger-bombing establishment in washington...

oh, and speaking of military matters...funnily enough, ya...during my time in chambers, whilst i was representing british servicemen, and women, at army court-martials...i too was entitled to have an honorary military wank...really, no kidding ya...the military me gave one every time i appeared...

lieutenant-colonel gooseberry, i there...and common people saluted me out of absolute unflinching social respect, ya...

(continued in part five below)

emily gooseberry - lost lady of the british neo-colonial establishment found (part five) said...

(continued from part four above)

ah times change, ya...?

these days, i'm the at the hypocritical helm of a multi-million-pound property empire...slyly snapping up ex-housing association buildings in trendy clerkenwell for a fucking social song, and then letting them out at a relatively affordable rent to stonking rich hooray-hipsters and nicely behaved bourgeois labour activists, who are clearly contractually bound to let me have a crafty puff of their blow on a regular fucking basis, ya...

but you know, deep down at heart, in my soul-of-fucking-souls, ya...i'm still that same old working-class gal from the mean-streets of bellendfield estate, guildford...

because you see, what i always say is this, ya:

"you can take the girl out of the cake-shop, but you can't take the cake-shop out of the girl..."

fall-out mother-fuckers

herr doktor sickmind freud said...

@emily gooseberry - lost lady of the british neo-colonial establishment found (part five)

"you can take the girl out of the cake-shop, but you can't take the cake-shop out of the girl..."

i think you mean "pie-shop", mein schatz...

since by employing the "cake-shop" analogy, you otherwise imply that you were removed from the more affluent classes, yet have still remained posh - an accurate summary of your situation, as-it-happens...however one which, as a dreckige lügnerische sozialistische politikerin, you are duplicitously attempting to represent in reverso, it must be assumed.

jean bonnet - cia-collaborateur et cunt extraordinaire said...

@emily gooseberry - lost lady of the british neo-colonial establishment found (part four)

"such a shame too that, since the 'glorious fuck-u referendum' of 2016, we neo-contaminated brits in the uk parliament can't crawl back into the nasty european bed of neo-colonialism, alongside our fascist mates in the governments of poland, germany, france and ireland, who all unquestioningly support "holocaust" hill clinton and the neo-conservative nigger-bombing establishment in washington..."

damn zeese pezky brits, zey haves deztroyed ev-ery-zink vot i haves created, zey haves ruined ze wurk of ze lifetimes...

holy vache, how-on-earths vill our american overlords and masters control zeese uppity european scalliwankeurs nows...?

ze daily wellylaugh:

the european union always was a cia project, as brexiteers discover

mr tillerboy - good cop said...

well, president long-un...may i humbly suggest that we consider entering into preliminary discussions vis-à-vis negotiations on the subject of limiting the global proliferation of nuclear weapons...

donald thump - bad cop said...

@mr tillerboy - good cop

king long-un's a dirty-fucking double-crossing rotten-stinking red-starred rocket-launching shit-cunt...and if i catch him pointing one of those inter-continental balletic mussel-shells at me again i'm gonna nuke him, his family, and the rest of mother-fucking humanity unto outer mother-fucking oblivion, you got me boy...?

king long-un said...

@donald thump - bad cop

who that?

president lump...?

hey, you sure he want negotiation, mr tillerboy...?

your boss, he sound crazy man...

mr tillerboy said...

@king long-un talkin' about my commander-in-chief?

the duly elected president of the united states of america...?

don't take any notice of him, president long-un, sir...he's on the mother-of-all-mother-fucking acid-trips...

yes, unbeknown to him...the boss takes a highly classified tab with his corn-flakes every morning...for the sake of his own sanity, and ours, you understand...but i'm just not sure whether he's noticed it yet...because the president still appears to be acting perfectly normally, you see...


fortunately, i'm the one who's steering the uss spars and snipes through these turbulent and trumpled waters...and we're all cool, ship-shape 'n sailin' nice 'n smoothly-as-she-goes, err...except when the mad-cunt tries to fight me for the wheel, of course...

never mind, president long-un...between you, me and the chinese secret-service surveillance-bug covertly installed beneath your desk, sir...i can fully assure you that mr thump's really just a fluffy little pussy-cat at heart...when you get to know him properly, that is...

yeah, sure...and all that boisterous banter he broke out back there...?

well jus' chill man...that's just the first alien-american president's funny little way of 'breaking-the-ice', you know...

i'm sure he meant no harm, sir...

king long-un said...

