Monday, 28 March 2011

clipped words

our security services are certainly keen to cover-up their plot to overthrow libya and siphon-off african oil - the following comment, by nursetwatitch was deleted by the guardian from its discussion thread on an article entitled libya. the observer debate: is it right to be intervening in libya's struggle for freedom?:

"now, you might think that, as a true-blue babe of the women's institute, i would be backing prime minister davey dachshund's intervention in libya to the hilt of my sawn-off rolling-pin, but in fact i'm not - because i have detected, through the good orifices of the women's intelligence service, that he's fallen under the wicked unwomanitarian spell of president obama's shirty dirty conniving co...pardon, i mean...secretary, the arch-feminist, countess hillary clintwood.
i quite agree with mr dennis j kucinich, the dates of the planned military manoeuvres, code-named, operation southern mistral, are far too convenient to be true - and, suspiciously, have coincided exactly with the onset of the united nations' armed intervention. another 'strange coincidence' is that the mistral is a french wind which derives its name from the word meaning "masterly" in the languedoc dialect of the provençal language (although i tend to think of it as french guff, like all the pro-war propoganda we've been receiving on the radio), and it will come as no surprise, to more discerning readers, to learn that the mistral is a cold dry north-to-south-oriented draft which fans ferocious forest- and crop-fires - indeed its force can even be felt as far south as the north african coastline...reckon all this is far-fetched? well, listen-to-mummy: the mistral was also a french express-train which used to run on the paris-nice railroad...and now i believe you brain-stormed bbc scoffers are beginning to get my drift...
so put all of this together with the fact that the united states have urged the military of an effectively ungoverned egypt to supply the rebels with arms, the fact that the uprising happened right-on-time, the fact that potential candidates for the rebel leadership comprise westernized libyan dissidents, the fact that commentators on these pages have all but uncovered cia inflammation of the original unrest, the fact that the western coalition is weighing in heavily to make this fabricated french coup viable, the fact that the western nations have acted inconsistently by ignoring the plight of other democratic revolutions in the arab region, the fact that mi5 has hedged its bets by covertly grooming saif gaddafi to be the next (more liberal) libyan president, the fact that saif gaddafi is now attempting to cut a deal with the united nations, and the fact that colonel gaddafi is now being painted once more (after a brief kissy-kissy interlude with tony blair) as the terrorist-king...and any damn fool (even me) can clock that this is a cynically staged-war for the exclusive benefit of western oil-craving economies...perhaps western intelligences agencies even promised gadaffi that they would stir-up the latent rebellion specifically for him to quash...the west have definitely been playing all sides here...
...and, by the way, i see that my editor-in-chief, mr al pussdredger, has been pushing the loyalist line that the tokyo earthquake was, in reality, a pre-meditated strike by anti-western forces aligned with gaddafi, but this is totally untrue - the tragic honshu island atrocity (as the intelligence agency of every major power already knows) was a false-flag operation which was carried-out, with the full provocation of the cia, by supposedly anti-western elements completely unaligned with president gaddafi - and he will soon be smeared by a tumultuous tsunami of media-detonated terror-talk.
although i realize that the western alliance is now fighting to defend the lives of civilians which their own devious underhand actions have put in peril, although (when not disinfecting the dirty talk around here) i'm an unemployed medical professional, and
although i'm none too pleased about the exquisite collection of wives and 'nurses' which the colonel has amassed, i really cannot comtemplate support for this violent interference into private african affairs and politics - many lives are being cut short and devastated, and i just do not need work that badly. surely, to ensure altruism, there should be a clause in any united nations resolution which prevents combatant intervening nations from benefiting from future oil, or other, dealings - now that would sort the prospectors from the protectors, wouldn't it?"

