today, spark up! is offering the write-to-rant to the man set on a collision course to become the next prime-minister of the united kingdom - the irredeemable el gin efraga:
"of course, back in the good old days of empire - when we as a nation were in the habit of overtly plundering the riches of all those other less developed countries around the globe, murdering and violating their men, women and children, and seizing their best farmlands to build vast immigration centres specifically designed to house deranged british toffs suffering from a serious sunshine deficiency - we were not nearly so popular as we are today, and foreigners did not especially wish to come here to live in the uk...
...oh yes, in the era before world-war-two, immigration control was barely an issue for our government, and in any case, at that period, we as responsible indigenous citizens, were automatically in receipt of the devolved powers necessary to manage the integration of foreign faces into our communities on a street-by-street basis, and so with a little local help, those that didn't 'fit in', so-to-speak, soon seemed to find their way home, or moved along elsewhere...
...however then, quite frankly, i believe we british became a victim of our own socializing success - because you see, after the catastrophe of the 1939-45 world-war, some bright spark, with a misplaced sense of racial guilt, decided to open-up a free national hospital, free to anyone in the whole wide world who fancied visiting to make use of its free health services, and before you could say "excuse me, matron", peoples of every culture, colour and creed were flocking into britain, from every imaginable corner of the earth, to live in the vicinity of our renowned medical institution, and this is why we face the terrible overcrowding we do today, where royals are forced by austerity to share palaces and castles, sometimes, and even have to spend more time with common bourgeois in-laws, in order to give each other space...
...and now what's worse, is that for some unknown reason, things are getting rather hot 'n sticky, socially and politically, for our british ex-pat folks abroad - can't think why really...? just like i can't think why half the under-developed world wants to travel thousands of miles, across strange continents and oceans, risking life-and-limb simply to make an appointment at the accident and emergency department of our super-duper hospital...? but anyhow, the point is that we haven't actually got enough spare space to accommodate all our own people now fleeing persecution from other cultures in other parts... obviously what we need is a lasting solution, and that's why i say: let's just stop fannying around, and bulldoze the national health service once and for all - it'll cure a multitude of ills - and afterwards we can politely ask all non-british persons to kindly bugger-off someplace to make room for the re-migration of true-brits, whose families have, through no fault of their own, been residing outside the country for a century or so...
simple really, if you think about it...?
...and what's the good of a free hospital, anyhow - without the key support of low-paid immigrants to staff it and to pay-in national insurance contributions for the upkeep...?"