@mr tillerboy

hey, tillerboy...?

you say this normal fuckin' behaviour for lump...?

you say he cowboy-in-chief of world biggest fuck-off nuclear arsenal...?

hey, where i sign nuclear profiterolation treaty...?

mama afrika - chief spokesperson for the african union said...

@donald thump

president trump...i am frankly quite appalled at the most indelicate and salacious manner in which you have recently chosen to designate the beautiful continent of africa as...a 'sheet...hole'...

may i please inform you that my own 'sheet-hole' is very clean and pleasantly perfumed...?

in what condition is your 'sheet-hole', mr dump...?

president donald sump - state of the abomination address (part one) said...

@mama afrika - chief spokesperson for the african union

@emily gooseberry - lost lady of the british neo-colonial establishment found (part one)

" for president dunder-head trump...what an abominable racist and islamophobe..."

the usa political news:

here it is: 30 years of trump fighting racism that the media doesn’t want you to see (video)

what can i say?

some of my best niggaz are niggaz...

ok, so me 'n jesse are going through a kinda rough patch at the moment, but we'll work summat out - great friends always do...

you know, i don't really reckon jesse's problem was with all the rude stuff i said about african countries...or me ragging the nfl players over their 'black lives matter' protest...or the historic allegations made against me of housing discrimination, which prevented african-americans from renting some of my properties in new york...or even him getting barred from my mar-a-lago multi-cultural community centre for inappropriate compulsive ass-groping...

no, i reckon the sore point, and the real root of the problem in our relationship, was my presidential intervention in the planning controversy over the dakota-access-pipeline...

jesse called the decision to re-route the pipeline through sioux treaty lands "the ripest case of environmental racism" he'd seen in a long time...

here's what he wrote about the decision:

"the tribes of this country have sacrificed a lot so that this great country could be built. with promises broken, land stolen, and sacred lands desecrated, the standing rock sioux tribe is standing up for their right to clean water. they have lost land for settlers to farm, more land for gold in the black hills, and then again even more land for the dam that was built for flood control and hydro power. when will the talking stop? when we start treating the first peoples of this land with the respect and honor they deserve?

the original dakota access pipeline route was slated for north of bismarck, the capitol of nd. the city objected, so they moved the route to right north of bismarck. this is the ripest case of environmental racism I’ve seen in a long time. bismarck residents don’t want their water threatened, so why is it ok for nd to react with guns and tanks when native americans ask for the same right?” basically, the pipe was supposed to go through pale-face country, but the locals moaned and it ended up going through injun territory...then i, the big-shot sheriff, issued an executive order allowing the construction to go full-steam-ahead...

here's a nice photo of jesse james fighting the lawmen

the daily wire:

flashback: when jesse jackson praised president trump for 'being inclusive'


jesse jackson praises and thanks donald trump for a lifetime of service to african americans

the hill:

jesse jackson: trump's nfl comments are ‘slave-master-servant mentality’

the independent:

trump's mar-a-lago resort abandoned by 19 charities after charlottesville violence

(continued in part two below)

president donald sump - state of the abomination address (part two) said...

(continued from part one above)

well, so what if my rash and racist dakota-access-pipeline decision could have cost me millions of votes...?

and so what if grandpa trump once said: "whatever you do son...just never mess with them injuns"...?

and so what if an indignant american medicine-man has cast a seriously bad spell over me and my presidency - when old mama afrika's already put a traditional tribal 'charm' on my ass...?

i mean...who cares?

well, not me...because i'm now concentrating all my magical presidential powers on building the new mexican border-wall...which i've decided will actually be one long border-hotel, called st trumps...

yes essentially, the "way inn" - as i like to think of it - will stretch from the pacific coast right over to the gulf of mexico, with the longest golf-links in the world running alongside...

oh wow...every immigrant entering the southern usa will have to pass through my famous frontier palace..and what's more, to worshippers of the ancient whacky game, the 'grass-curtain' course will undoubtedly develop into the most highly revered golfing pilgrimage on the entire globe...

and let me tell a grand gesture of goodwill to the local wet-back workforce, i shall be employing millions of mexican labourers to water all the greens...with their own hosepipes...naturally...

jerry curblame - part one said...