Friday, 18 March 2011

clipped words

the following two comments (by alpussdredger) were deleted (by mi5) from the guardian article, libya resolution: un security council air strikes vote - as it happened:

18 march 2011 ?:??am

the tokyo earthquake was an attack by elements aligned with gaddafi - either anti-western forces or criminals attempting to rig-up oil prices and manipulate stock prices by precipitating nuclear havoc and war. the japanese disaster was triggered by drilling into the subduction-zone, nuclear detonation, and the deliberate introduction of sea-water, which caused massive adiabatic decompression leading to rock-melt in the surrounding geological fault. haiti and christchurch could have been test runs, and the gulf of mexico oil-spill a similar act of sabotage. every capital city, international stock-market, and tectonically-exposed conurbation in the pro-american diaspora is now under threat at any time - and the 2012 london olympics is a certainty for a strike. western governments are aware of this situation, and know that they are being held to ransom, yet they still jump to intervene in the affairs of other nations despite further aggravating the risk of abysmal world-war - by continuing to exercize the policy of control, exploitation and oppression which has historically made the west the coalition of enemies we see arrayed against it today. i am no supporter of despots such as gaddafi, but occupation of libya by foreign forces will not resolve the problem of this country's pre-disposal to being ruled by suppression - the people must effect this change themselves if the solution is to be a lasting one leading to a strong independent african nation, otherwise libyans will simply fall prey to some other parasitic potentate, or the sort of carnivorous cartel under which we suffer in the western-bloc. in fact any oppressed state in the world, which wishes to escape the cruel and abusive clutch of the vice in which it is gripped, must beware that it does not rush and fall into the octopus arms of another superimposed-power on the rebound, in an unfree trade-off - the relationship will not work out, as the 'new love' will inevitably exploit the reverse-revenge race-hatred which has been brewed in the enslaved people's hearts by the original man-hater, and will continue to crush them. i wish freedom upon those libyan individuals who seek it, but i fear that no government or political party will ever provide it. in any case, regardless of external influence, gaddafi has fatally undermined himself by killing his own countrymen, and brings about his own self-destruction inexorably nearer with every life he wastes - the rot has set-in. i am loathe to provide the information which is contained in this comment-post, since i am sure that pernicious protection racketeers are seeking to set me up as conduit of terror. the souls devastated in the catastrophic attacks on the twin-towers, new york, and on honshu island, japan, may, to some surviving victims of generational genocide, seem numerically insignificant in comparison to the tens and hundreds of millions slaughtered in the name of greed and power by the destructive dynasties of western nations and their supporters - but malevolently motivated mass-murder is still, and always will be, wrong."

18 march 2011 1:07am

and it is entirely possible, of course, that unscrupulous and wicked individuals within and affiliated to the international hierarchy (including libya) have stirred-up and staged this and other conflicts for personal profit and power."

this comment (on the same thread) has not as yet been deleted by mi5, but is meaningless without reference to the previous ones:

18 march 2011 1:24am
...namely by manipulating the prices of oil, other commodities, and stocks. now we must all pray that this intervention is predominately humanitarian and does not become a commercial venture. one can only hope."

Thursday, 10 March 2011

why i will not be attending notting hill carnival 2011

this year, i intend to avoid the annual notting hill carnival due to the presence of the following groups:

a) stupid white people: by which i mean the metropolitan police, who flock to this event each summer, irresistably attracted by the opportunity to provoke disturbances and engage in a spot of state-sponsored wog-bashing, on overtime.
b) stupid black people: by which i mean the community leaders who organize carnival and who always sanction a cop-shackled celebration of afro-caribbean culture, instead of standing on principle by cancelling carnival until such time as the police learn to attend the festivities as public servants, and not mob-handed serf-masters - the prevalence of this situation essentially being due to the fact that community leaders' favourite carnival sound is the ching-ca-ching-ca-ching of choked-up carnival cash-tills.

currently, carnival is no more than a cynically cordoned-off conflict-zone, meticulously organized by the london security authorities, in close collaboration with their corrupt counterparts in the local communities - their motto seems to be: why have a fiesta, when we can stage a fight?