a poppy-blood waterfall pouring from the punctured establishment's most feared symbol of repression - to replenish its moat...
...is this an advert for fascism, or an exposure of it?
that is the question...
...to see or not to see?
do they know it's halloween?" by 'the two vampires' - also known as 'tony and bob'
exactly, and whilst on the subject of artists coming together in a genuinely exultant expression of symbolic charity...
...may i mention the incomparable efforts of mr bob geldof, who, in his ever modest way, has himself made a stunning contribution towards the cause of ebola-relief in west africa...
...and notwithstanding that the africans have already crafted roughly a thousand original ebola-songs of a far superior and more uplifting nature, i consider mr geldof genuinely deserves great credit for his remixed dirge...because, unlike those who snipe snidely from the sidelines...he has actually tried to do something...and anyway...it's the thought that counts, isn't it...?
...and finally, sustaining that same note of seasonal goodwill...i find really most touching the manner in which mr geldof's followers honour their heroic hairy icon by wearing disposable plastic st bob masks out on the streets every 31st october...
@do they know it's halloween?" by 'the two vampires' - also known as 'tony and bob'
dear mr tone def,
whilst i appreciate your deep-groove physical affection for bob, and rate your sensitive testimonial tribute to him, may i point out that, according to the traditional terms and conditions of pop-constitution, boy-bands must comprise of at least three members of a certain age, who clearly exhibit variety in their personal appearance, musical ability, and sexuality...
...and quite frankly, speaking as a publicity-swilling cunt who's always been more than glad to bang the drum for africa, i feel fucking shaded-out...
...and propose an immediate resurrection and re-launch of the group as 'the three vampires'...
needless-to-mention that it will go down as the greatest rock-transformation in history.
hey mr prime minister - me putin, you jane
yes, the imperialist wankers are dead - long may they wither on their own pseudo-capitalist vine.
indeed, at this very moment, my oligarchical comrades are rapidly withdrawing their vast life-raft of portfolio investments from every last western economy, and will soon enjoy watching the united states and western europe sink to the bottom of the global financial sewage-pit.
i will especially savour the 'right of spring' surprise for madame davida cameron as she sees russian money flee london, and then feels the full hurricane-force impact of an apocalyptic uk housing-market crash, exquisitely timed to hit mainland britain and its bi-toiletters just before their next general election.
that's another vodka for me please, anastasia baby...
mmm...agreed...aside from president putin's dastardly intervention, i suspect that the perennial winter housing-market slowdown, neatly combined with a long-overdue interest-rate rise, will almost certainly seal cameron's political fate forever.
indeed, at this very moment, my oligarchical comrades are rapidly withdrawing their vast life-raft of portfolio investments from every last western economy, and will soon enjoy watching the united states and western europe sink to the bottom of the global financial sewage-pit.
since sanctions were slapped on their government earlier this year, russian investors have certainly been piling out of the united states bond-market, mainly due to worries over assets being frozen - and there's no doubt that this financial flight could seriously affect the american economy together with the outcome of the next presidential election - so if russian investors are prompted by putin to take similar action in the uk, the bank of england may be pressured into increasing gilt interest-rates in order to attract the vital government-bond buyers, who service our huge uk debt.
naturally, the government-puppet-media in britain are loathe to talk about the likelihood of sharply increased bank interest-rates, because of the adverse reaction that a rate-rise would have on the fragile uk housing-market.
thus far, president putin and the oligarchs seem to have been moving ahead of the game, and it's therefore possible that they either know the uk housing-market has peaked, or are planning to dump it in revenge for trade-sanctions imposed as a result of the crisis in ukraine.
heavy investment in us government debt drives down the us bond-yield and consequently weakens the dollar, by making it less enticing to international currency speculators, but what's now for sure is that china, like russia, has also started to withdraw from the us bond-market - amid grave concerns over a strong yuan against the dollar badly undermining chinese global competitiveness; russia and china are currently experiencing warm political relations and are potentially beginning to work in tandem - so the possibility of these two super-powers working together to crash the uk housing-market cannot be considered as existing only in the realm of complete fantasy.
meanwhile, putin is selling russian oil to the west, yet purchasing just gold, by the shipload, with all the profits - this essentially means that, when the big crunch finally comes, putin will have pure bullion in the bank, where we will have pure exhaust fumes.
in a nutshell, i sincerely believe that british home-owners and businessmen will sorely rue the day cameron and obama ever decided to pick a puerile playground fight with president putin.
this comment about chinese and russian investors selling-off gilts could just explain a few things...
