Thursday, 29 August 2013
ed declines rôle as hinge to obama's racket
in the case of proposed british military intervention in the syrian civil-war, the legal opinion of the government attorney general, dodgy dominic grieve, is based wholly upon the unconfirmed presumption that a chemical attack took place and that it was perpetrated by syrian government forces - yet david cameron has produced no solid intelligence or scientific evidence to support this view, just hearsay and circumstantial evidence.
now then, the syrian government is brutal and repressive, much like our own british establishment
(although i grant that in recent times we haven't seriously tested the lash of its whip here at home in the uk, excepting of course in those cases where certain citizens' skin colour has accidentally offended our tone-sensitive authorities)...
...and because the people in ghouta have suffered horrendous barbaric bombardment, we are naturally all extremely sympathetic to their plight, and have no desire to insult their integrity and add to their already deep injury...
...however, the desperation of these syrian people, who are being targeted and slaughtered by their own government, could clearly lead them to resort to extreme measures in an attempt to induce the intervention of british, american, and french forces against their oppressor...
...therefore, having regard to the fact that the cia initially encouraged the syrian opposition to demonstrate and that cia involvement deliberately provoked the syrian government, which then proceeded to commit crimes against humanity...
...and also having regard to the fact that the united states government has sought to incite war in syria...
...and also having regard to the fact that the united states government is looking for the slightest excuse to attack syria, topple president assad, and replace his régime with its own brand of terror...
...and also having regard to the fact that, in the presence of united nations weapons inspectors, it makes no sense whatsoever for the syrian army to launch a chemical attack which could instigate crushing western intervention against its forces...
...and also having regard to the fact that there has been a retracted report of the cia helping rebels set up a false-flag chemical attack in order to lay blame for an atrocity on the syrian government (see alternative source 1, and alternative source 2)...
...and also having regard to the fact that syrian rebels have been discovered in possession of chemical weapons in turkey...
...and also having regard to the fact that the bitter syrian civil war is being fought down sectarian and tribal lines and so utterly intractable that any western intervention would never solve a dispute whose roots grow deep down into the centuries...
...and also having regard to the fact that our western intelligence agencies are notorious for arriving at dodgy conclusions...
...and also having regard to the fact that photographs of the aftermath of the halabja poison gas attack, in iraq, differ considerably in appearance from photographs of the alleged ghouta poison gas attack (see additional source 1, additional source 2, additional source 3, and additional source 4)...
...and also having regard to the fact that the british and united states governments have blatantly tried to bounce this decision on military intervention through our parliament before united nations weapons inspectors have properly been able to investigate the alleged ghouta poison gas attack...
...i'm bound to express my concerns that, notwithstanding the circumstance of the strike occurring at night-time, the scenes portrayed in the video-footage of the alleged ghouta poison gas attack seem unusually organized considering the horrific chaos which would be precipitated by such an event, the unmarked children seem to be sleeping or sedated, not dead, and a staged atmosphere seems to prevail throughout, wherein rescue-workers inexplicably omit to wear vital chemical protective suits. indeed, even the careful spacing of dead animals in the yard seems somewhat too regular and precise.
if my analysis is wrong here (i'm no expert on chemical weaponry), i sincerely apologize, but the feeling of something being 'not quite right' about these images is overwhelming, i'm afraid (see source 1, source 2, source3, and source 4).
i guess that ed miliband, together with many other members of parliament, has already sussed the suspicious or faked nature of the evidence provided and, by seductively holding the door ajar for military intervention (subject to improbable cast-iron confirmation from united nations weapons inspectors of a syrian government chemical attack), he is now allowing david cameron's feet to sink right down into the wet concrete, which will subsequently set rock-hard when the truth of the matter is finally revealed - and thus when the prime minister is duly and summarily ejected from parliament, he will have to hope that it is on the landward-side, where he can assume a statuesque position of dishonour alongside his fellow war-criminal, winston churchill, in parliament square, rather than on the river-side, where he would enjoy a class of more fishy company.
obviously, ed miliband should not have proposed any permutation of proof which would have obligated him to back a war against syria - he has given a hostage to fortune - so let us now pray that parliament will grant no authority for this war whatsoever, irrespective of the standard of war-crime evidence forthcoming.