@why the fuck hasn't the african union got boots on the ground in washington lobbying trump for trade-deals? (part one) - 28 December 2017 at 21:01

@yvette stuka - 29 december 2017 at 15:59

"10 million dead niggers" in congo...?

oh dear...well i have mentioned it, you know...the terrible war out there...but i'd really rather not finger the clitnots for all that ghastly genocide of africans, if you don't mind...because, well you long-term minder, jerry goddams...he's a bloody big fan of the dirty duo, holocaust hill and cannibal bill, all their greatest hits...


yugoslavia: performed by cannibill - the horn-player from hell

description: high percentage of civilian targets intentionally selected by nato air-forces during the bosnian and kosovo wars

format: two singles - released separately

sudan: performed by cannibill - the horn-player from hell

description: deadly 1998 cruise-missile strike against al-shifa pharmaceutical factory; war-crimes and crimes against humanity committed in block 5a oil-concession, owned by major clinton foundation donors, lundin oil

format: single and extended play - released separately

somalia: performed by cannibill - the horn-player from hell

description: between 500 and 1000 somalians killed, many of them women and children, in operations to rescue the crew-members of two downed black hawk helicopters; only 18 american military personnel killed.

format: single

iraq: performed by cannibill - the horn-player from hell

description: 1993 and 1998 aerial-bombing campaigns using civilian-slaughtering-and-radiating depleted uranium missiles; lethal civilian-targeting 1990s sanctions

format: extended play - remix

rwanda: performed by cannibill - the horn-player from hell

description: cia support of rwandan patriotic front rebels, leading to genocidal civil war between tutsi and hutu social classes

format: extended play

congo: performed by cannibill - the horn-player from hell

description: cia support of rwandan-ugandan invasion-forces in 1st and 2nd congo wars, which precipitated the now perpetual war over mega-profitable mining rights - often owned by major clinton foundation donors.

format: long play - double-album

afghanistan: performed by cannibill - the horn-player from hell

description: massive cruise-missile strikes launched during hunt for osama bin laden

format: single

(continued in part two below)

jerry curblame - part two said...

(continued from part one above)

afghanistan 2: performed by barrucksta - the fiery fuji fountain; featuring holocaust hill

description: mass-drone-killing of civilians in taliban controlled territories, provoking intensification of civil war

format: long play - remix

pakistan: performed by barrucksta - the fucked-up fuji fountain of unfriendly collateral fire; featuring holocaust hill

description: mass-drone-killing of civilians in taliban controlled territories, provoking intensification of violent taliban insurgency

format: extended play - including samples from afghanistan

somalia 2: performed by barrucksta - the fiery fuji fountain; featuring holocaust hill

description: expansion of amisom christian invasion, instigating the rise of extreme islamist al shabaab group

format: extended play - remix

libya: performed by barrucksta - the fucked-up fuji fountain of unfriendly collateral fire; featuring holocaust hill

description: arming and training of al qaeda rebels, inciting permanent civil war

format: extended-play

nigeria: performed by barrucksta - the fiery fuji fountain; featuring holocaust hill

description: tacit political and subliminal cia support of boko haram terrorist insurgency

format: extended-play

iraq 2: performed by barrucksta - the fucked-up fuji fountain of unfriendly collateral fire; featuring holocaust hill

description: arming and training of islamic state rebels, causing protracted insurgency

format: extended play - remix, including samples from libya

syria: performed by barrucksta - the fiery fuji fountain; featuring holocaust hill

description: arming and training of islamic state rebels, inciting insoluble civil war

format: extended play - including samples from libya


ornery american:

clinton’s worst crimes

prison planet:

bill clinton: ambassador of death

the factual fog of fury said...

@jerry curblame - part one

in 2014, the bbc aired a this world documentary revealing the complicity of the rwandan patriotic front in the rwandan genocide. this programme details how the hutu social class, as well as the tutsi social class, was systematically targeted for extermination by opposition forces:


rwanda's untold story

but the controversial fatality figures, proposed by the bbc for respective hutu and tutsi deaths, have been heavily disputed in the following article:

african arguments:

rwanda: why claim that 200,000 tutsi died in the genocide is wrong

jed zipperlip said...

@jeremy curblame

and you know, i don't believe the clitnots would much appreciate me mentioning any of this absorbing reading-matter - linked below - either...

except for the pro-clinton counter-opinion at the bottom of the list, of course...

wonder how much their campaign shelled out for that piece of far-fetched fantasy...?

further articles of interest for committed clinton-cheerleaders

current affairs:

the clintons had slaves

the nation:

why hillary clinton doesn’t deserve the black vote

new york post:

clinton confronted for calling black kids ‘super predators’

politico magazine:

why black voters don’t feel the bern

he who is last shall be fucked over said...

