Monday, 19 January 2015

fry the french flag for freedom of expression...

...but mind you observe all relevant european union health-and-safety regulations first.

yessir...if, as this article suggests, president hollande is seriously calling for the punishment of those who burn the french-flag, then the double-standard of his pretension to support free-expression is now flapping pathetically around in the wind above le palais de l'élysée, like a badly-soiled pair of his best french-knickers - and not least as a result of blow-back from his hypocritical, inquisitional purge of anti-jewish satirists, who can now find themselves hauled into court for merely blowing a raspberry in the wrong political direction.

so what is this offended little french prick going to do about the tricolour-trashers in niger?  send in the troops to teach them a lesson?  one would hope that's a conspiracy-theory too far...

...but nevertheless, this is not just fancy fascist talk from the precious parisian pillock, because under french law:
'outraging the french national anthem or the french flag during an event organized or regulated by public authorities is liable for a fine of €7,500 - and six months' imprisonment if performed in a gathering'
in fact, wikipedia goes on to explain:
'a july 2010 law makes it a crime to desecrate the french national flag in a public place, but also to distribute images of a flag desecration, even when done in a private setting'
now, as regular readers of these hallowed pages may have remarked, all forms of imagery are strictly prohibited here, except of course for the officially approved portrait of the profrite spark up! - as viewed in the left hand margin...

...however, vis-à-vis l'égalité...a couple of conscious cartoon ideas have cropped-up which i feel the urgent need to share:
  • a picture of a french newsagent's which shows a pile of charlie hebdo copies for sale on one side, and a heap of handy french-flag-packs, with accelerant and matches included, on the other
  • a drawing of first political slag of the republic, actress julie gayet, with the tricolour stuffed up her poop-hole in the form of a free french suppository
that's right folks, only in france are you legally permitted to insult the arabs, the prophet, together with every follower of islam, or even depict a naked muslim woman being anally-assaulted by her own niqab...

...yet absolutely forbidden, upon pain of instant criminal prosecution, to depict the fucking fascist fanny-hole of a french-flag being 'desecrated'.

ooh là là...bit of a touchy old tart, françois "le fanatique" hollande - especially where it concerns the slightest disrespect for his silly sad shit-hole of a hypocritical republic...


vive la fraternité...

vive l'égalité...

vive la liberté (d'expression)...

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

charlie is bigger than christ

charlie died for france's sins.

charlie died to save frog-kind.

...and when on the seventh day the latest edition appears, charlie will descend again into les poubelles parisiennes, or be recycled into convenient arsed-sized squares for public analyzation by the l'académie française, never more to be re-read...

...yet in one foul scoop, a new world religion will have been born - by satirical caesarean section - which superficially supersedes all pre-existing judaeo-christian faiths...

yeah, i suppose that, having spent the past few decades shitting merrily away upon the holy bible, the imperial commune of secular france desperately needs some kinda sacred book for its high-president to wave in the face of islam's rising popularity, some kinda scriptural revelation for its socio-racial elite to rally around, and err...a seedy old porno rag with dodgy scatological drawings, and a decidedly dubious editorial direction, will just have to do... incredibly, we now have one established religion which demands that their prophet never be insulted, neatly juxtaposed against another - politically manufactured - quasi-religion which insists, contrarily, that this same prophet must be insulted on a regular and compulsory weekly basis...

my god, you just couldn't make it up...

for verily, as our own dear dave, damp druid of westminster, has most probably already spouted unto the braying democratic masses of britland:
"freedom of speech is an integral component of a civilized is bombing the fuck out of civilian populations in the middle-east and africa on the slightest political pretext...not-to-mention routinely and hideously repressing the ethnic and religious minorities who find themselves, through no fault of their own, residing within our own borders..."
unfortunately, of course, we in the wicked old west do not live in a civilized society, and this starkly simple fact explains why, every single bloody morning, ordinary joe bloggers arise by the thousand, from their lowly and plebeian pits, to viciously denigrate prominent members of our western democratic hegemony in the most obscene manner possible, and why, conversely, pseudo-revolutionary tools, organs, professional provocateurs and political propagandists of our intrinsically racist establishment - such as charlie hebdo itself - are financially incentivized to further the state's sly agenda of insulting, wholesale, certain systematically subjugated, socially dehumanized, ethnic and religious minorities, solely in order to provoke the most radical and oppressed amongst their number into that irrational violent retribution which is commonly fostered by the intolerable intensity of cultural hopelessness.

paradoxically, if we were indeed members of a civilized society, we would, as integrally satisfied citizens inhabiting a trusted framework of justice, never even feel the necessity to insult either the politically powerful, or the powerless, in our communities, and if we did so, it would surely constitute an utterly meaningless act of folly, and be brushed-off abruptly and indifferently into the all-consuming abyss of human absurdity...

...but due to fatal lack of french imagination, any such democratic idealism is defunct as a fart in the fragrance-hall of fascism, and the progressive moral republic is clearly not even a day-dreamed aspiration colouring the consciousness of those who control the sweet perfumed land of liberty, fraternity, equality and vulgarity - where the vile blood-sport of immigrant-race-baiting is king, coyly veiled by the insincere mask of fanatical communal secularism, through which the butchering french bourgeoisie will never in a thousand years recognize their own fundamental barbarity.

muslim extremism shames french sensibilities as a stubborn self-inflicted symptom of the lingering colonial hangover, a miniature mirror-image of france's existentially evil imperialist character - and therein lies the reason for macho-mag-man hollande, the self-hating sado-masochistic emperor of angst, smashing it into a million persecuted pieces in a futile hypocritical gesture of self-destructive state-suicide.

charlie hebdo held aloft as a proud example of french culture?  monsieur hollande wouldn't know art if it jumped-up and bit him on his fucking fat french bum.  for shit's sake, the cunt's obviously snorted way too much 'charlie'...