Sunday, 13 October 2013

ed shows di true colour of his knickers

this week's shadow-cabinet reshuffle shows that ed rubberband, the prodigal neo-colonialist puppet, has been mercilessly zapped back into the indoctrinated line of new-weird-odour mercenaries by his political handler, 'big' bro dave, who on behalf of the cia operates the labour party leader from the other side of north atlantic geo-political rift...

...for there was no way in the enwhitened and enamelled world of western democracy that a black woman, holding a seat in a british opposition shadow-cabinet, could possibly help instigate a lightening left-wing rebellion against the bastard blood-lusting proposals for a us war of aggression in the middle-east, make consequential international willies of the predator and vice-predator of the undead states of america, and in the process upset the vampire-in-waiting capillary clinton's carefully laid plans for an economically face-saving apocalypse, yet still hope to hang on to her racially-profiled frontline job...

...naturally, with a token afro-caribbean and a token asian already squatting proudly in the inner-circle of labour party chiefs, diane abbott was not only considered out of order politically and out of favour personally, but also above quota ethnically...

...indeed, although not great in physical stature, the former shadow health minister's ungraciously-engineered dismissal will leave a big gap on the opposition frontbench in parliament which will be filled by much slighter ladies, with far prettier cia-compatible politics, who will possess neither the experience, muscle, nor minds broad enough to force their leader into a corner of conscience and exercize him ethically unto the point where he might once more feel moved to face down the assembled forces of evil as they seek to scam quasi-legislative approval for the unjustified unleashing of unending unlawful war...

...we won't ever again be seeing a labour shadow-minister dementedly jumping up and down outside the prime minister's official residence in protest at our country's participation in illegal military aggression against foreign powers - the miliband cabinet's complacently compliant now... time around, when the witch obama and his coven decide to conjure-up a conflagration of carnage to cap all cruel conflicts, the big political activist with the big mouth, from the small, so-called 'unimportant' constituency of hackney north and stoke newington, will not be there to bend ed the unred by his ear, whisper some sweet common-sense somethings into it, and let him hear the anti-war message passed down the gripevine by the unminted millions to whom morality matters...

...and who's now going to remind mr milibrit about the impending dangers of using arse-ignorant immigration policy to fluff-up the racist vote and frig-off fans of fascism...?  who's going to remind him that immigration restriction, the cia's favourite tool of torture against those born on the wrong side of the earth, leads to two-speed international socialism, a passport to poverty for the underprivileged exploited billions, and brown bodies rotting and rocking away at the bottom of our trench-trap oceans, swaying unconcerned in the eternal watery hammocks of their holed-dreams, after the boat-babies' deluded bids for some place a bit better...floundered...?  and who's going to remind him that whilst watchtower europe allows certain slaves entry to service the market, it calculatingly jettisons others to indemnify its social welfare program and preserve our state of lawful ignorance...regarding the global trade in humanity...?

...yes, when it comes to questions of race, mr miliband will always put his own first, because otherwise he knows he will receive a firm but frosty phone-call from the family - as he no doubt did before chucking diane overboard, along with the votes of many non-mainstream minorities, the ideological left, and any remaining chance of preventing his party from splitting asunder before the next general election...

...really, it seems such a dictatorial disgrace for this wet young woolly-brained whippersnapper to so disrespectfully ram a mute down the throat of such a senior advisor...

...but whilst there won't be any claim lodged for either race or age discrimination...

...the leader of the labour party will be held to account for his selfish actions... the public polls.


ed alert said...

contradicting her political beliefs, ms abbott sent her son to public school, yet given the piss-poor standard of state education provision for the common masses, what single-mum from hackney would not have done the same were they fortunate enough to have been in ms abbott's financial position?

the rather irritating and silly put-on posh voice may have taken in some members of the media world, but ms abbott's constituents weren't fooled - by-and-large they knew exactly where they stood with her on party policy.

ms abbott's previous habit of fudging her criticism of president obama and of racially-motivated labour party policy on immigration, health and economic issues has been irksome, but now at last it seems the gloves are finally orff...