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wow, syria's got a real sick party going - let's all bring our own rockets and make it even bigger and badder.
hi...yes, i know ed, the flack can get pretty bad when you try to stand up to the united states - why not come down here in the bunker and cuddle up with me, dear?
@claire zute
the british parliament has now voted unequivocally to reject our government's proposals to intervene militarily in syria - if david cameron now allows british military bases, such as those in cyprus, to be used by the united states military in order to mount attacks against the syrian government, he will have rejected democracy and the will of the british people, instead imposing his own will on our population like a some dodgy debased dictator. democracy will be dead.
@he does not get it
the prime minister wants to get us involved in a serial war-crime of historic proportions, he wants us to get caught-up in the increasingly twisted vortex of an immorally-inspired holocaust, engineered in america.
by allowing any british military base, or any american military base located in britain, to be used to launch attacks on syria, david cameron will be inviting syria and its allies to make retaliatory strikes against british interests, and he will be deliberately risking the lives of british forces by drawing us inexorably down the unwinding road into conflict.
the prime minister is executing a pre-meditated plan to take the british people to war against their explicit wishes - he is a criminal.
@he does not get it
@the traitor's back-gate
the government is definitely avoiding the real issue here. british people are not rejecting government proposals to go to war against syria due to insufficient intelligence regarding alleged chemical atrocities - british people do not want to back a war against syria because they do not trust anything that their leaders say, nor trust those same leaders to act in a humanitarian way and do the right thing. the issue is obviously one of trust - and british people clearly mistrust the united states government as much as their own.
if the united states goes to war against syria, our government will have to close all american military bases which are currently situated in britain - and indeed by rights, our government should completely oppose american proposals to attack syria, given that parliament does, and given that military intervention will only aggravate an already dire civil-war.
the american administration is too stupid to understand that its funding and support for the rebels in syria is fuelling the civil-war there, and that the only way to cool the current situation down is to withdraw its one-sided political and military support for the rebels, and to encourage all parties to come to the negotiation table - of course, syria's allies, russia, china and iran, will never pressure the syrian government to begin ceasefire negotiations whilst the americans are backing and funding the rebellion.
the british and united states government claim that this proposed military intervention is some kind of last-resort, yet they have never tried cutting all involvement in the conflict and sincerely encouraging a truce. our governments are not only disingenuous, but hypocritical - they have not given peace a chance.
@democracy in denial
yes, obama wishes to shame the british parliamentary opposition by winning approval for the war against syria in his own legislature - but this cynical ploy can never succeed, because, even if the american people decide to support their government, british people will never trust theirs
the british government has a tsunami of well-proven war-atrocities and crimes-against-humanity with which to deal before it can even consider proceeding to bomb syria, where it has so far gathered no real scientific evidence of the alleged chemical attack on ghouta... about accepting responsibility for the genocide by the british army of thousands-upon-thousands of kikuyu and other kenyans during the mau mau struggle in the 1950s?
how about apologizing for the atlantic slave-trade?
what about the repression, exploitation and murder of africans during colonial times?
what about war-crimes committed during the occupation of ireland and northern ireland?
what about the endless serial massacres of civilians in afghanistan, and iraq?
of course, the american government too has in its putrid larder some pretty whopping stinking fish to try to clean-out before it can ever play policeman to other nations...
...because by failing to apologize for the atomic-bomb-attacks on hiroshima and nagasaki, japan, in 1945...and for the napalm attacks on north vietnamese villages during the 1960s and 70s, which left an indelible definition of horror fried into the public imagination...and for the use of radioactively-poisonous depleted uranium shells in iraq, libya, and afghanistan...the united states government is, in contradiction to its official statements, clearly still fully-engaged in an on-going and historic subliminal propaganda programme to actually justify the use of nuclear, chemical, and other weapons of ungodly mass-destruction, which it holds like so many smoking-hot potatoes in its arsenal of hell - i mean, if you don't approve of the use of these instruments of annihilation, then why would you construct and harbour them?
how can any nuclear-armed country justify calls for iranian nuclear disarmament without also damning its own state legislation and military preparation for mass-destruction?
if the american government truly wishes to take a moral position against the use of chemical weapons, why has it never condemned the use by the state of israel of white phosphorous shells...?