...such as the recent talk of an imminent interest-rate rise - aimed at encouraging new investors to buy government-bonds and thus underwrite our massive national debt...
...also there's the government's sudden foreign-policy about-turn in the middle-east: one minute syria and iran are the west's axis of all evil, and we're helping israel and the united states train jihadists to overthrow president assad on behalf of our gulf-state pay-masters, then china and russia suddenly begin to pull the plug on western government-debt, and low-and-behold, the next minute we're practically co-ordinating with the syrian and iranian military, major sino-ruski allies, in air-attacks against those very same jihadists; no wonder the jihadists are pissed-to-hell at us - it's like we're saying, "oh right, sorry guys, here's the final instalment of your training, it's called, 'how to survive a us cruise-missile-strike', and after that, you pass-out". obviously the uk and the americans should never have been involved in this conflict from the outset, on either side.
finally, there's our government's mysteriously metamorphosing attitude to the qualification-policy for british citizenship: at the start of mr cameron's term as prime-minister, a commitment to 'british values' - whatever-the-fuckery they may be - was paramount in securing uk citizenship, yet now, apparently, taking-on a million quids-worth of british debt will do nicely, thank you. yeah, you got it: one minute cameron and osborne are warning, "oooh, tis a terribly crowded island, mateys", then economic slowdown in china and sanctions against russia force these two superpowers' investors to cash-in their gilt-edged western securities, and bugger-me-backwards if the next minute our clueless eton-cabaret-act aren't chatting a different tune, chirping, "oooh, room for a little one, boys...but dosh up-front mind".
of course, beware...if sterling drops its knickers down to 10000 for every yuan, london will become a beijing overspill town...
...but looks like the oiligarchs and the mandarins are planning to deliberately crash the london housing-market along with the uk economy, and then come riding-in on a tide of rotten roubles and yucky yuan...
oh pleez, reading about all this financial trouble and extremely black politics is giving me a god-damned headache...
...but fortunately i've recently had the rare chance to take a break from all this heavy horse-shit and have had the unbridled pleasure, nay honour, of spending quality toff-time with little ole england's fascist prince of wildlife, who rather refreshingly, for a youngster in this day-and-age, couldn't give a flying toss about money or unarmed black kidz getting gunned down mercilessly by institutionally racist white cops, and whose top-line priority appears to be saving the lives of cute cuddly furry animals from his trigger-orgasmic grandma and grandpa.
yeah, all-in-all, a guy after my own heart, who i can honestly say shares my core american values and deep-rooted beliefs regarding cotton-picking common trash, whatever its creed or colour, thank fuck.
the big 'earn - cia psycho-ops grand-master
@hrh prinz fillyspit
don't worry your 'ighness, we've got the crafty little cunts addicted ter potting wacky-coloured balls down mesmeric green 'oles - if it 'as the same effect it 'ad on britain in the seventies, the dragon-economy should soon be trippin'-out its brain an' wildly chasing its tail 'round 'n 'round in a deeply wonky psychedelic trance...
...fuck me, before you know it the poor sods 'll be stuck up shitto-creek, cruelly controlled by a mad old bint with a dodgy designer handbag.
exactly, and whilst on the subject of artists coming together in a genuinely exultant expression of symbolic charity...
...may i mention the incomparable efforts of mr bob geldof, who, in his ever modest way, has himself made a stunning contribution towards the cause of ebola-relief in west africa...
...and notwithstanding that the africans have already crafted roughly a thousand original ebola-songs of a far superior and more uplifting nature, i consider mr geldof genuinely deserves great credit for his remixed dirge...because, unlike those who snipe snidely from the sidelines...he has actually tried to do something...and anyway...it's the thought that counts, isn't it...?
...and finally, sustaining that same note of seasonal goodwill...i find really most touching the manner in which mr geldof's followers honour their heroic hairy icon by wearing disposable plastic st bob masks out on the streets every 31st october...
