it is with the greatest chagrin that i must report the summary and cynical deletion of my critical comment upon the jamaica observer article entitled british pm comes today, japanese tomorrow; moderators are at best an ignorant stuck-up race - from whichever part of the world they may hail - and jamaican ones are evidently no exception to this rule.
the offending comment is republished here-below:
"sorry to disillusion you guys over in ja, but apparently the purpose of dave "piggyback" cameron's visit is to give your government 25 million english pounds - specifically for the construction of a new prison designed to rehouse jamaican convicts who are being returned from britain.
ok, i'm not in favour of slavery-reparations myself, because the funds would come straight out of the british working man or woman's taxes and would probably end up in the pockets of jamaica's wealthy political elite, which is no doubt as corrupt and conniving as ours here in the uk, but that being said, there is still plenty the british government could do for your countrymen, who obviously reside on both our islands... know, really 'positive' moves, such as:
a) not treating jamaicans like shit
b) giving jamaicans an equal break in british society
c) stopping the racial vilification of jamaicans in the british press
yes, you see, people like david "piggywank" cameron think of jamaicans only as criminals, and that is why the only social project which he and his public-school brethren can conjecture financing in jamaica is a nice new gaol, a place where he probably imagines jamaicans feel 'at home'...
...and so sadly, our prime-minister would never contemplate handing over money for the building of schools or hospitals or any-such-honest-to-good-thing - largely because he would never contemplate building such essential municipal amenities for working-class people back home in the uk, let alone for jamaicans in jamaica.
thus, i can but apologize for the race-slapping insult which mr cameron is about to deliver you folks, but in his defence, i can verily avow that he had a most disadvantaged upbringing as a country swineherd in berkshire, before attending a common pig-breeding school called eton college, and ultimately finished his agricultural education at a bacon-processing factory in oxford city by the name of brasenose, where he learnt the finer points of traditional pork-curing and hog-roasting on his own home-made spit.
understandably, therefore, our prime minister has no knowledge of history, or the slave-trade, or even the basic courtesy of good-manners and decency - for he has spent the best part of his life with his hand up a pig's arse in search of something he once lost there.
quite honestly, i suggest you take the cash, forget to build the penal-colony, and send the villains back over to blighty in order to teach our dear leader a lesson in international diplomacy - because if you do not, i fear that your beautiful caribbean isle may soon resemble australia, which, as you may be aware, is full of british crims, white ones.
indeed, if your jamaican government gives cameron an inch, he will surely take a country-mile, and you should imminently prepare to become a permanent detention-and-rehabilitation centre for common white criminals, jihadists transferred from guantanamo bay, and tony blair - when we've nicked the murdering fascist flink.
hey, plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose...
i don't know what your premier, sista 'p', is doing schmoozing with president obama - he's a genocidal neo-colonialist who drops bombs on black and brown people in africa, don't ya realize, man?"
also crassly deleted was my own cunning caption for the jamaica observer photo: cameron signs guest book - which read as follows:
"it's either yu brains or yu signature going on that reparations-cheque, hunny..."
i know that jamaican people are very strict when it comes to politeness and manners, but this is ridiculous - i'm their prime-minister, and i can't even comment on myself. the political élite in jamaica is really becoming ultra-right-wing thesedays, t'raaaasss...
cameron reckons "we can move on from this painful legacy" of slavery...
cameron reckons that the atlantic slave-trade is now 'history'...
no, the slave trade and britain's part in it is not 'history', because racial injustice and exploitation is still the economic mainstay of the british establishment which cameron so shamefully represents.
no, we cannot "move on" on until international wrongs are righted and everyone in this world gets an even break in life - only then will calls for reparations perhaps seem irrelevant, whilst never of course becoming illegitimate.
cameron has totally failed to acknowledge the british government's wrongful actions of the past, because cameron and the british establishment do not wish to acknowledge the british government's wrongful actions of the present...
...and whilst, personally, i firmly believe that political reparations, rather than financial reparations, are the real solution to international racial injustice, i also firmly believe that access to british courts must be facilitated, and official legal systems must be established, whereby afro-caribbean individuals, groups, and communities, may choose to take legal action against british corporations and individuals, such as cameron, who have inherently profited from slavery, in order that the descendants of british-owned slaves might lawfully recover the criminally acquired wealth which rightfully belongs to them...
...for ultimately, what worth has freedom without choice?
well, as a black person, i'd love to "move on", mr cameron, but would you rather mind awfully removing your foot from on top of my head first?
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