...and how can the british and american governments assume the divine right to intervene militarily against a repressive government in syria, whilst taking no action whatsoever against repressive régimes installed in egypt, the gulf states, and nigeria - countries which our leaders obviously already have safely tucked in their classically western-tailored pockets?
so how can these talking dickheads justify burning down the stable of another government whilst leaving its own doors all completely unbolted?
@mentally unbolted
of course, the american government too has in its putrid larder some pretty whopping stinking fish to try to clean-out before it can ever play policeman to other nations...
right, without wishing to divert anyone's attention from the brutality of all the other political régimes and power-plug-holes around the globe...
...including russia, china, israel, turkey, the gulf-states, and iran...
...i've got to say that there's a plain historical trail of blood, destruction, and decivilization which leads directly to the refuse-puking back-doors of the united states, british and french governments, who are, quite evidently, a handful of irredeemably decomposed apples at the bottom of a repulsively rotten barrel...
...and frankly, i consider none of the world's governments anywhere near enough fit to rank as international policemen, let alone those chucked-up by the heaving corruption of western democracies... fact, they're not even competent or objective detectives, according to this rigorously forensic and sourced article on the truthout website, entitled:
how intelligence was twisted to support an attack on syria
come on man, we've got some of the best educated brains in europe and america working round the bloody clock to produce this high-grade material...
...surely the billions we pay for this half-baked fantasy-wank is a crime against human fucking sanity?
so just two questions really...
first off...why is there seemingly a cultural expectation in western society which obliges policemen to fire cruise-missiles at civilians...?
and much of the $80 billion united states intelligence budget is being piped into assisting jamaican smallholder farmers set up horticultural research projects which have as their primary focus the investigation of optimum growing conditions for sensimilla cultivation...?
@mentally unbolted
napalm bombs were also deployed against the igbo people in the course of the nigerian civil war...i wonder who sold their government the stuff...?
in the list of weapons of mass destruction, you have omitted to include the herbicide and defoliant agent orange, which is estimated to have killed 400000 people during the vietnam war, and resulted in 500000 children being born with birth defects.
drones (unmanned aerial vehicles or uavs) will probably become the defining weapon of obama's armageddon - due to the large ratio of civilian deaths which their strikes casually incur - and therefore one could well conjecture that 'drones' will become president obama's 'agent orange'.
just a few of the white-house's favourite things...
@all that changes is the name
just a few of the white-house's favourite things...
cue a grisly video-compilation of the united states government's favourite massacre-moments to the sound of sickly-sweet all-american apfelstrudel music - what a blast, eh?
the proposed attack on syria has almost certainly been planned well in advance...
...operation southern mistral, a pre-planned military exercize, involving french and nato forces, coincided precisely with the nato intervention in libya in 2011...
...and now in syria, we know that the naval deployment of united states and allied warships off the syrian coastline was decided before the august 21st alleged chemical weapons attack in ghouta...
(link courtesy of aangirfan blog who reckon the usa did the gas attack in syria, whilst also submitting more evidence that it was faked)
...add to this scenario the jimmy savile witch-hunt which has distracted our attention from important international news developments and piled such pressure onto the bbc as to soften it up a treat, ripe and ready to comply with every propaganda demand from the british government in its rôle as a leading-lie amongst media-liars who are peddling the alleged ghouta gas-attack story and purporting its veracity...
...could the savile scandal have been deliberately jacked-up by the cia to lock the bbc on message for syria...? (anna raccoon has stuck her nose right in it and definitely smells a rat...however a cautious word-to-the-wise must be added here...because from experience i know that the comment-deleting ms raccoon has a nasty habit of frantically rooting-out and exposing appalling cases of abuse, only to get hold of the wrong end of the legal stick and, whilst not exactly proclaiming the general innocence of a politician or celebrity, then act as an admirable and painstakingly forensic advocate for the defence of the powerful at the expense of the vulnerable - nevertheless her savage criticism of the public witch-hunt and of the hysterical ramping-up of the media-coverage is well-founded) chuck into the pot the effective bankruptcy of greece and the political manipulation of cyprus, a fait souvlaki cooked up by the european union in order to weaken these two countries politically and eliminate the possibility of their governments objecting to british army bases in akrotiri and dhekelia being used as launch-pads for a war against syria...