...and she could become a real beast of the back-benches.

comedy of clangers said...

all change...

cameron's scuppered his prospects of victory at the next general election by retaining the ill-smelling services of iain duncan smith...

...and now miliband's destroyed his own chances by ditching diane...

...what a first-class fucking french farce.

capt miliband: 'henriquetta', 'zong', 'la amistad' or 'black joke'? said...

@ed alert

the rather irritating and silly put-on posh voice may have taken in some members of the media world, but ms abbott's constituents weren't fooled - by-and-large they knew exactly where they stood with her on party policy.

not quite true - abbott's position in her own left-wing camp was considerably weakened by her decision to fall in-line with shadow-cabinet consensus and effectively vote for government proposals to retrospectively change social security law in order that millions of pounds of benefits would not need to be reimbursed to claimants following cait reilly's successful high court appeal in february which stopped the department for work and pensions from taking away her benefits if she refused to work at poundland - obviously had iain duncan smith's department been forced to pay back monies unlawfully deducted from benefit claims, both he and the government would have been severely damaged, but to the deep chagrin of anti-workfare activists, ed miliband and co let the bald-headed bitch off the hook. it was probably diane abbott's tarnished credibility on this issue, primarily amongst her own supporters, which gifted mr miliband the window of opportunity to sack diane abbott without too much fall-out from her rather resentful radical fan-base.

however, had ms abbott resigned over the welfare question, she would paradoxically not have been in a prime position to squeeze ed's nuts during the syrian war debate when she subsequently threatened to walk-out of shadow-cabinet in the event of miliband supporting illegal military intervention. i suppose that gold-plated protection of the welfare system could have come at a very high-price if world-war had broken out...

abbott did eventually back the left-wingers when the internecine labour gang-fighting erupted this summer in falkirk. this struggle was essentially between pro-united states-government pro-israeli-government pro-war factions (the fascist blairites) and the anti-united-states-government anti-israeli government anti-war factions (the hard-left unionists). apparently there was some dodgy stuff going on during the local selection process and everybody was at it - both left and right-wings of the party. no surprise there - all politicians in all parties are devious lying racketeering cheats, but there's no doubt that getting involved in gang-stuff didn't do ms abbott any favours.

in relation to ms abbott's dismissal, i find spark up's slave-trade analogy extremely dark (no pun intended), and as jetsam i am confident that she will not sink down to the sanctuary of the sea-bed, but will survive to bob around on the surface, in full-view of miliband's neo-con slave-clipper, haunting him and his crew for the duration of their parliamentary voyage (no humour intended).

list of slave ships


la amistad

hms black joke

propaganda academy said...

@capt miliband: 'henriquetta', 'zong', 'la amistad' or 'black joke'?

yes, abbott's supporters are probably her harshest critics, but what miliband's done to her will now win him a whole heap of enemies.

why was diane abbott not originally given a civil rights brief? or made shadow home secretary? why are the top jobs all filled by war criminals like ed balls, yvette cooper and harriet harman?

the press always miscast diane abbott by concentrating on the radical moments which dotted her early career, and stubbornly avoid angling their reports to reveal the sensibilities of the mellow, measured and mature woman into which she has inevitably been moulded by the long lessons of blunt experience.

it was ever thus with black personalities:

martin luther king is always portrayed in the official media as a moderate establishment-friendly type, yet in later life, the american government's continual abuse of civil-rights and the criminal vietnam war caused him to become quite revolutionary in his views.

malcolm x on the other hand is portrayed as an extremist black-power figure, but in fact he adopted a markedly multi-cultural outlook in his later life.

we only hear about the mainstream movies and performances of richard pryor's later career, but never really get to see any of the radical political material for which he was so respected as a young man.

national broadcasters are paid to paint portraits in the style which suits their government.

the fired-bird said...

miliband's fucked...

...fucking cunt's gone an shot the fucking albatross.

nabda bottie said...

@propaganda academy

the reason for diane abbott not being handed the civil-rights portfolio is very simple...

...she would have been far too effective in that natural role and would have embarrassed all sides of our racist white-establishment parliament...

...obviously a civil-rights position was the very minimum she could have expected...

...she was plainly robbed.