@jerry curblame - parts one and two

oh yeah, can't wait for jezzabin to get into power and hand out all those bundles of budget-money to well-deserving causes... the time the - cia-infiltrated and controlled - sub-matrix of crime-organizations, with links to the ira, have extorted from comrade coffee-bean and his cobbler's cabinet their own unequal share of corrupt government contracts...and by the time the - cia-infiltrated and controlled - trade-union-gangsters have built themselves huge new nationalized empires, off-the-back of ideologically extended public ownership within the utility and transport industries...and by the time - cia-infiltrated and controlled - left-wing extremist networks have secured their own undeserved share of dubious shell-project-funding, for diversion into illegal campaigns of violent and repressive political activism against non-socialists and other out-spoken critics of the labour party...i estimate that there should in fact be ooh...roughly 6p remaining in the labour chancellor's fund the national health service, the benefits service, and all other essential elements of our great british welfare state...

of course, if you really want an accurate preview of a new 'socialist' state in the uk, just take a look at the neo-con-trolled london borough of hackney...

where serial war-criminals like holocaust hill and her fellow-members of the neo-conservative nigger-bombing establishment in washington are still habitually hailed as some sick kinda super-sized-saints...

and yet where the borough's disadvantaged, disenfranchised, and disabled can all just go fuck themselves, for all hackney's corrupt clinton-supporting councillors could ever care...

lobster magazine:

the influence of intelligence services on the british left

bbc news:

cia fears about 1980s labour 'threat' revealed

global research:

the empire’s “lefty intellectuals” call for regime change. the role of “progressives” and the antiwar movement

points of disorder said...

@jerry curblame -part one

before the iraq war, estimates of child-deaths due to the sanctions were generally estimated at over 500000, but after the iraq war, detailed research suggested that death-rates were not abnormal, and that saddam hussein's officials had pulled off a masterful hoax.


estimates of deaths due to sanctions

@jon "neo-con" snow-job

i just can't believe that both jon snow-job and president thump were completely taken in by the syrian rebels' false-flag chemical attacks and the white-helmets' fake-news reports...

don't presidents and newscasters receive advice from intelligence experts...?

global research:

how the mainstream media whitewashed al qaeda and the white helmets in syria

@jerry curblame - part one

here's yet another interesting perspective on the war-crimes being committed by western nations against the congolese people...

global research:

congo: a neocolonial project managed by the un security council

never doubt any washington administration's profound paranoia about the prospect of a real socialist government in britain said...

@he who is last shall be fucked over

@jerry curblame - part one

it should be noted that the cia began arming the ira in 1969, only after british prime minister harold wilson had persistently refused president lyndon johnson's requests for british troops to be sent to the escalating vietnam war...

and it should also be noted that the cia ceased to arm the ira in the late nineteen-eighties, only after prime minister margaret thatcher had agreed, in 1986, to allow the use of british air-bases for launching attacks against the libyan régime of general gaddafi.

as standard hegemonizing procedure, the cia will always subversively manipulate a client-state's home-grown extremists in order to control that state's government - and should extra pressure need to be exerted upon a client-state, the cia will always attempt to further radicalize any given paramilitary group within that state...

and given that the ira originally limited its mainland operations to mostly british military or establishment targets, it thus becomes self-evident why, during the 1970s, this increasingly cia-controlled organization might, in order to derail any possible peace-talks between the belligerent parties, suddenly develop a hitherto unknown sadistic taste for indiscriminately murdering the general public.

now, under various governments during the troubles, there was in fact great potential for peace-negotiations with the ira, and harold wilson, in particular, was very much in favour of the reunification of ireland, however the cia would clearly never have permitted such a political resolution whilst there still existed in britain a us-non-compliant socialist government, either in actual power, or waiting in the wings.

meanwhile on another front, one rather wonders whether, under the instructions of their american cia-handlers, the ira perhaps utilized their business-links with the libyan government to spy on general gaddafi...?


provisional irish republican army arms importation


george harrison (irish republican)

an sionnach fionn:

thirty years of secret talks and negotiations between britain and the ira

the guardian:

labour in contact with the provisional ira

t is for traitor - how prime minister may backed boko haram said...

@jerry curblame - part two

according to this global research article, boko haram has links with the libyan islamic fighting group - a jihadist battalion which was covertly supported by western intelligence and nato during the war on libya.

in 2011, british-based members of the libyan islamic fighting group were suddenly issued passports by british intelligence service mi5 on the strict understanding that they would return to libya to join the battle against general gaddafi...

of course, mi5 comes under the authority of the home secretary, a post which at that time, in 2011, was in fact held by mrs theresa may, our current british prime minister...

and don't forget that the libyan islamic fighting group counted amongst its number the senior figure of ramadan abedi, father of the manchester arena bomber...

global research:

cia covert ops in nigeria: fertile ground for us sponsored balkanization

the daily mail:

rebels living in england claim uk government let them travel to libya to fight gaddafi - even though they were subject to counter-terrorism orders - as investigators probe abedi's visits to tripoli

middle east eye:

'sorted' by mi5: how uk government sent british-libyans to fight gaddafi

mark curtis:

the manchester bombing as blowback: the latest evidence

operation 'winter of discontent' said...