...very nice.
ok ya, i can sum-up my mayoral policies in just three simple words:
"racism, racism, racism"
oh dear, i think i meant:
"anti-racism, anti-racism, anti-racism"
my tongue slips-up when i get tired, you see...
...and other pledges in my manifesto will include:
a) the provision of free prescription ganja on the nhs
b) dual-language road-signs in jamaican creole and english
c) the compulsory casting of idris elba in the rôle of midsomer murders' 'inspector barnaby'...
what's pledge c) got to do with london, you may ask...?
well for starters, millions of londoners watch it, don't they? i do anyway, ya...
...and also there could be a free celebrity-shag in it for moi...
any other questions?
and i know this is totally off-topic and i really shouldn't say it...
...but i do love chancellor george osborne's nifty new haircut...
...very sharp...
...and sooooooooo cute...
makes him exactly like ronnie o'sullivan...
...just without the same control on the white.
ah, apparently one needs five pie-in-the-sky electoral pledges to make a pucker political manifesto...
...so here goes, i've added a couple more:
d) free lindt chocky on nhs prescription
e) nice frilly pink uniforms for the pig...sorry, i mean the metropolitan police force
everybody happy now?
@do they know it's halloween?" by 'the two vampires' - also known as 'tony and bob'
dear mr tone def,
whilst i appreciate your deep-groove physical affection for bob, and rate your sensitive testimonial tribute to him, may i point out that, according to the traditional terms and conditions of pop-constitution, boy-bands must comprise of at least three members of a certain age, who clearly exhibit variety in their personal appearance, musical ability, and sexuality...
...and quite frankly, speaking as a publicity-swilling cunt who's always been more than glad to bang the drum for africa, i feel fucking shaded-out...
...and propose an immediate resurrection and re-launch of the group as 'the three vampires'...
needless-to-mention that it will go down as the greatest rock-transformation in history.
yes, the imperialist wankers are dead - long may they wither on their own pseudo-capitalist vine.
indeed, at this very moment, my oligarchical comrades are rapidly withdrawing their vast life-raft of portfolio investments from every last western economy, and will soon enjoy watching the united states and western europe sink to the bottom of the global financial sewage-pit.
i will especially savour the 'right of spring' surprise for madame davida cameron as she sees russian money flee london, and then feels the full hurricane-force impact of an apocalyptic uk housing-market crash, exquisitely timed to hit mainland britain and its bi-toiletters just before their next general election.
that's another vodka for me please, anastasia baby...
down the hatch.
@hey mr prime minister - me putin, you jane
mmm...agreed...aside from president putin's dastardly intervention, i suspect that the perennial winter housing-market slowdown, neatly combined with a long-overdue interest-rate rise, will almost certainly seal cameron's political fate forever.
@hey mr prime minister - me putin, you jane
indeed, at this very moment, my oligarchical comrades are rapidly withdrawing their vast life-raft of portfolio investments from every last western economy, and will soon enjoy watching the united states and western europe sink to the bottom of the global financial sewage-pit.
since sanctions were slapped on their government earlier this year, russian investors have certainly been piling out of the united states bond-market, mainly due to worries over assets being frozen - and there's no doubt that this financial flight could seriously affect the american economy together with the outcome of the next presidential election - so if russian investors are prompted by putin to take similar action in the uk, the bank of england may be pressured into increasing gilt interest-rates in order to attract the vital government-bond buyers, who service our huge uk debt.
naturally, the government-puppet-media in britain are loathe to talk about the likelihood of sharply increased bank interest-rates, because of the adverse reaction that a rate-rise would have on the fragile uk housing-market.
thus far, president putin and the oligarchs seem to have been moving ahead of the game, and it's therefore possible that they either know the uk housing-market has peaked, or are planning to dump it in revenge for trade-sanctions imposed as a result of the crisis in ukraine.
heavy investment in us government debt drives down the us bond-yield and consequently weakens the dollar, by making it less enticing to international currency speculators, but what's now for sure is that china, like russia, has also started to withdraw from the us bond-market - amid grave concerns over a strong yuan against the dollar badly undermining chinese global competitiveness; russia and china are currently experiencing warm political relations and are potentially beginning to work in tandem - so the possibility of these two super-powers working together to crash the uk housing-market cannot be considered as existing only in the realm of complete fantasy.
meanwhile, putin is selling russian oil to the west, yet purchasing just gold, by the shipload, with all the profits - this essentially means that, when the big crunch finally comes, putin will have pure bullion in the bank, where we will have pure exhaust fumes.
in a nutshell, i sincerely believe that british home-owners and businessmen will sorely rue the day cameron and obama ever decided to pick a puerile playground fight with president putin.