...and then there's the royal baby to keep us all busy... there we have it: pre-meditated invasion of syria...
...with a view to invasion of iran...
...thereby securing access to all mineral resources throughout the mediterranean and middle east...
...of course, our conservative government are hoping that this military step-too-far (like the repression and aggravation of the unemployed and other minorities which triggered the 2011 london-riots) will flush-out anti-establishment extremists in the united kingdom and draw them into some form of violent action, leading to a left-wing-versus-right-wing civil-war which would naturally necessitate immediate united states military intervention to prevent the inhumane desecration of golf-courses...
...although, there again, maybe our army's had enough of cameron's country-club cowboys too...?
@blue buoy in the rough
after extensive investigation, anna raccoon likes to exploit specific isolated areas of weakness in an abuse case against a celebrity or politician in order to extrapolate her selectively focused findings into a general defence which ostensibly exonerates her would-be client.
notwithstanding the overwhelming stench creeping from the careers of many of the accused, whom fame and fortune tempted to turn a blind-eye to the abuse prevalent within the bbc, anna raccoon's equally blind-sighted strategies serve to remind us that we, the public, do not have access to the precise factual-truth surrounding these excavated allegations, which is known only to the accusers and the accused, and that, where evidence is insufficient to permit a judicial lynching, such historic cases are best settled between the parties themselves, following due opportunity to fight-out the details in the media arena until satisfaction is ultimately obtained - in some incidents, those directly concerned are their own best judges.
the question anna raccoon appears to be posing is this:
do we, as a society, believe in the principle justice or the whipped-up whim of the vigilante mob?
other collateral issues flowing from raccoon's rampant opportunism are:
1) who whipped-up the media-mob, and why?
2) without absolute proof of guilt, how can a small group of countries intervene militarily in (or more probably, fatally decide) a bitter propaganda-permeated civil-war between middle-eastern brothers both of whom have much blood on their hands?
(these above being matters to which blue buoy in the rough also alluded)
however, returning to the solicitudinous anna raccoon's fascinated observations, i note that she is objecting to savile's inheritance potentially being diverted from his hospital and social charities primarily to the ambulance chasing lawyers of his victims... let me make just a few points on that subject:
1) the charities concerned would hardly wish to receive funds from savile's estate were he proven to have been guilty of sex-crimes.
2) the victims are, if they choose to, making money from publicity of the savile story itself and, in any event, are not necessarily trawling for money, just the truth about the dirty dealings at the bbc.
3) anna raccoon strikes me as a lawyer touting for business.
4) to maintain ethical consistency, the national health service (if the public wish to preserve it as an integral part of the welfare-state) should by rights be properly funded through the commonly accepted practice of putting a gun to taxpayers' heads and demanding they hand over their wages - this official extortion racket being a sort of revamped version of the church fête.
finally, i must applaud anna raccoon's head-light warning that the proceeds of all this bbc depravity will have to be financed by television-licence-tax-payers under the threat of imprisonment.
maybe in protest, we should all dump our television-sets on parliament square?
now is it just me or does anyone else get that funny feeling that anna raccoon might be both the instigator who originally cajoled these victims into making their long-suppressed allegations, the publicist who has profited from the whole uproar the story generated, a solicitor advising victims on how to sue for compensation, and the legal advocate defending the besmirched celebrities in their hour of need...?
...well, i don't honestly know about all that - but, having set the initial blame-ball rolling, she sure must be co-ordinating a sophisticated cia operation designed to keep the savile saga burning in the news and blocking out more important stories such as the vast unreported majority of the population who do not believe government (or national media's) cooked-up claims about the alleged chemical weapons attack in ghouta, and have resoundingly rejected government and media assertions that we must go to war against syria.
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