@he who is last shall be fucked over

@never doubt the paranoia latent in any united states administration about the re-emergence of a real socialist government in britain

it was a piece-o-piss for the cia to remove the last 'true' socialist government from power in britain...

all we needed do was instruct our strategically placed trade-union-agents to provoke radical action and strikes...

and before you could say 'shop steward', the labour government were 'all out' and maggie thatcher and the conservatives were back 'in'...

of course, we'd already watered the original socialist government down a fair bit...

but that's another story, i guess...

oh...and then to cap it all, and cover our tracks, we blamed everything on the kgb...

it's not cricket, i know...

but we don't play cricket in the states...

dame diana dubble-dollop said...

@why the fuck hasn't the african union got boots on the ground in washington lobbying trump for trade-deals? (part one) - 28 December 2017 at 21:01

@yvette stuka - 29 december 2017 at 15:59

"10 million dead niggers" in congo...?

ok ya, well, it's not really the kind of thing we like to mention here in sunny socialist stoke newington...

we don't want to upset the local protection-racket, you see...

coz those guys just luv the clitnots to bits, ya...

i know ya...if i pissed the protection-guys off, ya...

who'd do all the illegal digital surveillance and phone-hacking for me, ya...?

who'd tap the people's lines and monitor their computers...?

where the raaaass would i get all the super-scrummy dirt on my revolting common-as-muck constituents, ya...?

how the blazes would i find out who's bin slaggin' off mi lovely little labour party...?

and how-on-earth would i get to exact gang-land retribution for bein' dissed, ya...?

nah, there's no way i can afford to piss off the people's protection-racket...

oh my gord no...

i mean, you know ya...jerry might come 'round 'n do some-ting naughty ter mi kneecaps...

if 'e can find 'em behind mi knockers...

jerry goddams said...

@dame diana dubble-dollop

that's funny...last time i did something naughty ter dame dubble-dollop's kneecaps, 'er kneecaps did something naughty ter me knackers...

how the labour government crossed a line...and why the labour party should fucking-well be abolished, forever said...

@he who is last shall be fucked over

i will never vote 'labour'...

because on hearing mention of the 'labour party', i am always reminded of three deplorable episodes for which it must be held responsible:

1. the criminal iraq war - which cost several hundred thousand innocent civilian lives

2. the case of student ama sumani - who, despite suffering from malignant myeloma and receiving kidney dialysis at the university hospital of wales in cardiff, was deported in january 2008, shortly before her death, to ghana, where the drug required for her vital cancer-treatment remained unavailable

3. death-threats made against me by violent 'left-wing' activists - who orchestrated a continual campaign of sly intimidation, combined with intrusive illegal surveillance, on account of my political views

further observations on the deportation-case of ama sumani:

not only did the new-labour government deny ama sumani a life-saving bone-marrow-transplant - the usual and correct treatment for her condition - on the grounds of her having been classed as a foreign national...

but new-labour's lin homer - the chief executive of the borders and immigration agency - and liam byrne - the minister of state for borders and immigration - also then deported this lady, literally on her death-bed, to a country where her kidney-dialysis treatment was beyond her means, and her specific cancer-treatment was both beyond her means and unavailable.

i sincerely trust that this is not the kind of 'treatment' which baroness jowell - a senior member of gordon brown's labour government in 2008 - will be receiving for her most unfortunate brain-tumour.

the mail online:

immigration officials send terminally ill ghanaian woman home

bbc news:

cancer patient loses visa battle

the guardian:

deported ghanaian dies of cancer

the labour party: a rotting right-wing refuge for neo-conservative war-criminals said...

@how the labour government crossed a line...and why the labour party should fucking-well be abolished, forever

personally, i would add a fourth deplorable episode for which the labour party must definitely be held responsible:

tony blair's continued and officially unchallenged membership of the labour party...

...despite the treasonous and criminal acts he committed by:

a) intentionally submitting false evidence to parliament, in order to hoodwink democratically elected representatives into supporting the united kingdom's involvement in the illegal iraq war

b) authorizing the united kingdom's involvement in the illegal iraq war

c) authorizing, in the process of prosecuting the illegal iraq war, the perpetration of serial war-crimes and crimes against humanity, which, considered collectively, constitute the genocide of arab people

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