Friday, 30 March 2018

dj thump: friend of israel, enemy of africa?
or has the world turned upside-down?

from the date of his somewhat inauspicious inauguration as president of the disunited state of america, it took less than one year for donald j thump to nail israeli blood-diamond billionaire dan gertler with an all-ensnaring series of international sanctions, which target corruption and human rights violations...

...excommunication of the foremost financial facilitator of genocide, rape and plunder in africa, being, it appears, an authentic afro-centric feat which the obama administration failed miserably to accomplish in all eight-long-years of that great, fanfared, and afro-fluffy presidency.

the guardian:

paradise papers: us puts sanctions on billionaire over dealings in drc

all news pipeline:

boom just lowered on clinton crime family and obama regime?
big surprise in wording of new executive order

investment watch blog:

president trump’s executive order list includes dan gertler – connected to clinton’s pardon of marc rich – clintons going down

before it's news:

wow! trump hits at the heart of the global zionist funding source – blood diamonds – dan gertler connected to clintons, bushes, isle of mann and more


trump order blocks major human rights abusers tied to clinton

balaam's ass speaks:
developing: clinton foundation in trump's sites for confescation


trumps new executive order/part 2/big take down

now, perhaps, the african-american president's ominous official oversight was due in part to mr gertler's mentor-in-blood-mineral-mercantilism being none-other-than mr maurice tempelsman, a belgian-american businessman and blood-diamond-merchant, who, in 1960s zaire, rancorously profited from the cia's extra-judicial execution of pan-african independence-leader patrice lumumba, and who, in his capacity as a top-campaign-funder of a certain mr barack obama and ms hillary clinton, later evolved to become a major political donor to the united states democratic party...?

or there again, perhaps, mr obama's oppressive sin of omission was, in some slight measure, due to mr dan gertler's intimate commercial association with federally indicted oil-profiteer mr marc rich, whose wife denise gave more than $1 million to the democratic party during president bill clinton's term of office - including more than $100000 to the senatorial campaign of hillary rodham clinton, and $450000 to the clinton library foundation...?

and so, if you fashionable fair-trade liberals and lefties really claim to give-a-shit about the three-hundred-year holocaust in africa...

and wish to learn the true root of current 'ethnic conflict' in eastern congo...

please enlighten yourselves by digesting the afro-critical reading-matter listed below...

or else...

if you can't be arsed to educate yourselves...

just fuck off and support the rapers, the plunderers, and the enslavers of mother africa...

such as ultra-war-criminals and genocide-profiteers bill and hillary clinton.


foreign policy journal:

what remains hidden in rwanda: the role of tutsi civilians in killing hutus

kat's africa:

the second war in the congo: the lendu and the hema


ituri conflict


kivu conflict


allied democratic forces


allied democratic forces insurgency

global research:

merchants of death: exposing corporate financed holocaust in africa

conscious being:

western-backed terrorism in the congo: where is general laurent nkunda?

dissident voice:

gertler’s bling bang torah gang

the guardian:

the inside story of glencore's hidden dealings in drc

larouche pac:

george soros, diamond cartels, and the push for africa's destruction

constantine report:

the cia, maurice tempelsman, african blood diamonds, gilead, barrick and mobutu, etc


diamond in the rough


british brothers take on israeli lawyer in multi-million dollar dispute over african diamonds

global research:

congo: a neocolonial project managed by the un security council

black agenda report:

neocolonial kleptocracy and clinton connections


'gertler' retweets

the guardian:

president 'ordered murder' of congo leader


black panther’s wakanda has historical roots in nuclear-age congo