Sunday, 22 September 2013

obama's war on nuns

i realize there may have been some confusion surrounding this issue...

...but right from the hazy dawn of this blog's creation up to the present, the clear official spark up! position on nuclear weapons has been that every citizen on god's beautiful globe should have ready access to one - for reasons of personal protection - and indeed, in an ideal world, it's my firmly held belief that the liberal governments of our world would preferably provide each of us with our own mini domestic arsenal which we could keep safely tucked-away in a bunker located either under the stairs, under the kitchen-sink, in the garden-shed, or housed in some other such handy homely facility...'s a basic human right for heaven's sake...

...moreover, we've all heard about how president obama is denying his people fundamental freedoms...

...for example, the freedom of transvestite soldiers, like sergeant bradley manning, to speak-out about the serial mass-murder of non-americans in the middle-east and africa by members of the united states military - merciless acts of terror which have been formally and generically authorized by high-ranking officers in the united states army and the political administration...

...well get this... the president's crew are refusing an 83-year-old nun, called sister megan rice, the right to bare the truth about obama's secret hoarding of weapons of mass destruction, which he's keeping all for himself, and not sharing with the rest of us...

...obviously, being a christian, rice, the robed-revolutionary, was appalled at her president's uncharitable selfishness and protested by breaking into the y-12 nuclear weapons factory at oak ridge national laboratory in tennessee, which happens to be guarded by cia contractors g4s...

...according to the prosecution case proposed by paranoid government authorities, our hooded heroine actually wanted to construct her own domestic atom-bomb in order to get-shot of a few particularly stubborn insurgent weeds (of the genus prickius politicus) which were staging a bit of an ugly uprising in her otherwise placid herb-garden, and thus she urgently required a few rods of weapons-grade uranium... unlikely story, one would think...

...however, as a result of her religiously-motivated non-violent anti-war actions, the poor-old dear's been convicted of "intending to injure, interfere with, or obstruct the national defense of the united states", been branded a terrorist by the state, and is facing 35 years in prison alongside christian pacifist compatriots greg boertje-obed, 57, and michael walli, 63... matters stand, the indomitable sister megan rice, a veteran peace-campaigner, tough communion-wafer, and member of the anti-nuclear weapons movement, transform now plowshares, is currently being detained without bail at irwin county detention facility in ocilla, georgia, pending sentencing which will take place on tuesday, january 28, 2014, before district judge amul thapar in the federal court in knoxville, tennessee...

...yet meanwhile, the incumbents of the white house, allegedly also in pursuit of peace, are legally allowed to get hold of syria's chemical missiles and attempt to nick iran's nukes without any threat of arrest whatsoever... it's one rule for mr obama, and another for everybody else...

...weapons of mass destruction are just too good for common people it seems - except when we are granted the infinitely gracious dispensation of being annihilated by them...

...and that's where it's at...

...the american president worships the warhead, placing it on a superior ethical plane way-above the heads of ordinary fellow human beings whom he would willingly sacrifice before ever contemplating the unilateral destruction of his insane uranium idol of moral oblivion.


sister pact said...

obama's gone 'n picked on the wrong woman this time - that ol' biddy's gonna give him one good licking bwoy

the chelsea prisoner said...

yes, the president better get her out quick...

if the old girl snuffs it in gaol, he'll have hell to pay

now that's what i call abuse of human rights said...

if the us president proposes using cruise-missiles to disarm a weapon-mad-dictator sitting on a huge chemical or nuclear stockpile, the western judiciary do not even miss a heartbeat, and everything in the garden of double-standard democracy is just fine-and-dandy, but if an 83-year-old nun tooled-up with no more than a can of red-spray-paint attempts to morally, metaphysically, or symbolically decommission mr obama's nukes, the courts sling her into prison and effectively throw away the key.

35 years incarceration for simply demonstrating against the potential-in-principle annihilation of humanity? the american government sure know how to deal with civil-rights protesters, don't they?

what a fucking disgrace this current democratic administration really is.