charlie died for france's sins.
charlie died to save frog-kind.
...and when on the seventh day the latest edition appears, charlie will descend again into les poubelles parisiennes, or be recycled into convenient arsed-sized squares for public analyzation by the l'académie française, never more to be re-read...
...yet in one foul scoop, a new world religion will have been born - by satirical caesarean section - which superficially supersedes all pre-existing judaeo-christian faiths...
yeah, i suppose that, having spent the past few decades shitting merrily away upon the holy bible, the imperial commune of secular france desperately needs some kinda sacred book for its high-president to wave in the face of islam's rising popularity, some kinda scriptural revelation for its socio-racial elite to rally around, and err...a seedy old porno rag with dodgy scatological drawings, and a decidedly dubious editorial direction, will just have to do... incredibly, we now have one established religion which demands that their prophet never be insulted, neatly juxtaposed against another - politically manufactured - quasi-religion which insists, contrarily, that this same prophet must be insulted on a regular and compulsory weekly basis...
my god, you just couldn't make it up...
for verily, as our own dear dave, damp druid of westminster, has most probably already spouted unto the braying democratic masses of britland:
"freedom of speech is an integral component of a civilized is bombing the fuck out of civilian populations in the middle-east and africa on the slightest political pretext...not-to-mention routinely and hideously repressing the ethnic and religious minorities who find themselves, through no fault of their own, residing within our own borders..."unfortunately, of course, we in the wicked old west do not live in a civilized society, and this starkly simple fact explains why, every single bloody morning, ordinary joe bloggers arise by the thousand, from their lowly and plebeian pits, to viciously denigrate prominent members of our western democratic hegemony in the most obscene manner possible, and why, conversely, pseudo-revolutionary tools, organs, professional provocateurs and political propagandists of our intrinsically racist establishment - such as charlie hebdo itself - are financially incentivized to further the state's sly agenda of insulting, wholesale, certain systematically subjugated, socially dehumanized, ethnic and religious minorities, solely in order to provoke the most radical and oppressed amongst their number into that irrational violent retribution which is commonly fostered by the intolerable intensity of cultural hopelessness.
paradoxically, if we were indeed members of a civilized society, we would, as integrally satisfied citizens inhabiting a trusted framework of justice, never even feel the necessity to insult either the politically powerful, or the powerless, in our communities, and if we did so, it would surely constitute an utterly meaningless act of folly, and be brushed-off abruptly and indifferently into the all-consuming abyss of human absurdity...
...but due to fatal lack of french imagination, any such democratic idealism is defunct as a fart in the fragrance-hall of fascism, and the progressive moral republic is clearly not even a day-dreamed aspiration colouring the consciousness of those who control the sweet perfumed land of liberty, fraternity, equality and vulgarity - where the vile blood-sport of immigrant-race-baiting is king, coyly veiled by the insincere mask of fanatical communal secularism, through which the butchering french bourgeoisie will never in a thousand years recognize their own fundamental barbarity.
muslim extremism shames french sensibilities as a stubborn self-inflicted symptom of the lingering colonial hangover, a miniature mirror-image of france's existentially evil imperialist character - and therein lies the reason for macho-mag-man hollande, the self-hating sado-masochistic emperor of angst, smashing it into a million persecuted pieces in a futile hypocritical gesture of self-destructive state-suicide.
charlie hebdo held aloft as a proud example of french culture? monsieur hollande wouldn't know art if it jumped-up and bit him on his fucking fat french bum. for shit's sake, the cunt's obviously snorted way too much 'charlie'...
as the black man with a muslim middle-name who's done more to kill and fuck-up blacks and muslims than any other incumbent political leader, i would accordingly consider myself to be the biggest cunt in the western world... why would i want to make myself an even bigger motherfucking cunt by going over to paris and marching in support of a magazine which portrays black people as monkeys?
fuck me, hollande must live in loopy-lala land... he a thick cunt or what?
spark up! supports the right of freedom of expression - it also backs the right of french people to show the world what fucking vicious arrogant fascist pigs they truly truly are.
french culture begins and ends with an innate obsession to demean and socially humiliate blacks, arabs and muslims - that is all.
french people have absolutely no internal mechanism for any fashion of intellectual or moral self-analysis.
it's not a question of what sort of words or images are used, that boils down to a basic matter of freedom of expression - no, it's a question of what the motivation is for using such incendiary language and imagery, and in the sad case of charlie hebdo, the editors have clearly sought to inflame racial and religious tension, but have continued to claim, insincerely, that their agenda is purely one of promoting equality. now the charlie hebdo pawns have provided hothead criminal elements within france a flagrant political pretext to commit unadulterated mass murder, and in doing so have paved the way for the central core of racist bigots who command the french authorities to bring down upon the perennial target ethnic minorities a great reign of terror.
the french government unashamedly promotes freedom of expression for those who peddle islamophobic sentiments, yet bans anti-semitic views with a vengeance.
by banning the niqab in public places, the french government has blatantly repressed freedom of expression amongst muslim communities, yet boosts the freedom of publications, such as charlie hebdo, who have delighted in mocking those subjected to this clothing-ban by depicting a naked muslim woman with a veil stuffed unkindly up her anus. any pretension by the french authorities of promoting freedom of expression, or equality, fraternity, and liberty, is quite simply laughable - and the whole world knows this, including president obama, who wouldn't touch charlie hebdo with a ten-foot fucking bargepole.
unless freedom of fashion is restored within france, along with a tolerance for the expression of anti-semitic or extreme islamic view-points, the current socio-political imbalance and unrest will never be rectified, and french society will sink ever deeper into the pathetic pit of ignorance in which it already wallows gloriously.
if france can tolerate the genocide of arabs in gaza, and the dronicide of muslim civilians in afghanistan, pakistan, somalia, yemen, iraq, and syria, why can it not tolerate distasteful propaganda directed at more powerful ethnic elements within its society, such as the jewish one?
france's political, intellectual and moral double-standards are now plain for the international community to behold, and it is now the laughing-stock of the world. france, like israel, is fast decomposing into an apartheid state, and should be diplomatically ostracized in the same manner as was south africa.
the french are appallingly behaved bastards, and their top 'intellects' clearly haven't got the wit to re-deploy racist language and imagery as a satirical weapon against their repressive and racist establishment - this is basically because france's complacent top thinkers are contemptibly happy with the racist status quo.
significant sections of french society don't find mainstream french satire funny, yet the well-paid purveyors of this second-rate fuck-wittery refuse to face this reality - and thus the case is proven that french society is not by any definition culturally or socially inclusive.
hey, isn't that the french comic thingy i buy mummy every wednesday...?
hey, andy...
...if you're interested, i can set you up with the ethically crossbred offspring of ched evans and a not-too-fussy congolese mountain gorilla...
i have arbitrarily encouraged proxy combatants to threaten russian allies militarily, and got the kremlin's back right up...
...i have pointlessly embroiled our greatly insignificant country in an economic war with russia which will probably sink europe and united states, along with us dangling somewhere in between on the breeches buoy in purgatory.
...moreover, i have promoted armed neo-colonial intervention in the middle-east and africa in support of the americans, people with a near nursery-level grasp of international affairs and other cultures, who obligingly sub-contract their foreign policy decisions out to the israelis, people obsessed with settling supposed historic scores dating back to biblical times...
...and i have done all this to the sublime end that any shopping-visit to the supermarket will now become a highly risky and sophisticated sas operation.
now, in all modesty, i present myself to the british people and humbly request them to reinstate me in the job of prime-minister for another five doomed years.
@dave - the damp druid of democracy
...and now the cunt says he cant protect us all...
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