@the great fire-sale of london
methinks the chickens are about to come rushing home to roost for obama and cameron and their bloody, arrogant foreign policies.
@the great fire-sale of london
'president putin and the oligarchs'
yeah...loved their last single man.
@the great fire-sale of london
this comment about chinese and russian investors selling-off gilts could just explain a few things...
...such as the recent talk of an imminent interest-rate rise - aimed at encouraging new investors to buy government-bonds and thus underwrite our massive national debt...
...also there's the government's sudden foreign-policy about-turn in the middle-east: one minute syria and iran are the west's axis of all evil, and we're helping israel and the united states train jihadists to overthrow president assad on behalf of our gulf-state pay-masters, then china and russia suddenly begin to pull the plug on western government-debt, and low-and-behold, the next minute we're practically co-ordinating with the syrian and iranian military, major sino-ruski allies, in air-attacks against those very same jihadists; no wonder the jihadists are pissed-to-hell at us - it's like we're saying, "oh right, sorry guys, here's the final instalment of your training, it's called, 'how to survive a us cruise-missile-strike', and after that, you pass-out". obviously the uk and the americans should never have been involved in this conflict from the outset, on either side.
finally, there's our government's mysteriously metamorphosing attitude to the qualification-policy for british citizenship: at the start of mr cameron's term as prime-minister, a commitment to 'british values' - whatever-the-fuckery they may be - was paramount in securing uk citizenship, yet now, apparently, taking-on a million quids-worth of british debt will do nicely, thank you. yeah, you got it: one minute cameron and osborne are warning, "oooh, tis a terribly crowded island, mateys", then economic slowdown in china and sanctions against russia force these two superpowers' investors to cash-in their gilt-edged western securities, and bugger-me-backwards if the next minute our clueless eton-cabaret-act aren't chatting a different tune, chirping, "oooh, room for a little one, boys...but dosh up-front mind".
of course, beware...if sterling drops its knickers down to 10000 for every yuan, london will become a beijing overspill town...
...and what value 'britishness' then folks?
@value of britishness = £1 million
i don't want to put a dampener on things...
...but looks like the oiligarchs and the mandarins are planning to deliberately crash the london housing-market along with the uk economy, and then come riding-in on a tide of rotten roubles and yucky yuan...
...to clean-up.
oh pleez, reading about all this financial trouble and extremely black politics is giving me a god-damned headache...
...but fortunately i've recently had the rare chance to take a break from all this heavy horse-shit and have had the unbridled pleasure, nay honour, of spending quality toff-time with little ole england's fascist prince of wildlife, who rather refreshingly, for a youngster in this day-and-age, couldn't give a flying toss about money or unarmed black kidz getting gunned down mercilessly by institutionally racist white cops, and whose top-line priority appears to be saving the lives of cute cuddly furry animals from his trigger-orgasmic grandma and grandpa.
yeah, all-in-all, a guy after my own heart, who i can honestly say shares my core american values and deep-rooted beliefs regarding cotton-picking common trash, whatever its creed or colour, thank fuck.
@james pond - special estate agent
golly, really? the chinamen are taking over london...?
...no wonder there's so many of these funny slanty buildings sprouting-up all over the place.
@hrh prinz fillyspit
don't worry your 'ighness, we've got the crafty little cunts addicted ter potting wacky-coloured balls down mesmeric green 'oles - if it 'as the same effect it 'ad on britain in the seventies, the dragon-economy should soon be trippin'-out its brain an' wildly chasing its tail 'round 'n 'round in a deeply wonky psychedelic trance...
...fuck me, before you know it the poor sods 'll be stuck up shitto-creek, cruelly controlled by a mad old bint with a dodgy designer handbag.
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